@El_Murcielago Unfortunately for me I'm in the Apple family tree. I have access to one Windows laptop but I've only used it one time to update anything (a RetroTINK) and it was so slow that it was a nightmare (it's like 10+ years old).
I really think this is a bad idea. Not just because Japan is a legal quandary when it comes to emulation, not just because Nintendo is especially litigious right now, but because you made a niche product for a purpose - a MSX for MSX fans. I don't know how big that market base is, but if they wanted to play Famicom, Atari and PC Engine there are a zillion options for that already.
@Fallingshadow All in all it sounds like I"m better off not updating the firmware on the Capcom or the Taito one and just living with the fact some games don't work.
Did they ever release a way to update the firmware on the last two Super Pockets using MacOS? There were some incompatible games but last I knew you could only update them with Windows, which makes it a hard sell to buy any more.
I like the look of it so far. If the collision detection is good, the controls are nicely balanced, and there's a banger chiptune soundtrack, we have a winner here. That's a whole lot of "ifs" but he's got a good start from the demo footage.
I voted "I'm not sure" because you almost said how I feel but not quite. I don't take exception to people being nostalgic for things I am not; after all, I'm nostalgic for Red Dwarf and Doctor Who and that makes me an outlier to many other people. What I find bothersome is the tendency to remaster or re-release things that were million sellers at launch and still widely available in thrifts and retro stores today. Why buy a new copy for more? Why make more plastic than needs to exist? Nobody asked for the NES, GameBoy and N64 Star Wars games to get reprints from LRG, but they did anyway.
Translation or not, I like it when these obscure games get loving ports so they can be enjoyed by modern gamers who don't have the vintage hardware & software. That's a huge win!
As much as I enjoy Nintendo's games, consoles and IPs, the way they treat content creators like Russ or Bob (Wulff Den) leaves an incredibly sour taste in my mouth. Whether they like it or not, emulators and emulation devices are not a crime, and throwing around YouTube copyright strikes won't make either of those things go away.
There aren't any satisfactory answers here. Unless you could buy back the rights to the IP from Square Enix to release it yourself, you have to live with (ridiculous) compromises, and even if you could would you have the money and resources to remaster it and release to the masses? They have to live with it, we have to live with it, and it's either that or just play the original un-remastered game. I'm pretty sure there were compromises even then though. You can say "Japan is more permissive" but there are limits there too and I'm sure there was plenty left on the cutting room floor for either being too expansive, too hard to fit in, or too salacious. The only way to make an artistically pure vision is to be a studio of one.
The only way we'll know for sure is if they issue a statement saying they did their own re-translation and didn't use the WD one. I'm okay with it if they didn't... but I'm more excited if they did.
Burnout Revenge is clearly the best one. It's the only one that's worth hanging out with your landlord, smoking weed and filling your belly with diet soda for.
I enjoyed this interview so much that I shared it on socials and came back to read it again. Well done! Sakai seems like a very humble guy but also understandably proud of what he created, and I respect his "one and done" view. He also doesn't seem to be taking a dump on the fact the IP was licensed to someone else and he wasn't involved — it's just his personal view that he made a standalone game. People will always try to make sequels to things without the stamp of approval from the original authors. After all how many Dracula and Frankenstein movies are there? At least Bitwave tried to make a respectful sequel that doesn't suck, gotta give them that, and Sakai is happy with his legacy so it's a win for him if more people play his original creation thanks to all the publicity.
Unintentionally the comments are a microcosm of what this dev is going through — some people are on his side, some people think he's a dick, and if anyone takes a stake in either position it can lead to arguments. The signal to noise ratio is far better here than on social media so from an empathetic POV try to imagine yourself in his shoes and how much louder it must be. I think @Poodlestargeneric sums it up best — he should just ignore the community, supporters and detractors alike. That's what No Man's Sky did and they turned things around by just doing the work and not trying to constantly answer to people.
The fear mongering about Flipper Zero is really out of control. My analogy is that it's like owning a baseball bat — you can use it to play ball, or you can use it to crack someone's skull. It's just a tool and the harm is in your intent and not in the item itself.
There's a few here I didn't know about, so thank you for doing this! I could actually try the "double cart" thing for a lol too since I pre-ordered a game that wound up also coming as a pack-in cart with the Versus.
