I can't say I would've drew that parallel, but great minds think alike I suppose. I would've felt Malanya from Zelda: BotW series would've drew a bigger comparison.
I thought this game had been out, and it seemed to like, disappear for a time, only to reappear in color, but I guess they were still getting things together. Glad it reviewed well-- I enjoy a good adventure game now and then.
Sigh oh how I would love for Terranigma to be released formally in the States at last. It's the one SNES game that matters to me I have yet to play. As an aside, Yuzo Koshiro composed Beyond Oasis as well.
I semi remembered this, until I saw the advert for the NES one-- Now I absolutely remember it and I absolutely wanted that controller because it had a touchpad. I guess things worked out for the best that I never had one. I absolutely remember that commercial too, OMG! 😆
I am floored by this, it looks simply amazing. It's like looking at what would have happened if the 16-bit age and Beyond never happened but 8-bit games continue to get better and better. I'm interested all around I wish them the best.
I like the remote "take out" idea, but I disagree with the illegally stealing the ROM. I look at it this way-- I can take a book out the library, consume it for my reading pleasure, transcribe it word for word, return the book, and do what I want there of (consequences pending). I can rent the ROM, consume it for playing pleasure, dump the ROM (consequences pending), and others continue to either rent it for legal or illegal means-- But the game ROM perseveres in a legal capacity. In the name of preservation, it will not be perfect with digital media, but as long as one officially legal copy remains, and is accessed by legal means, then you can deal with the bad actors case by case.
I'm only familiar with Duck Tales and Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers, but never touched this one. I've heard people gush through the years about it. Perhaps one day I'll get my shot.
@Damo Let me just first say, welcome to the "Ol' *****'s 45th Year Extravaganza!"-- You're in good company. Let me just say... I ABSOLUTELY went to sleep on Star Wars Ep2: AotC, no lie... thought it was just me. Second, as a Ghostbusters fan, love the reference 👌
Now as far as bad nostalgia, it's already a subjective beast to begin with. But I do believe bad nostalgia exists in one of two flavors: 1) You have nostalgia for something and remember it fondly, however upon a closer look, you realize it wasn't as fond a memory as you recalled. Example: Having great memories of a game, returning back to play it again after many years, and realizing it that it wasn't all that good despite your good memories about it.
2) You recall something knowingly bad, but despite its badness, you're able to see the silver lining of where it brought you to today. Example: Anything that's so bad, it good, such as seeing the live action Super Mario Bros. movie, knowing it's bad, but it'sa part of you, that time in your life, etc.
Great memories playing The Uninvited, Deja Vu, and this game on NES-- That got me started on point and clicks, but this style has always been my favorite style. Not third person. Not hidden items. Not comical themes. Just pick up items, figure out where they go, make a mistake, laugh at how you die (left up to your imagination to visualize with the power of words), and do it all again. And good moody music.
Unicorn Overlord definitely seems capable of scratching that itch, but if a remaster of Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen ever happened, I'd be all over it. See, my first game in the series was Person of Lordly Caliber for N64, so I've dabbled going backwards, but I can feel the age of the first game, making it harder for me to stick with. Of course, if a NEW title came out, I'd be just as happy.
Prison City easily caught my eye with it's Shatterhand/Powerblade look, two of my favorite games from back in the day. I'm very much looking forward to TASQ and the Classicvania homages so I can process Dracula's rib 😆
Donut Dodo was a nice surprise for me. Baring some obvious tech, it feels like it could've walked out of 1983. Haven't gotten to Cash Cow DX yet, but looking forward to that game and this next one.
This would have to aim for a new audience. Aiming for "those that remember " is a losing proposition. And it's probably a losing proposition all together.
I'm more or less echoing comments already said but... Renting this was my first exposure to it as I was happy to play ANYTHING N64 at that time. I remember I had loosely heard of Mystical Ninja, and that it was like Zelda somewhat, so I gave it a go. It was SO Japan, and whimsical, and hilarious. The 90s were very Japanese influenced for me, so I ate this game up. From "PUUULLASSSMMMAAA!", to the musical numbers, to the robot fights... to that music I still hum to this day.... This game was a shock to the senses. I ended up playing Goemon's Great Adventure, and eventually got to play The Legend of the Mystical Ninja for SNES. I can't express how much I miss this series. It's all up to you Konami.
Amazing the dedication. I don't know if they've tackled creating a one to one NES "chromatic", but if not, I'd like to see them try. My NES won't last forever, and if they've done work this good on a GB replica, color me interested.
A shame Nintendo won't re-release it... It's almost like they want to forget it because MvDK has a higher fidelity, but that simplicity of DK '94 is part of the charm, to me. Maybe a release on NSO is not far away.
This is why I shouldn't do a quiz when I first wake up lol. I got my tail whooped and a couple of times I just psyched myself out. Great to learn some facts that I didn't know, such as who actually directed Symphony of the Night. Also of note, I see we have leaderboards now, nice.
