I was working pubs, young(ish), relatively free, relatively single and the vast majority of my cash was disposable. A fair amount of Wetherspoons payroll was going to me and a few mates smoking and taking turns doing ad-hoc WipEout Pure races sat on empty kegs of Carling. Good times.
EDIT: now I think, one January (if you've ever worked in a UK pub in January, you know) I managed a co-op playthrough of Killzone: Liberation and a few Ace Combat missions over the course of 4 shifts... on the bar!
Sadly I sold my PSP games. I'd built up a good collection and had imported many an shmup. Still have two systems.
Did anyone have the excellent OutRun 2006:Coast 2 Coast for both PS2 and the PSP? I did (money to burn!), proper cross save there... what a game, what a machine!
Comments 2
Re: Feature: It's Time to Celebrate the PSP, Sony's 21st Century Walkman
PSP was a great time.
I was working pubs, young(ish), relatively free, relatively single and the vast majority of my cash was disposable. A fair amount of Wetherspoons payroll was going to me and a few mates smoking and taking turns doing ad-hoc WipEout Pure races sat on empty kegs of Carling. Good times.
EDIT: now I think, one January (if you've ever worked in a UK pub in January, you know) I managed a co-op playthrough of Killzone: Liberation and a few Ace Combat missions over the course of 4 shifts... on the bar!
Sadly I sold my PSP games. I'd built up a good collection and had imported many an shmup. Still have two systems.
Did anyone have the excellent OutRun 2006:Coast 2 Coast for both PS2 and the PSP? I did (money to burn!), proper cross save there... what a game, what a machine!
Re: Feature: An Ode to the Owl: The Inside Story of Psygnosis
Great read. Great studio.