Is there any bigger sign this thing is a scam than the fact they're trying to convince a million suckers to give them $3? If they succeed they never even have to release anything. They can pocket millions and walk away.
@PopetheRev28 I like it for obvious reasons but it definitely doesn't belong with an R-Type game, especially when R-Type has such iconic music all its own.
The mate above looks like a pro wrestler (Pirate Paul Burchill perhaps) and I dig it. Anyway the rainbow of colors they keep offering, I don't dig that so much, but as long as they keep the standard edition in regular stock — good on 'em. People do tend to moan about the high prices, and the cost of shipping isn't the best, but the quality of their devices has never disappointed me.
I watched for a solid 20 minutes and it only once made it around the first two bends. A lot of times it immediately veered straight off the course at the start line.
Honestly as a Castlevania junkie (if Mega Man is no. 1, Castlevania is 1a) I would have taken any version of Haunted Castle, but an improved version by M2 is SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY time.
If it could be remade and offered with an English localization as standard (as opposed to buying an expensive physical copy, dumping it and patching it) then I'd be all for it. Licensing could be a b***h though as noted.
It seems like a decent option if you're not looking for excellent N64, Dreamcast, or PSP performance. Certainly a budget friendly one given even a decent Anbernic can cost you $20-$30 more.
I've never seen a sealed copy for sale in person, so it wouldn't shock me. In fact on no less than two occasions I tried to buy a "new" game at GameStop, and they gave me one that had been opened for a store display, arguing that the game was behind the counter "unplayed." One time I went along with it but the other was a Mega Man game (surprise surprise) so I told them "if it's not shrink wrapped it's not new" and left.
Oh yes, buy your retro games from the chain that used to throw away the boxes for DS and 3DS games because they took up too much space, and pay eBay markup level prices to boot — that sounds great! </sarcasm>
Very sad news. He worked on a lot of things I enjoyed over the years, and I'm a little embarrassed that I didn't even know his name. Now that I do I offer my condolences to his family and fans and hope that he will be better remembered for his contributions going forward.
Imagine the possibilities - Castlevania Maker, Kid Icarus Maker, etc. or heck just SNES ports without the flicker and slowdown plus MSU-1 soundtrack options. Every port he's done to date has been stellar and he releases multiple revisions even after launch to iron out bugs. We need more people in the scene like Infidelity. If people want to see his catalogue just type @infidelity on the Internet Archive - it's all there.
Twin sticks would have been better, but it's still more comfortable than a N64 controller in almost every way, and I actually like that controller so **shrug**.
My favorite fact about the Vega+ is that Guru Larry and Octav1us King used the rough edges of their "blankety blank" unit to slice through cheese. That's all it was good for. As for this device well I'm a filthy Yank so I have no fond nostalgia for the Zed X, so it's not for me, but if you released the built in games as a Switch cart I'd buy it.
Comments 116
Re: New Hack 'Mega Man - Law of Justice' Transforms The NES Classic Into A Brand New Game
Excuse me while I pick my jaw up off the floor!
Re: Hands On: HyperMegaTech Super Pocket Technōs And Atari Editions
@Lorfarius I don't really trust FB Marketplace but I get your drift.
Re: Pre-Orders For FPGA N64 'Analogue 3D' Are Open Now
I'm a wh*re for Analogue products so naturally I pre-ordered. Nice to see there's still stock though over an hour later.
Re: Hands On: HyperMegaTech Super Pocket Technōs And Atari Editions
@El_Murcielago Unfortunately for me I'm in the Apple family tree. I have access to one Windows laptop but I've only used it one time to update anything (a RetroTINK) and it was so slow that it was a nightmare (it's like 10+ years old).
Re: The MSX0 May Be Getting Emulation Support For The Nintendo Famicom, PC Engine, And More
@N64-ROX Precisely!
Re: The MSX0 May Be Getting Emulation Support For The Nintendo Famicom, PC Engine, And More
I really think this is a bad idea. Not just because Japan is a legal quandary when it comes to emulation, not just because Nintendo is especially litigious right now, but because you made a niche product for a purpose - a MSX for MSX fans. I don't know how big that market base is, but if they wanted to play Famicom, Atari and PC Engine there are a zillion options for that already.