I have a huge soft spot for the early 80s arcade games, and I didn't just see Donut Dodo, but "how" it ran, and I was drawn. From the title screen to the gameplay, this dev has hit it out of the park and I'm following his games now. I guess Flynn's arcade is just the publisher, so I'm not sure if he did Murtop or Goliath Depot, but I'm eyeing those too.
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon Goemon's Great Adventure
And it all started with a rental of Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon. It was so fun and silly (PULASIMAAA!!), with great music (That town with the Moon Festival?), that I was hooked forever. Goemon's Great Adventure also had great music and I loved the multi-player. I actually didn't play The Legend of the Mystical Ninja until the Wii generation, but that was good classic 16-bit multi-player gaming that also had great music. If Rocket Knight can be dug up, I know this series can make a come back. C'mon Konami...
@MontyCircus this is my dilemma. I really want to play a lot of these games and I'm tempted to just read a translation. From what I've seen a couple of games don't really need much understanding, but ones like Wanderers of Ys are a little more text heavy.
This was a great read for me as I don't patronize LRG and I now understand why they irritate people so much. I also didn't know they were under the Embracer Group.
I was so hype for this until I learned it won't be translated. It's not that it's not playable, but I can't read anything the characters are saying which takes away from the enjoyment I probably would have.
Nintendo has had a few flops in its illustrious history, but few other companies have I seen take those ashes and repurpose them in some kind of successful way.
Biggest thing I loved about memory cards was indeed being able to take my progress over to my friends system and vice versa. Beyond that was just another expense that was a necessary evil.
I love Quintet, but I've only played Actraiser, Soul Blazer, and Illusion of Gaia. Still only sampled Terranigma on emulation (would love a proper release in NA), and I only faintly ever heard of Robotrek. I'm glad Actraiser got a remake, but I'm hoping Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, and at least Terranigma get a remake or re-release.
Comments 119
Re: Random: Miyamoto Was "Surprised" At The Similarities Between Ocarina Of Time & Princess Mononoke
I can't say I would've drew that parallel, but great minds think alike I suppose. I would've felt Malanya from Zelda: BotW series would've drew a bigger comparison.
Re: Review: Stories from Sol: The Gun-Dog (Switch) - A Mech-Based Adventure That Plays As Good As It Looks
I thought this game had been out, and it seemed to like, disappear for a time, only to reappear in color, but I guess they were still getting things together. Glad it reviewed well-- I enjoy a good adventure game now and then.
Re: Streets Of Rage Composer Yuzo Koshiro Worked On SNES RPG Terranigma, He Just Forgot About It Until 28 Years Later
Sigh oh how I would love for Terranigma to be released formally in the States at last. It's the one SNES game that matters to me I have yet to play.
As an aside, Yuzo Koshiro composed Beyond Oasis as well.
Re: What's Happening With Forever Entertainment's 'Panzer Dragoon II Zwei' Remake?
Seems like Forever Entertainment is a little too everywhere and could use some cohesion.
Re: The Artist Behind F-Zero's Legendary Japanese Cover Has Passed Away
Thank you, Arthur Nichols, for your part in the artwork that made enjoying F-Zero that much better. May you rest in peace.
Re: Flashback: One Of Gaming's Worst Pads Almost Led To A Controller That Promised To Change Gaming Forever
I semi remembered this, until I saw the advert for the NES one-- Now I absolutely remember it and I absolutely wanted that controller because it had a touchpad. I guess things worked out for the best that I never had one. I absolutely remember that commercial too, OMG! 😆
Re: Sorry, But That Nightmarish Lara Croft PS1 Controller Isn't Real
I'm sure someone was disappointed.
Re: Why Is N64 So Hard To Emulate In 2025? Modern Vintage Gamer Investigates
Interesting. I guess it's not entirely Nintendo's fault regarding emulation on NSO of N64 games being shoddy sometimes then.
Re: "Absolutely Horrid" - Is Nintendo Switch Online's Emulation Really That Bad?
I haven't noticed, but then again I don't tend to pay attention to those kind of things unless it is really noticeable.
Re: Interview: Capcom Legend Harumi Fujita Reflects On Her Impressive 40-Year Career In Games
Thank you Fujita-san for your contributions!
Re: Interview: How NES RPG Former Dawn Is Bringing CD-ROM Power To Nintendo's 8-Bit System
I am floored by this, it looks simply amazing. It's like looking at what would have happened if the 16-bit age and Beyond never happened but 8-bit games continue to get better and better. I'm interested all around I wish them the best.
Re: The US Copyright Office Doesn't Want To Give You Access To Video Game History
I like the remote "take out" idea, but I disagree with the illegally stealing the ROM. I look at it this way-- I can take a book out the library, consume it for my reading pleasure, transcribe it word for word, return the book, and do what I want there of (consequences pending). I can rent the ROM, consume it for playing pleasure, dump the ROM (consequences pending), and others continue to either rent it for legal or illegal means-- But the game ROM perseveres in a legal capacity. In the name of preservation, it will not be perfect with digital media, but as long as one officially legal copy remains, and is accessed by legal means, then you can deal with the bad actors case by case.
