It's The Only Way To Survive

Comments 6

Re: Intellivision's Wii-Like Amico Console Gets Delayed For A Third Time


Well I dont know about the Amiico , it looked interesting when originally unveiled , in the end Games will make or break it . If it does release with some decent software at the speculated prices of £9.99 digital and £20 Physical then it may do OK , yes it's not cheap , but then you get two controllers , all other systems you have to buy another controller for £60 -£100.
And the controller is a nifty piece of kit with the Amiico .
Plus you get 6 games with it , which even if there all at the bottom of the spectrum of £6.99 each that's still £42.00 worth of games and two controllers .
Plus you can download a app to use your mobile phone as extra controllers for more players as this is a couch co-op machine.

So for your £250.00 on day one your good to go.
For any other system your looking at another outlay of of at least £100 on the price of the system to get what you get with Amiico.

But there's also a downside , the delay means there going up against the consumer base the big three target at Christmas .
that's number 1.
Number 2 - This console is targeting a retro style of gameplay in abid to appeal to the gamers of the early 80's and 90's .
Younger gamers brought up on Playstation won't look at this at the price point.
Number 3 - The Evercade - with Evercade releasing their VS console this fall at less then £100 with a arcade game collection or £110.00 with two arcade game collections is a steal compared to Amiico , plus for another £60- 70 you can add the Evercade handheld and play all your games at home or on the move . The Evercade is really like the Retro Switch .

It's also the route I wish Nintendo would have taken , they should have released a proper home console and the portable which played the same games , then they could have released the home unit at £189 and the Switch lite at it's current offering.
For me the Evercade is looking very tempting by the minute. Especially with those arcade collections incoming. .

Re: Hardware Review: Sega Astro City Mini - An Esoteric Way To Mark 60 Years In The Business


Yes would love one , but not at those import prices, Maybe Sega will release a updated Western version if this does well for them , remember the celebrations go well into 2021 for SEGA 60TH.
But what i would really wish for is a dedicated console from Sega which plays host to their Model 2 / Model 3 games / Naomi Games and Ringedge titles, so many titles that have never had a home release in any form.