Re: Hands On: HyperMegaTech Super Pocket Technōs And Atari Editions
@Fallingshadow All in all it sounds like I"m better off not updating the firmware on the Capcom or the Taito one and just living with the fact some games don't work.
Re: Hands On: HyperMegaTech Super Pocket Technōs And Atari Editions
Did they ever release a way to update the firmware on the last two Super Pockets using MacOS? There were some incompatible games but last I knew you could only update them with Windows, which makes it a hard sell to buy any more.
Re: The Game Boy Color Is Getting A New Top Gear-Style "Pseudo 3D" Racer
I like the look of it so far. If the collision detection is good, the controls are nicely balanced, and there's a banger chiptune soundtrack, we have a winner here. That's a whole lot of "ifs" but he's got a good start from the demo footage.
Re: Talking Point: Is There Such A Thing As "Bad" Nostalgia?
I voted "I'm not sure" because you almost said how I feel but not quite. I don't take exception to people being nostalgic for things I am not; after all, I'm nostalgic for Red Dwarf and Doctor Who and that makes me an outlier to many other people. What I find bothersome is the tendency to remaster or re-release things that were million sellers at launch and still widely available in thrifts and retro stores today. Why buy a new copy for more? Why make more plastic than needs to exist? Nobody asked for the NES, GameBoy and N64 Star Wars games to get reprints from LRG, but they did anyway.
Re: The MSX2 Shooter 'Undeadline' Is Heading To Nintendo Switch
Translation or not, I like it when these obscure games get loving ports so they can be enjoyed by modern gamers who don't have the vintage hardware & software. That's a huge win!
Re: 9 Capcom Mobile Games – Including A Devil May Cry Spin-Off – Have Been Saved From Digital Oblivion
Rockman Cosmo is a hero in my eyes. So many Capcom (and obviously for me Rockman) games would have been lost to time without his efforts!
Re: Brand New Footage Of "Lost" Garfield Sega Channel Game Emerges Online
This one seems ripe for a licensing deal to put the full expanded game on a cartridge. Retro Bit or LRG, get to work.
Re: Nichibutsu's 1981 Space Shooter 'Moon Shuttle' Is This Week's Arcade Archives Release
The gameplay looks intriguing. The flight patterns of the enemies in the alternating ways are just erratic enough to keep you on your toes!
Re: Meet The $16,500 "Nintendo Game Boy Bike" Which Comes With Its Own Cartridge Key And Cheat Codes
If I had lottery money sure why not... but I don't and never will.
Re: Nintendo Is Now Going After YouTube Accounts Which Show Its Games Being Emulated
As much as I enjoy Nintendo's games, consoles and IPs, the way they treat content creators like Russ or Bob (Wulff Den) leaves an incredibly sour taste in my mouth. Whether they like it or not, emulators and emulation devices are not a crime, and throwing around YouTube copyright strikes won't make either of those things go away.
Re: "An Evil Disguised As Good" - Dragon Quest Vets Rail Against Censorship In Candid Interview
There aren't any satisfactory answers here. Unless you could buy back the rights to the IP from Square Enix to release it yourself, you have to live with (ridiculous) compromises, and even if you could would you have the money and resources to remaster it and release to the masses? They have to live with it, we have to live with it, and it's either that or just play the original un-remastered game. I'm pretty sure there were compromises even then though. You can say "Japan is more permissive" but there are limits there too and I'm sure there was plenty left on the cutting room floor for either being too expansive, too hard to fit in, or too salacious. The only way to make an artistically pure vision is to be a studio of one.
Re: Anniversary: The Best Burnout Turns 20 This Month
@StyrofoamCup Hopefully not for a boss that makes you go to the office store for paper clips. Just order them on Amazon, geez.
Re: iPhone's Delta Emulator Is Getting Online Play For Nintendo DS Games
I don't mind waiting. Let the patrons sort out the bugs in beta, it's all good.
Re: Lunar Fans Have Noticed Something Interesting About The Upcoming Remaster
The only way we'll know for sure is if they issue a statement saying they did their own re-translation and didn't use the WD one. I'm okay with it if they didn't... but I'm more excited if they did.
