@mashk certainly not. Pixels were the golden age of fighting games. 3D feels lifeless to me IMO. I remember how excited everyone was for the tech when Toy Story came out. Now it all looks the same. City of the Wolves just feels like KoF 15. Street Fighter 6 has no real distinction to 5, etc..
@Luminous117 they want a free one to ‘review’ when the time comes hence the needless reporting on something that has nothing to do with the site’s namesake.
@Azuris @Azuris who did your mod? It sounds like a voltage regulator is required on your unit. Accept no other substitute over original hardware mate. It it is modded properly you’ll be fine.
I feel like Dreamcast would be the perfect fit for its own Castlevania title and in an interview with the art director of the game, it seems some “internal sabotage” was one of the main factors for Resurrection never seeing the light of day which is a shame.
Apparently the game was entirely a Konami America developed title and it seems like the chaps in Japan didn’t want them to succeed.
If only some fans could cobble together what’s there and release their own spiritual project to avoid any legal repercussions?
Here’s another reason to flat out never preorder anything that isn’t already complete. It just seems to be a loophole for companies to take the money and run. You get zero guarantee on an actual solid release date and there’s no repercussions if the product isn’t delivered.
Look at the Paprium debacle and what has happened with Bloodlines 2..
There are so many red flags here with the Polymega it isn’t even funny. Walmart clearly saw the writing on the wall.
I feel for the people who have put money down on this thing and I really hope they get the item or their money back.
@Lordplops the GPD XD+ has a faster processor, more RAM and also uses the 5ghz band which helps for server game streaming. It also uses Android 7 which opens up what you can play. My unit is flashed with Seraph’s cleanrom although I hear there is great headway in Android 8 compatibility. Certainly a worthy upgrade over the stock XD but it’s still a two year old system.
I got my XD+ after being disappointed in the Nvidia Shield Portable and it’s lack of being able to run Redream due to the OpenGL version being too low. Zero regrets. It’s a great emulation machine, especially with a front end like RESETCollection which I absolutely love.
@Lordplops my number two pick mate. Love the layout and button placement. The recessed right analogue is a great touch. As you say - the metal finish is the cherry on an already delicious cake. You’ve done well!
This thing whilst having a great form factor is brutally underpowered. I recommend a Retroid Pocket 2. Personally I’m using a GPD XD+ but the RP2 is amazing value for money.
Once they dropped FPGA from the system, they lost my interest. That's a lot of money for what is essentially an emulation machine. The only difference to a Retron 5 is the amount of systems it can emulate and the fact their code was designed from the ground up supposedly..
Thankfully, the machine has already been hacked. Here's ETA Prime demoing the hack and showing off a few non SNK arcade titles running on it - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19a2RJ05m2U
Secondly, the hardware is easily moddable. SNK maniac Scarlet Sprites has done just that.
@premko1 yes - it uses the same word but the results are vastly different from one another. FPGA is accurate representation of the hardware where you would find no difference to the original whatsoever while software has limitations based on the hardware it runs on. Not a direct clone..
@BulkSlash the MegaCD chip is in the cartridge so as the original article suggests, it works fine on the Nomad. 32X support only works with an actual 32X unit though as there isn't any 32X architecture included in the cart.
@TJSpyke We're all gamers here and this sort of tech is very important when it comes to the preservation of systems we grew up with. Especially optical based ones like the MegaCD / SegaCD. If you own the game you've placed on the machine, there's nothing illegal about it, so kindly get off your high horse please.
Their 'marketing' people need a swift kick in the tooshie for the way they've been releasing information. Its an ambitious project that sounded amazing and then faltered after they jumped ship on FPGA and added it as an afterthought / potential future update with "some" of the systems. Then delays and questionable looking videos were the cream on the cake. Now another delay. If this doesn't leave people feeling more nervous than a priest taking the stand, I don't know what would.
Unless I was a huge disc based game nut, I see little reason to invest in one of these.
@Prof_Yoshtonics I must agree. I picked up a Nomad and had it modded with a modern LCD screen, the battery pack modded to become rechargeable and a region free chip that let’s you switch modes from US, PAL and Japan by holding the Mode button.
@AcridSkull yep. Kano was saly omitted due to memory restraints but it remained a fun little title compared to it's bigger brother. I'm really pleased with how the Master System was treated with ports. They were made with respect and weren't simple cash ins.
@EightBitMan thats a bitter and incredibly selfish way of looking at the world. The reason retro games are popular is because they hold fond memories people had when they were younger. Retro games for most were the entry into the culture of gaming and that is special to so many.
This isnt corporate exploitation. Its passionate people hoping to preserve what they love. Why dont you outlaw museums while you’re at it and burn all the history books?
You’ll eat those words when you become old and “senile”. You’ll regret them when some narrow minded youngster wishes your precious memories would just die because they aren’t fresh and exciting.
I imported a Japanese unit which is still on its way over. The pads were all sold out sadly so I’m glad the stick is somewhat playble still. Lack of a mini HDMI is sorely disappointing and no internal battery is a massive shame.
