Comments 13

Re: Talking Point: With Sonic's Movie Series Set To Cross A Billion Dollars At The Box Office, It's A Shame His Creator Doesn't Get Credit


@KitsuneNight Another example that doesn't get a lot of credit: Gene Coon on Star Trek. Everyone venerates Gene Roddenberry for creating everything wholesale, when Coon created Starfleet Command, the United Federation of Planets, the Prime Directive, Klingons, Khan Noonien Singh, and Zephram Cochran, to name a few. He died of throat cancer at 49 in 1973. Roddenberry trampled over his grave to mythologize himself.

Re: Feature: Remember When Video Game Football Shirts Were A Big Deal?


@Ponyo404 @Krull The English came up with the word soccer to differentiate association football from original football (which is closer to rugby than either soccer or american football), not the US. Then, you passed it to the US, and went back to calling your sport football. Now you get all puffed upped because we never stopped calling our sport football, even when the rules changed. So stop blaming us, because the fact that your sport is called soccer is your fault.

Re: Hardware Classics: Unpacking The 32X, Sega's Most Catastrophic Console Failure


@JayJ While SoA was responsible for the 32x being made, it's failure, just like every other Sega mistake, was the fault of SoJ. SoJ hated the changes SoA made to Sonic, which made him a worldwide success. If it were up to SoJ, Sonic would have had a human girlfriend..... wait, why does that sound familiar?

Also, the Mega Drive/Genesis was a massive hit in America and Europe, largely thanks to SoA's marketing and packing Sonic 1 with the system, a move SoJ's board vehemently despised. Guess what? The Mega Drive was a failure in Japan, so SoJ pushed development of Saturn, which was a bigger hit than the Mega Drive only in Japan, but it was still only a modest hit there. Then SoJ forced SoA to surprise release the Saturn early in the US with only 6 games and a stock shortage that only pissed off retail partners that refused to carry the Saturn as a result. This was all on Sega of Japan, not Sega of America. If it weren't for Tom Kalinske, the Genesis would have been a failure, too.