Comments 119

Re: Talking Point: Will Hand-Drawn Pixel Art Still Be Viable In Ten Years Time?


This was the question that was being raised when 3D and polygons became all the rage in the 32/64bit generation. Yet, sprites/hand drawn video games still exist and still have appeal. I'm not exactly sure his context, but I don't believe every game is good hand-drawn just like I don't believe every game is good with polygons. A designer stylizes a game in a certain format and hopefully it works for what the designer is trying to capture. If a game is a bad game, it's not going to matter what it looks like. Viable lies in the game play ultimately.

Re: Anniversary: F-Zero GX Is 20 Today


My favorite F-Zero. I really miss the custom car I created-- It required high skill to drive, but if you could, there was no turn/curve you couldn't take at high speed. If I could have just one more F-Zero in my life, with online, I'd need nothing more, and considering the GCN had online capabilities (albeit limited support), it just barely missed its chance. I can only hope for a future F-Zero, but considering all that's in MK8D, I really don't think Nintendo is even trying to make one any time soon.

Re: The Making Of: Mario Is Missing, The Legendary Plumber's Oddest Adventure


At the time I already loved geography, so mixing that with Mario made me the perfect target audience back then. It was also fun the fact that Luigi was the main star and that Mario and company were stumping around the real world-- something that was popularized in the Super Mario Bros Super show, Super Mario Bros 3 cartoon, the live-action Super Mario Bros movie, and now the animated Super Mario Bros movie.

Re: The Making Of: John Romero's Daikatana, The Game Boy Color Zelda Clone That Outscored Its Big Brother


I actually do remember the title of this game back in the day and that is about all I can say about it. I had no idea what this game was like but I would love to take a shot at it. As I look back through past systems I've played, looking at games that I hadn't played or missed, it turns out that the Game Boy and Game Boy Color have a lot more games I missed out on then I originally thought. I'll keep an Asterix by this one.

Re: Poll: Is Metroid Prime The Best 2D To 3D Transition Of Any Game Series, Ever?


I feel that Metroid's place in shifting from 2D to 3D is that it's one of gaming history's most surprisingly, shockingly, successful transitions. So many people were doubting that Metroid Prime was going to be any good at all back then and everyone was blown away, supporter or naysayer. I'll never forget when I first played it, I couldn't believe how well it just clicked-- But it did.

Re: Poll: So, What's Your Favourite Controller Of All Time?


I'm amazed at how well time has treated the GameCube controller. When it first came out I can't tell you how much people were hating a complaining about that controller. I really surprised that it's gained so much love over the years. It actually wasn't as bad at controller as many people made it out to me.

Re: The Making Of: Secret Of Evermore, Square's Western 'Secret Of Mana'


I played this before I ever played Secret of Mana, and I'm glad I played it in that order. The mysterious adventure feel, coupled with some hauntingly memorable music at times, really spoke to my 16 bit teenage years. Definitely worth a look for anyone curious. It's not the greatest in the world, but its left it mark. Give it a go, especially if you like Secret of Mana.

Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Fox Adventures, The Game That Was Once Dinosaur Planet


I feel two ways about the game. Through all the mishap of SFA's creation, I surprisingly enjoyed the game if nothing for the fact it expanded the SF canon as I always wanted Fox to visit new worlds, which may call for him to exist the Arwing at times. The biggest prob I had back then was the constant delays from when it was just Dinosaur Planet on N64 and the unfortunate transitions it undertook.