

Also known as Mistah MegaManFan!

Comments 115

Re: Ultra Pro Wrestling Studio Claims To Have Bought WWF No Mercy Dev AKI, But The Truth Is A Little More Complex


If anybody from the original AKI decides to challenge (or in legal terms "oppose") their trademark registrations, it's dead in the water. I've seen this kind of thing happen before and it isn't accidental. Many people tried to use the Commodore brand name by claiming Commodore was dead and their trademark to a product with the Commodore brand on it was proof of their "ownership" but that didn't amount to a hill of beans in the end and most were just cheap dropship garbage.

Re: Acclaim Skirts Around The Issue Of Which Of Its Classic IP It Actually Has Access To


So as someone who follows/covers pro wrestling, having Jeff Jarrett on your advisory board only makes sense if you're hoping for a tiny iota of name recognition. MJF once quipped "Jeff Jarrett is the last face you see before your company dies" and while it was a line to get heat there's a kernel of truth to it. WCW wasn't on him, but TNA was and if Panda Energy hadn't thrown him a lifeline it was doomed, and Global Force Wrestling was such a joke he actually started hawking GLOBAL FORCE GOLD with late night infomercials. He could advise them what +not+ to do to run a business. Maybe.

Re: Retro-Bit Apologises For Using Fan-Translations Without Permission


It seems like these sort of lazy mistakes are becoming endemic with publishers like LRG and Retro Bit, and when they get called on the carpet for it they always say "We trusted someone we shouldn't have and we apologize." Okay, but... a little time and effort to QA things and make sure you did it right in the first place would've prevented having to apologize (or manufacture replacement items) later.

Re: You Can Now Run Your Entire PS2 Library From This $50 Memory Card


This actually got me to crack open my MemCard Pro 2, which had been gathering mothballs for a while, and holy smeg is this awesome. The only bad experience I had was setting it up, because a lot of the Free McBoot MCD files online were just pure garbage. It was easier for me to use a Free McBoot to make a Free McBoot (IYKYK) and put it directly onto my MCP2's first saved page. It was off to the races after that!

Re: After What Feels Like A Lifetime, Amazon Is Cancelling Mighty No. 9 3DS And Vita Pre-Orders


If anybody ever made an index of those three hour long credits, I'd like to look up what number I was as a backer. I'm not patient enough to sit through the whole thing and I've never found a full list anywhere. I got all the rewards I was promised, though they trickled in verrrrrrrry slowwwwwly, and for all the hype it had when the Kickstarter was launched the game is very "mid." The marketing was the nail in the coffin (see OldManHermit's comment) for this game.

Re: Working Designs Co-Founder Responds To Lunar Voice Actor's Comments On Ownership Of Localisations


This seems unnecessarily messy. I'm going to be honest — as a fan of Lunar (to the point I've bought it four times over now) I'm not chuffed if the original voice acting isn't in the modern version. 90% of the RPGs that I'm nostalgic for had no voice acting in them AT ALL and whatever voice you heard for the characters was entirely in your head. Put whoever on it saying whatever. If you like it buy it if you don't then don't.

Re: Polymega Gets Classic Arcade Games Via Physical "Polymega Collection" Series


Remember when you could pre-order a Polymega from Walmart? And then it got delayed? And delayed again? And delayed a third time? And then it all got cancelled and they told you to pre-order from them directly? And then got delayed, and got ... you get the idea. I got my money back and left them alone a long time ago. The preview consoles that were sent to influencers looked good, and the features seemed nice, but you're better off building a MiSTer for less money than they charge IMHO.

Re: Review: Evercade Alpha - This $250 Bartop Arcade Is A Glorious Gateway To Hundreds Of Retro Classics


I pre-ordered the Mega Man version (you're shocked, I know) and my only real concern is whether or not I'll be able to set this on a table and sit a comfortable distance away with a wireless controller. Despite advertising "compatibility" as a feature, I've found that never worked out on the Evercade Vs, as no USB A controller other than theirs ever functioned for me (dongle/wireless OR wired).

Re: Final Fantasy VII Speedrunners Have Found A Way To Save Aerith In The PS1 Original With Glitches


Watching the execution of the skip was a bit mind boggling. You have to constantly force the game to load new areas of the map, then glitch those maps by getting off your Chocobo in the ocean, then rotate clockwise or counter clockwise 360 degrees, and you have to do all of these things in a very specific order. And... it's a hacked copy of the game with encounters turned off... so it's not even a viable skip unless somebody finds a way to glitch encounters too.

Re: Legendary YouTube Channel Mega64 Is Facing Closure


It's not just the algorithm that's changed - it's the financial viability of having an entire team of people working for one channel. Unless you have a secondary source of Patreon sponsorship that's quite large (see Second Wind) you can't afford a team by relying on Google ad money. That's why a lot of video game channels are just one person doing everything - like GameSack.