@gurtifus Bloodsport always felt more Mortal Kombat than Streetfighter to me what what with people getting finished off and MK being ‘inspired’ by Frank Dux’ costume for Johnny Cage.
@Dm9982 it does. There's no native setting to have the bluetooth pair with the console so you'll need to splash out on a wireless adaptor. Well worth it though. Otherwise, it has NES, Genesis and SNES controller ports if you want to use your original controllers.
@Dm9982 I was debating between a modded Sega Nomad and a Retron 5. Went with the latter and have no regrets. Got an 8bitdo wireless receiver and their wireless SNES controller and its nostalgia heaven.
Comments 29
Re: You Can Join The Creators Of WipEout In A Special Event At London's Loading Bar
Living in Australia gives me absolutely zero chance of catching this iconic occasion. I REALLY hope someone can record this for all eternity!
Re: Fans Get Excited As 'Marvel vs. Capcom 4' Gets Name-Checked In Deadpool Comic
@mashk certainly not. Pixels were the golden age of fighting games. 3D feels lifeless to me IMO. I remember how excited everyone was for the tech when Toy Story came out. Now it all looks the same. City of the Wolves just feels like KoF 15. Street Fighter 6 has no real distinction to 5, etc..
Re: Intellivision Has Significantly Cut Its Staff To Help Amico Over The Finish Line
@Luminous117 they want a free one to ‘review’ when the time comes hence the needless reporting on something that has nothing to do with the site’s namesake.
Re: Hardware Review: Analogue Pocket - Potent FPGA Power In Portable Form
@Azuris @Azuris who did your mod? It sounds like a voltage regulator is required on your unit. Accept no other substitute over original hardware mate. It it is modded properly you’ll be fine.
Re: Konami's Cancelled Castlevania Game For Dreamcast Has Been Resurrected
I feel like Dreamcast would be the perfect fit for its own Castlevania title and in an interview with the art director of the game, it seems some “internal sabotage” was one of the main factors for Resurrection never seeing the light of day which is a shame.
Apparently the game was entirely a Konami America developed title and it seems like the chaps in Japan didn’t want them to succeed.
If only some fans could cobble together what’s there and release their own spiritual project to avoid any legal repercussions?
Re: Polymega Release "Still On Track" Despite Production Problems
Here’s another reason to flat out never preorder anything that isn’t already complete. It just seems to be a loophole for companies to take the money and run. You get zero guarantee on an actual solid release date and there’s no repercussions if the product isn’t delivered.
Look at the Paprium debacle and what has happened with Bloodlines 2..
There are so many red flags here with the Polymega it isn’t even funny. Walmart clearly saw the writing on the wall.
I feel for the people who have put money down on this thing and I really hope they get the item or their money back.
Re: The PocketGo S30 Is Basically A SNES Pad That Plays Retro Games
@Lordplops the GPD XD+ has a faster processor, more RAM and also uses the 5ghz band which helps for server game streaming. It also uses Android 7 which opens up what you can play. My unit is flashed with Seraph’s cleanrom although I hear there is great headway in Android 8 compatibility. Certainly a worthy upgrade over the stock XD but it’s still a two year old system.
I got my XD+ after being disappointed in the Nvidia Shield Portable and it’s lack of being able to run Redream due to the OpenGL version being too low. Zero regrets. It’s a great emulation machine, especially with a front end like RESETCollection which I absolutely love.
Re: The PocketGo S30 Is Basically A SNES Pad That Plays Retro Games
@Lordplops my number two pick mate. Love the layout and button placement. The recessed right analogue is a great touch. As you say - the metal finish is the cherry on an already delicious cake. You’ve done well!
Re: The PocketGo S30 Is Basically A SNES Pad That Plays Retro Games
This thing whilst having a great form factor is brutally underpowered. I recommend a Retroid Pocket 2. Personally I’m using a GPD XD+ but the RP2 is amazing value for money.
Re: Polymega Will Launch For Real This November - Or Earlier, If We're Lucky
Once they dropped FPGA from the system, they lost my interest. That's a lot of money for what is essentially an emulation machine. The only difference to a Retron 5 is the amount of systems it can emulate and the fact their code was designed from the ground up supposedly..
Re: Hardware Review: SNK Neo Geo Arcade Stick Pro - Better Than The Capcom Home Arcade?
Thankfully, the machine has already been hacked. Here's ETA Prime demoing the hack and showing off a few non SNK arcade titles running on it - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=19a2RJ05m2U
Secondly, the hardware is easily moddable. SNK maniac Scarlet Sprites has done just that.
Here's how easy it is to replace the stock mounting plate and stick. Scarlet uses a Semitsu LS-56 (microswitch edition) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s2UjmP7Umk
At 3:40, he shows how easy it is to remove and replace the face buttons - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHTS3VxNkjY&t=371s.
If I had the coin, I'd get this bad boy, mod the stick and buttons and hack her for the ultimate arcade TV arcade system.
Re: This FPGA-Powered Mega Drive / Genesis Flash Cart Can Play CD Games
@premko1 yes - it uses the same word but the results are vastly different from one another. FPGA is accurate representation of the hardware where you would find no difference to the original whatsoever while software has limitations based on the hardware it runs on. Not a direct clone..
