Comments 260

Re: Best Virtual Boy Games Of All Time


I am a Virtual Boy collector with a mostly-complete North American library, minus the holy grails like Jack Bros. Even as a VB enthusiast, I would not be offended at all if this had been a joke post with zero games listed. xD

VB Wario Land and Mario's Tennis are perfectly serviceable and would play just fine in 2D. The rest, take 'em or leave 'em.

Teleroboxer feels like ARMS stripped down to its absolute most-basic parts. Missed opportunity there.

Re: Triple Jump Is A New Multi-Cart Featuring 3 NES Platformers


@-wc- for the original release of Micro Mages, this developer got the game into just 40kb on cart, which was smaller than many contemporary NES games. Conversely, an Everdrive can hold an entire NES library on a single cart. So, as far as I know, there is no theoretical limit to the size of a game on a cartridge.

The trick is meeting NES hardware limitations when it comes to the size of the game it can load. Those limits can be exceeded, provided the cart manufacturer and game developer include memory mapper chips on the cart that can allow the NES to exceed its built-in limit.

This is mostly beyond my level of expertise but that's how I understand it.

Re: Worms For Teletext Is Real And Runs On A Commodore Amiga


American reader here - this is the first time I've heard of Teletext. I looked it up, and it seems to be superficially similar to the technology our pre-HDTV sets used to display closed captions, but as far as I know, we never had any color displays for news, weather, etc. like U.K. Teletext apparently did. Pretty interesting idea, and certainly all the more remarkable someone could make a video game out of it!

Re: NES Classic DuckTales Has Been Ported To The SNES


I LOVE the NES game and the 2013 remake. This is some neat programming trickery, but I just don't see the appeal (at least not for me). It only adds a few colors and doesn't seem to remedy any of the sprite flicker problems.

Hopefully the community will come up with some new sprites, backgrounds, parallax scrolling, and a 16-bit soundtrack (not an MSU fan personally) to make it worthwhile!

Re: Talking Point: What Was Your First Video Gaming Experience?


I was born in 1980, which I feel like was the perfect time: I missed the early, nascent days of the arcade and home console, which have mostly not aged too well, and I'm too young to recall the North American video game crash. However, I started playing games right around the time that the NES and Super Mario Bros. took off in the USA. Games have been on a mostly upward trajectory ever since!

The earliest game experience I can remember was playing Galaga on an arcade cabinet at a pizza parlor, sometime around 1984 or 1985. First home console experience was Super Mario Bros. on Christmas Day 1988.

Re: Dragon Quest II Is Being Ported To The Sega Master System


This made me realize that Square and Enix, before their merger, never published any original games on any SEGA platform, ever. Enix published just four games for Saturn, none of them related to its original IPs. Not a single Square property ever made it to a SEGA console. Kind of odd, when I think about it, considering both companies were around when the Mark III / Master System launched!

Re: Cancelled Motocross Game For SNES Finally Released Almost 30 Years Later


@Poodlestargenerica it's the same people who will pay $300 US for Neo Super Bubble Pop on Neo Geo, also from Piko Interactive. Collectors and official physical media aficionados like me who like having something to put on the shelf, I guess. I've bought a couple of other SNES reprints from Piko and I enjoy them.

Granted, part of the cost is paying rights holders, since Piko is very good about that. But yeah, I can see why it's viewed as overpriced.

Re: Clock Tower Creator Didn't Know About Its Upcoming Re-Release


Similar story with the director of the original Super Mario RPG, who said on Twitter he learned about the remake the same way as everyone else: he saw it in the Nintendo Direct. He was happy to see it getting a remake, though.

I guess it's really par for the course in this industry. Unless you're still working for the company that is remaking your game, they're probably not going to bother contacting you about a remake.

(See also: Hideo Kojima / Metal Gear Solid Delta, for obvious reasons)

Re: Peter Molyneux's Next Game Has Groundbreaking Mechanics, But He's Not Going To Tell You About It


No, Peter, people did not get annoyed and angry at you because you talked about an upcoming project's game design and why it was great. We got annoyed and angry at you because you made lofty promises and then completely, totally failed to deliver on them. Do you understand the difference?

@Guru_Larry I look forward to your inevitable video on the outcome of this game, "Five More Times Developers Did Something Incredibly Stupid"

Re: The Making Of: PlayStation 2, The World's Most Successful Video Game Console


Regarding the idea that the PS2 sold so well because it was a DVD player, the reverse is probably more likely: DVDs became more popular because the PS2 was a DVD player. It was an entry-level DVD machine that also played games.

I was a university student when the PS2 launched, and at the time still a Nintendo die-hard with little PS1 experience. I held out hope the GameCube would be superior. When I learned it wouldn't play DVDs and that its big launch title was a Luigi ghost-hunting game, I ended up skipping the entire generation. (I regret that now of course, and I've rectified it by buying a GameCube, PS2, and Xbox, and many games for each, all these years later.)

Re: Croc HD Is In Development, Says Argonaut Founder Jez San


I would be delighted to try an HD remaster of Croc. As a N64 kid, I barely knew it existed in its time, and never got around to playing it in more recent years. That said, I did -not- like Banjo-Kazooie all that much, neither when it was new nor when I gave it another shot on the Nintendo Switch, so my results may vary. lol