

Also known as Mistah MegaManFan!

Comments 116

Re: The MSX0 May Be Getting Emulation Support For The Nintendo Famicom, PC Engine, And More


I really think this is a bad idea. Not just because Japan is a legal quandary when it comes to emulation, not just because Nintendo is especially litigious right now, but because you made a niche product for a purpose - a MSX for MSX fans. I don't know how big that market base is, but if they wanted to play Famicom, Atari and PC Engine there are a zillion options for that already.

Re: Talking Point: Is There Such A Thing As "Bad" Nostalgia?


I voted "I'm not sure" because you almost said how I feel but not quite. I don't take exception to people being nostalgic for things I am not; after all, I'm nostalgic for Red Dwarf and Doctor Who and that makes me an outlier to many other people. What I find bothersome is the tendency to remaster or re-release things that were million sellers at launch and still widely available in thrifts and retro stores today. Why buy a new copy for more? Why make more plastic than needs to exist? Nobody asked for the NES, GameBoy and N64 Star Wars games to get reprints from LRG, but they did anyway.

Re: "An Evil Disguised As Good" - Dragon Quest Vets Rail Against Censorship In Candid Interview


There aren't any satisfactory answers here. Unless you could buy back the rights to the IP from Square Enix to release it yourself, you have to live with (ridiculous) compromises, and even if you could would you have the money and resources to remaster it and release to the masses? They have to live with it, we have to live with it, and it's either that or just play the original un-remastered game. I'm pretty sure there were compromises even then though. You can say "Japan is more permissive" but there are limits there too and I'm sure there was plenty left on the cutting room floor for either being too expansive, too hard to fit in, or too salacious. The only way to make an artistically pure vision is to be a studio of one.

Re: "He Was Going To Crash His Car Into Sunsoft’s Gates" - Gimmick! Designer Tomomi Sakai On Making A Nintendo Masterpiece


I enjoyed this interview so much that I shared it on socials and came back to read it again. Well done! Sakai seems like a very humble guy but also understandably proud of what he created, and I respect his "one and done" view. He also doesn't seem to be taking a dump on the fact the IP was licensed to someone else and he wasn't involved — it's just his personal view that he made a standalone game. People will always try to make sequels to things without the stamp of approval from the original authors. After all how many Dracula and Frankenstein movies are there? At least Bitwave tried to make a respectful sequel that doesn't suck, gotta give them that, and Sakai is happy with his legacy so it's a win for him if more people play his original creation thanks to all the publicity.

Re: Creator Of PS1 Emulator DuckStation Threatens To "Shut The Whole Thing Down" Following License Change


Unintentionally the comments are a microcosm of what this dev is going through — some people are on his side, some people think he's a dick, and if anyone takes a stake in either position it can lead to arguments. The signal to noise ratio is far better here than on social media so from an empathetic POV try to imagine yourself in his shoes and how much louder it must be. I think @Poodlestargeneric sums it up best — he should just ignore the community, supporters and detractors alike. That's what No Man's Sky did and they turned things around by just doing the work and not trying to constantly answer to people.

Re: More Analogue Pocket Editions Are On The Way, And They're Based On The Game Boy Color


The mate above looks like a pro wrestler (Pirate Paul Burchill perhaps) and I dig it. Anyway the rainbow of colors they keep offering, I don't dig that so much, but as long as they keep the standard edition in regular stock — good on 'em. People do tend to moan about the high prices, and the cost of shipping isn't the best, but the quality of their devices has never disappointed me.

Re: GameStop Announces Launch Of New "Retro GameStop" Stores


I've never seen a sealed copy for sale in person, so it wouldn't shock me. In fact on no less than two occasions I tried to buy a "new" game at GameStop, and they gave me one that had been opened for a store display, arguing that the game was behind the counter "unplayed." One time I went along with it but the other was a Mega Man game (surprise surprise) so I told them "if it's not shrink wrapped it's not new" and left.

Re: The SNES Has Just Got Its Own (Unofficial) Super Mario Bros. Maker


Imagine the possibilities - Castlevania Maker, Kid Icarus Maker, etc. or heck just SNES ports without the flicker and slowdown plus MSU-1 soundtrack options. Every port he's done to date has been stellar and he releases multiple revisions even after launch to iron out bugs. We need more people in the scene like Infidelity. If people want to see his catalogue just type @infidelity on the Internet Archive - it's all there.

Re: We're Getting (Another) New ZX Spectrum This November


My favorite fact about the Vega+ is that Guru Larry and Octav1us King used the rough edges of their "blankety blank" unit to slice through cheese. That's all it was good for. As for this device well I'm a filthy Yank so I have no fond nostalgia for the Zed X, so it's not for me, but if you released the built in games as a Switch cart I'd buy it.