Comments 41

Re: The NES Ninja Gaiden Trilogy Gets Natively Ported To SNES


I haven't played the Snes Ninja Gaiden Trilogy since 1995/96. The memory I had of it is that lacked something in comparison to the original NES games. Every time I've replayed these games since then, it's always been the NES versions. Good to know they're the same (great) games but with improvements

Re: Arcade Archives' Nintendo eShop World Record Might Be Unbeatable


I have about 25-30 of their releases. Their work is superb. Menus, options, emulation, everything's very well done and functionalities are great. If I could, I'd buy all their releases, just to support their preservation work, but I know I could use a sale or two from time to time. Sales are few and far between and the number of games offered each time isn't large

Re: Does Your SNES Have A Ticking Time Bomb Inside?


I have a new style SNES, which I haven't touched for over 5 years. I'm still a little traumatized by what happened to my Wii. I read an article like this one which urged people to turn on their electronics from time to time for whatever reason, then I connected my Wii to the TV and played Super Mario Galaxy for around 20 minutes before the optical unit stopped working and never read discs again...

Re: Guide: All 8BitDo Controllers & Accessories - Which Should I Buy?


My experience with 8bitdo controllers:

-SN30 Pro - a solid controller, but it feels too noisy after some time of gameplay

-SN30 Pro + - a huge improvement over the SN30 pro. Very comfortable, perfect buttons, great for both retro games and Switch games. The position of the D-pad and left analog stick feel more comfortable to me than the Switch Pro Controller, which I also have, but use less than my 8bitdos

-SN30 Pro 2 - bought it because of how incredible the Pro+ was to me. If you're happy with the Pro+ there's nothing much better in this one, but as I like a good joystick, having one more wouldn't hurt, so I'm very happy it too

-M30 - an awesome controller for retro games! Not useful for new games because it lacks L2 and R2 buttons, but great for the goal it is supposed to achieve

Now I'm interested in a Neo Geo model. I hope I can buy it soon

Re: Anniversary: F-Zero GX Is 20 Today


One of the best racing games ever! Today I play the original F Zero more, as I'm a complete sucker for that game, but it's wonderful to see how GX holds up perfectly today. Speed, track design, intensity, all awesome! But unfortunately it's a little too hard for me. I struggled so much with it that it stuck on my mind as "it's an awesome game / It's very hard". Maybe I didn't have all the instant reflex the game demanded, but I acknowledge its greatness

Re: Guide: Best Wonder Boy Games, Ranked By You


I'd say this is not a series that goes through hits and misses given that almost all games are solid hits. I've enjoyed everything I played from the series so far (still need to play Monster World IV both original and remake)

For those who are into the Master System, I'd recommend Monica no Castelo do Dragao, a Brazilian version of the MS game Wonder Boy in Monster Land starring Monica, a classic Brazilian cartoon character. It's an official release

Re: Flashback: The Day Sega Took Over An F1 Race, And Ayrton Senna Lifted A Sonic Trophy


"you'll know that the opening lap that Ayrton Senna recorded during that race – in which he overtook four drivers in the driving rain – is acclaimed as the best lap ever by fans of the sport,"

For everyone who's into challenges, overcoming barriers, being better or simply admiring those who accomplished what was previously considered impossible, just watch that lap. It's amazing and it always gives me a good feeling when I watch it

Re: Anniversary: Burning Rangers Is 25 Years Old Today


I had a lot of fun playing it back in the day. Here where I live Saturn games were few and far between, and this was one of the only games that gave me the feeling that I was playing a reasonably new game. Unfotunately it was pretty short but I remember it being quality play time

Re: Best JRPGs Of All Time


@Herna yeah, Phantasy Star is "not an easy task" today. I love it. I first heard of it in the early 90s, so I'm sure nostalgia helps a lot. As for games like PS, the first Final Fantasy, the 2nd Castlevania, I can only play them today with a guide, and I can tell you I enjoy it. Otherwise, playing will probably become a chore at some point

Re: CIBSunday: Super Metroid (SNES / Super Famicom)


One of the greatest games ever and my personal favorite of all time. Played it for the first time around 1995/1996 and it shocked me in virtually every respect. Still play it once a year and the experience is always strong. By today's standards, jumping is not great, but after almost 20 years it's second nature to me.

I bought a complete US copy around 2006, still have it but the battery's been dead for many years

It's also got my favorite gaming soundtrack. I have my playlist with original and cover versions of the tunes. I could go on and on about this game...

PS: it's the only game I find acceptable to jump with A and shoot with X

Re: Poll: Is Metroid Prime The Best 2D To 3D Transition Of Any Game Series, Ever?


It's hard to state that because Prime is a perfect mix: it retained the awesome atmosphere, the variety of environments, awesome soundtrack, weapons and elements, seriously expanded the lore but it's also a reinvention in the sense of offering something more linear (albeit still a metroidvania), guiding the player (even though some consider that to be "little" guidance by today's standards) and using FPS mechanics

Answering yes or no will always come down to opinions, but the fact is that it's one of the greatest games ever. Highly regarded by all publications, critics, etc, always on top of lists after 20 years

I was shocked when I first played it on the GC and many years later it's still a wonderful experience. Even better now with dual stick controls. And I'm not into FPS, but a huge fan of the Metroid series

Re: Feature: Your Beloved Games Console Is Slowly But Surely Dying


The last paragraph is 101% valid for me. Last month I decided to replay Super Mario Galaxy. My Wii had been kept still and safe in a box for the last 4 years. Beautiful, clean, without any scratch. It worked fine for 2 hours, then it gave me the error message which probably points out to reading problems, which is quite common among Wii owners. And it has made me think about this false sensation of preservation and of having consoles to play when I want to. Now I know it's not true anymore.
But like the author, my original Japanese MK1 Mega Drive still works normally.
It would be so easy if copyright holders made their retro game libraries available instead of just taking legal action against rom websites. There are a lot people willing to pay for retro games, so why not make them available?

Re: Hardware Review: Does The SNK Neo Geo Mini Outclass Nintendo's Classic Editions?


That's the (almost) perfect release for me. Neo Geo was always a dream, but never something achievable due to system and games high prices. Once again, if the price is really something around a hundred pounds, I'm out again. Money always draws the line...
It'd be more interesting (and cheaper) to select some titles that really please me and pay 8 dollars each to play them on Switch.