Comments 94

Re: Random: Footage Of Cancelled Dreamcast RPG 'Metal Max: Wild Eyes' Discovered


@KingMike From what I've been able to find, Media Leaves was the main software division spin-off. Enterbrain was a media/magazines subsidiary but also confusingly published some software too.

At least, that's how I've come to understand it. It's all a bit confusing to put together and you could probably do a sizable chart detailing all of these companies and the intricacies there.

ASCII's withdrawal from the home game market is cited as a reason in that 4Gamer roundtable, though. Maybe the game just got lost in the corporate shuffle?

Re: Ron Gilbert Isn't Convinced A Monkey Island Movie Would Work


@Hydra_Spectre I think a film adaptation could potentially work, but not as a live-action film but animated instead.

Even then, I'm still not sure modern Disney is really in a place to do it with some of its recent baffling streaming decisions (like how it handled the Willow situation) and the way it has been treating its animated projects of late.

Nevertheless, I'd quite like to see the director Tony Stacchi (The Boxtrolls, The Monkey King) have a go at doing a stop-motion take (he worked on the storyboards and one of the scripts for the abandoned MI project). That's as long as someone like Steve Purcell or Ron were involved in an advisory role from the beginning to nail the tone.

Re: Random: Fan Discovers Hidden Function For Ocarina Of Time's "Useless" Ice Arrows


@MrModerate Yep, it probably isn't. The only way I can see it being useful is in randomizers maybe.

Funnily enough, I beat the game 100% last month and I remember coming to that obstacle pre-Water Temple and being like, 'There's got to be a better way to do this'. All the guides were like, 'Nope, just keep running!' Pure speculation on my part, but I wonder if the Ice Arrow placement was moved at some point during development because they needed something to place at the end of the Training Grounds that felt significant.

Re: Rare Piece Of Italian Video Game History Dumped Online


@AlessandroZPE It's a fascinating company. I first heard about them when exploring early (unlicensed) Beatles games for home computers.

I tried to track down Benaglia for an interview, and know the journalist Damiano Gerli has too, but sadly he just doesn't seem to be active or reachable through social media. I did speak to some of his colleagues though, who told me one or two things about the company like that it was named after Benaglia's daughter Linda.

Re: Museum Shares Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Maps Used By Nintendo Counselors


@bippity_bop I always wanted to call a hint line, but the terrifying 'Secure permission from your bill payer' put me off as a kid. I used to have to rely on trading bits of math books with cheat codes/tips written on them in school. Obviously that then devolved into people making stuff up and tons of really strange urban myths about hidden characters and secret endings with impossible requirements.

Re: Impressive New Mod 'Voxelizes' The Original Doom


@BloodNinja It's hard to demonstrate in a lead image, but if you look at the video you can see the enemies and objects have slightly more depth and dimension to them. You can see it more clearly in the video footage when staring at some of the bodies on the ground.

Re: Did The Stamper Brothers Really Work On Gyruss?


@JJtheTexan Cheers for the comment! I think it would be kind of unusual if that was the case.

The Stampers didn't do much work directly on Commodore 64. Instead, they usually had people work on the games for them, like Dave and Bob Thomas. It's more likely parallel thinking. Also, I have tried in the past to interview the Stampers, but have had no luck so far!

Funnily enough, in another case of coincidence/forward-thinking, the Stampers actually created a portable NES to pitch to Nintendo at the very same time Nintendo was unveiling the Game Boy. They were really on the cutting edge back then.

Re: Former Sega Composer Revisiting Early PC-88 Soundtracks For New Release


@BionicDodo Appreciate the feedback. His name was actually in the original headline I wrote, but it looked slightly too long (almost 3 full lines for a title). I also needed to try and keep that additional context in there for folks who might not know who he is simply by name.

I went through several variations for that part before settling on 'Former Sega Composer' - 'Streets of Rage Composer', 'The Revenge of Shinobi Composer' - but felt they might end up giving the false impression that this was something to do with those games and not The Scheme. Headlines can always be a bit tricky, but I'm open to improving.

Re: Game Boy Homebrew 'G-Zero' Is Basically A New Portable F-Zero


@get2sammyb The corners pull you in a certain direction. Right turns pull you left. Left turns pull you right. You need to position yourself to the far right on right turns and to the far left on left ones. Lay off the acceleration when you feel you're getting dragged too close to the corner. You should be golden!

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