Re: Anniversary: The Best Burnout Turns 20 This Month
Burnout Revenge is clearly the best one. It's the only one that's worth hanging out with your landlord, smoking weed and filling your belly with diet soda for.
Re: Namco's Japan-Exclusive Shoot 'Em Up 'Blast Off' Is Coming To Switch & PS4
TIL there was a Japanese exclusive sequel to Bosconian, and that it looks like a lot of fun, and that it's coming out tomorrow. Today IS a good day!!
Re: "He Was Going To Crash His Car Into Sunsoft’s Gates" - Gimmick! Designer Tomomi Sakai On Making A Nintendo Masterpiece
I enjoyed this interview so much that I shared it on socials and came back to read it again. Well done! Sakai seems like a very humble guy but also understandably proud of what he created, and I respect his "one and done" view. He also doesn't seem to be taking a dump on the fact the IP was licensed to someone else and he wasn't involved — it's just his personal view that he made a standalone game. People will always try to make sequels to things without the stamp of approval from the original authors. After all how many Dracula and Frankenstein movies are there? At least Bitwave tried to make a respectful sequel that doesn't suck, gotta give them that, and Sakai is happy with his legacy so it's a win for him if more people play his original creation thanks to all the publicity.
Re: Creator Of PS1 Emulator DuckStation Threatens To "Shut The Whole Thing Down" Following License Change
Unintentionally the comments are a microcosm of what this dev is going through — some people are on his side, some people think he's a dick, and if anyone takes a stake in either position it can lead to arguments. The signal to noise ratio is far better here than on social media so from an empathetic POV try to imagine yourself in his shoes and how much louder it must be. I think @Poodlestargeneric sums it up best — he should just ignore the community, supporters and detractors alike. That's what No Man's Sky did and they turned things around by just doing the work and not trying to constantly answer to people.
Re: Review: Flipper Zero - This Viral Hacker's Toolkit Doubles As A Handy Amiibo Storage Device
The fear mongering about Flipper Zero is really out of control. My analogy is that it's like owning a baseball bat — you can use it to play ball, or you can use it to crack someone's skull. It's just a tool and the harm is in your intent and not in the item itself.
Re: Hudson Soft Almost Created A Castlevania-Style Dungeons & Dragons Game For SNES
What an incredible tease! I appreciate that he thinks there's nothing there to see and respect that, but man would I love to see it anyway.
Re: Game Researcher Says Street Fighter II Was "USA Vs. Japan" And Japanese People Aren't Happy
@Guru_Larry Sorry to hear you've been under the weather but I'm glad you're on the mend and coming back soon. Cheers!
Re: Game Researcher Says Street Fighter II Was "USA Vs. Japan" And Japanese People Aren't Happy
@Guru_Larry There's a face I didn't expect to see! I thought you had disappeared from the internet altogether when Channel Awesome's website imploded.
Re: Guide: Evercade Secret Games And How To Unlock Them
There's a few here I didn't know about, so thank you for doing this! I could actually try the "double cart" thing for a lol too since I pre-ordered a game that wound up also coming as a pack-in cart with the Versus.
Re: You'll Be Able To Secure Your SuperSega FPGA Console For Just Three Bucks
Is there any bigger sign this thing is a scam than the fact they're trying to convince a million suckers to give them $3? If they succeed they never even have to release anything. They can pocket millions and walk away.
Re: Switch Reissue Of Jaleco's Famicom Adventure 'Bio Senshi Dan' Gets A Release Date
Looks like enough of a curiosity that I'm happy they properly localized it for international distribution after all this time!
Re: R-Type Shown Running On The Atari 7800
@PopetheRev28 I like it for obvious reasons but it definitely doesn't belong with an R-Type game, especially when R-Type has such iconic music all its own.
Re: More Analogue Pocket Editions Are On The Way, And They're Based On The Game Boy Color
The mate above looks like a pro wrestler (Pirate Paul Burchill perhaps) and I dig it. Anyway the rainbow of colors they keep offering, I don't dig that so much, but as long as they keep the standard edition in regular stock — good on 'em. People do tend to moan about the high prices, and the cost of shipping isn't the best, but the quality of their devices has never disappointed me.