Re: This FPGA-Powered Mega Drive / Genesis Flash Cart Can Play CD Games
@retro_player_22 I'll believe the full function of Polymega when I see it in consumer hands doing what they promised. Atleast you have more options..
Re: This FPGA-Powered Mega Drive / Genesis Flash Cart Can Play CD Games
@BulkSlash the MegaCD chip is in the cartridge so as the original article suggests, it works fine on the Nomad. 32X support only works with an actual 32X unit though as there isn't any 32X architecture included in the cart.
Re: This FPGA-Powered Mega Drive / Genesis Flash Cart Can Play CD Games
@premko1 this is FPGA, not emulation. If you don't understand the difference, look into the process before posting a generic response.
Re: This FPGA-Powered Mega Drive / Genesis Flash Cart Can Play CD Games
@TJSpyke We're all gamers here and this sort of tech is very important when it comes to the preservation of systems we grew up with. Especially optical based ones like the MegaCD / SegaCD. If you own the game you've placed on the machine, there's nothing illegal about it, so kindly get off your high horse please.
Re: More Tantalising Polymega Details Emerge From GDC 2019
Their 'marketing' people need a swift kick in the tooshie for the way they've been releasing information. Its an ambitious project that sounded amazing and then faltered after they jumped ship on FPGA and added it as an afterthought / potential future update with "some" of the systems. Then delays and questionable looking videos were the cream on the cake. Now another delay. If this doesn't leave people feeling more nervous than a priest taking the stand, I don't know what would.
Unless I was a huge disc based game nut, I see little reason to invest in one of these.
Re: Hardware Review: 16Bit Pocket MD - An Unexpectedly Decent Portable Mega Drive
@Prof_Yoshtonics I must agree. I picked up a Nomad and had it modded with a modern LCD screen, the battery pack modded to become rechargeable and a region free chip that let’s you switch modes from US, PAL and Japan by holding the Mode button.
Re: Hardware Review: Krikzz Joyzz Wireless Sega Mega Drive Controller - Perfection Comes At A Price
Got one a few months ago direct from Krikzz to use with my Retron5. Works flawlessly.
Re: Feature: How Mortal Kombat Defined The Console War Between Sega And Nintendo
@AcridSkull yep. Kano was saly omitted due to memory restraints but it remained a fun little title compared to it's bigger brother. I'm really pleased with how the Master System was treated with ports. They were made with respect and weren't simple cash ins.
Re: Feature: How Mortal Kombat Defined The Console War Between Sega And Nintendo
@AcridSkull 2, 1, 2, Down, Up for Master System too
Re: Polymega's Grand Vision For The Ultimate Retro System Includes A Virtual Console Successor
@EightBitMan thats a bitter and incredibly selfish way of looking at the world. The reason retro games are popular is because they hold fond memories people had when they were younger. Retro games for most were the entry into the culture of gaming and that is special to so many.
This isnt corporate exploitation. Its passionate people hoping to preserve what they love. Why dont you outlaw museums while you’re at it and burn all the history books?
You’ll eat those words when you become old and “senile”. You’ll regret them when some narrow minded youngster wishes your precious memories would just die because they aren’t fresh and exciting.
Re: Hardware Review: Does The SNK Neo Geo Mini Outclass Nintendo's Classic Editions?
I imported a Japanese unit which is still on its way over. The pads were all sold out sadly so I’m glad the stick is somewhat playble still. Lack of a mini HDMI is sorely disappointing and no internal battery is a massive shame.
Im sure that could be remedied with a mod.
Thanks for taking the time to review.
Re: Drugs, Military Coups And Reshoots: The Amazing Story Of Street Fighter: The Movie
@gurtifus Bloodsport always felt more Mortal Kombat than Streetfighter to me what what with people getting finished off and MK being ‘inspired’ by Frank Dux’ costume for Johnny Cage.
Re: Hardware Classics: Unpacking The 32X, Sega's Most Catastrophic Console Failure
@Dm9982 it does. There's no native setting to have the bluetooth pair with the console so you'll need to splash out on a wireless adaptor. Well worth it though. Otherwise, it has NES, Genesis and SNES controller ports if you want to use your original controllers.
Re: Hardware Classics: Unpacking The 32X, Sega's Most Catastrophic Console Failure
@Dm9982 yes on all counts. You can even use SD cards to add fan translations / patches to games.
Re: Hardware Classics: Unpacking The 32X, Sega's Most Catastrophic Console Failure
@Dm9982 I was debating between a modded Sega Nomad and a Retron 5. Went with the latter and have no regrets. Got an 8bitdo wireless receiver and their wireless SNES controller and its nostalgia heaven.
Re: Hardware Classics: Unpacking The 32X, Sega's Most Catastrophic Console Failure
@Dm9982 its a shame the 2013 Kickstarter by one of the devs fell short of its goal..
Re: Hardware Classics: Unpacking The 32X, Sega's Most Catastrophic Console Failure
@Dm9982 yep! General Chaos was fantastic!