Re: One Of PS2's Rarest Games Just Dropped In Value
Won't change the price of a US copy, sadly.
Re: The PS2 Is The First Console To Be Selected For Japan's 'Future Technology Heritage Registry'
Deuteros already said exactly what I was thinking, but the PS2 is a worthy inclusion all the same.
Re: This Computer Is Learning To Play Mario Kart On A Real SNES
I watched for a solid 20 minutes and it only once made it around the first two bends. A lot of times it immediately veered straight off the course at the start line.
Re: Bitmo Lab's GameBaby Turns Your iPhone Into A Game Boy
If those are physical d-pads and buttons, they look horrendous to use.
Re: Review: Haunted Castle Revisited (Switch) - The Worst Castlevania Gets Rehabilitated
Honestly as a Castlevania junkie (if Mega Man is no. 1, Castlevania is 1a) I would have taken any version of Haunted Castle, but an improved version by M2 is SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY time.
Re: Shinji Mikami Wants To Remake The Game That Inspired Resident Evil
If it could be remade and offered with an English localization as standard (as opposed to buying an expensive physical copy, dumping it and patching it) then I'd be all for it. Licensing could be a b***h though as noted.
Re: Review: MagicX XU Mini M - A Cute And Powerful Emulation Handheld
It seems like a decent option if you're not looking for excellent N64, Dreamcast, or PSP performance. Certainly a budget friendly one given even a decent Anbernic can cost you $20-$30 more.
Re: The Puzzle Platformer 'The Meating' Launches Today Across Switch, GBA, And NES
I'm considering picking up a boxed NES copy in the future, but a digital option for Switch is a nice alternative in the meantime!
Re: GameStop Announces Launch Of New "Retro GameStop" Stores
I've never seen a sealed copy for sale in person, so it wouldn't shock me. In fact on no less than two occasions I tried to buy a "new" game at GameStop, and they gave me one that had been opened for a store display, arguing that the game was behind the counter "unplayed." One time I went along with it but the other was a Mega Man game (surprise surprise) so I told them "if it's not shrink wrapped it's not new" and left.
Re: GameStop Announces Launch Of New "Retro GameStop" Stores
Oh yes, buy your retro games from the chain that used to throw away the boxes for DS and 3DS games because they took up too much space, and pay eBay markup level prices to boot — that sounds great! </sarcasm>
Re: Red Company Character Designer Takafumi "Panyome" Ieiri Has Passed Away
Very sad news. He worked on a lot of things I enjoyed over the years, and I'm a little embarrassed that I didn't even know his name. Now that I do I offer my condolences to his family and fans and hope that he will be better remembered for his contributions going forward.
Re: The SNES Has Just Got Its Own (Unofficial) Super Mario Bros. Maker
Imagine the possibilities - Castlevania Maker, Kid Icarus Maker, etc. or heck just SNES ports without the flicker and slowdown plus MSU-1 soundtrack options. Every port he's done to date has been stellar and he releases multiple revisions even after launch to iron out bugs. We need more people in the scene like Infidelity. If people want to see his catalogue just type @infidelity on the Internet Archive - it's all there.
Re: Here's The "Hidden Meaning" Behind The Dreamcast's Start Button
Twin sticks would have been better, but it's still more comfortable than a N64 controller in almost every way, and I actually like that controller so **shrug**.
Re: We're Getting (Another) New ZX Spectrum This November
My favorite fact about the Vega+ is that Guru Larry and Octav1us King used the rough edges of their "blankety blank" unit to slice through cheese. That's all it was good for. As for this device well I'm a filthy Yank so I have no fond nostalgia for the Zed X, so it's not for me, but if you released the built in games as a Switch cart I'd buy it.
Re: Metal Gear's Donna Burke Is The Voice Of Playdate 'Densha de Go' Tribute 'Zero Zero: Perfect Stop'
Now that's dedication to the source material!
Re: Lost In Cult Unveils "Kill The Past" - A New Book Covering The History Of Grasshopper Manufacture
Apparently the trailer for it you embedded has been made private.
Re: The SNES Has Just Got Its Own (Unofficial) Super Mario Bros. Maker
Infidelity is a GD genius.