Re: The Making Of: The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse, Capcom's SNES Classic
I'm only familiar with Duck Tales and Chip N Dale Rescue Rangers, but never touched this one. I've heard people gush through the years about it. Perhaps one day I'll get my shot.
Re: Talking Point: Is There Such A Thing As "Bad" Nostalgia?
@Damo Let me just first say, welcome to the "Ol' *****'s 45th Year Extravaganza!"-- You're in good company. Let me just say... I ABSOLUTELY went to sleep on Star Wars Ep2: AotC, no lie... thought it was just me. Second, as a Ghostbusters fan, love the reference 👌
Now as far as bad nostalgia, it's already a subjective beast to begin with. But I do believe bad nostalgia exists in one of two flavors:
1) You have nostalgia for something and remember it fondly, however upon a closer look, you realize it wasn't as fond a memory as you recalled. Example: Having great memories of a game, returning back to play it again after many years, and realizing it that it wasn't all that good despite your good memories about it.
2) You recall something knowingly bad, but despite its badness, you're able to see the silver lining of where it brought you to today. Example: Anything that's so bad, it good, such as seeing the live action Super Mario Bros. movie, knowing it's bad, but it'sa part of you, that time in your life, etc.
Re: Interview: Shadowgate's Co-Creator On Returning To The NES Classic 30 Years Later
Great memories playing The Uninvited, Deja Vu, and this game on NES-- That got me started on point and clicks, but this style has always been my favorite style. Not third person. Not hidden items. Not comical themes. Just pick up items, figure out where they go, make a mistake, laugh at how you die (left up to your imagination to visualize with the power of words), and do it all again. And good moody music.
Re: Double Dragon Artist Says Double Dragon Revive Is "Cheap" And "Shows No Respect" To The Series
Still gonna wait for the review before I give a final thought. I love DD and I hope it's good.
Re: "Please Let Us Remaster Ogre Battle," Says Atari And Infogrames Boss
Unicorn Overlord definitely seems capable of scratching that itch, but if a remaster of Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen ever happened, I'd be all over it. See, my first game in the series was Person of Lordly Caliber for N64, so I've dabbled going backwards, but I can feel the age of the first game, making it harder for me to stick with. Of course, if a NEW title came out, I'd be just as happy.
Re: Interview: How Retroware's Castlevania Parody 'The Translyvania Adventure of Simon Quest' Pokes Fun At Konami's Series
Prison City easily caught my eye with it's Shatterhand/Powerblade look, two of my favorite games from back in the day. I'm very much looking forward to TASQ and the Classicvania homages so I can process Dracula's rib 😆
Re: Donut Dodo Devs' Next Game 'Looney Landers' Is A Homage To Nintendo's Sky Skipper
Donut Dodo was a nice surprise for me. Baring some obvious tech, it feels like it could've walked out of 1983. Haven't gotten to Cash Cow DX yet, but looking forward to that game and this next one.
Re: Zelda Movie Screenwriter Is Working On A Live-Action Eternal Champions Film
This would have to aim for a new audience. Aiming for "those that remember " is a losing proposition. And it's probably a losing proposition all together.
Re: The Making Of: Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, Konami's Underrated N64 Classic
I'm more or less echoing comments already said but...
Renting this was my first exposure to it as I was happy to play ANYTHING N64 at that time. I remember I had loosely heard of Mystical Ninja, and that it was like Zelda somewhat, so I gave it a go. It was SO Japan, and whimsical, and hilarious. The 90s were very Japanese influenced for me, so I ate this game up. From "PUUULLASSSMMMAAA!", to the musical numbers, to the robot fights... to that music I still hum to this day.... This game was a shock to the senses. I ended up playing Goemon's Great Adventure, and eventually got to play The Legend of the Mystical Ninja for SNES. I can't express how much I miss this series. It's all up to you Konami.
Re: Interview: ModRetro CEO On What Makes Chromatic The Ultimate Game Boy In 2024
@RetroGames considering my original SNES bit the dust eons ago, I'd be up for a Chromatic SNES as well.
Re: Interview: ModRetro CEO On What Makes Chromatic The Ultimate Game Boy In 2024
Amazing the dedication. I don't know if they've tackled creating a one to one NES "chromatic", but if not, I'd like to see them try. My NES won't last forever, and if they've done work this good on a GB replica, color me interested.
Re: Donkey Kong '94 Gets A 'DX' Game Boy Color Remaster, Thanks To Fans
A shame Nintendo won't re-release it... It's almost like they want to forget it because MvDK has a higher fidelity, but that simplicity of DK '94 is part of the charm, to me. Maybe a release on NSO is not far away.
Re: How Well Do You Know Castlevania?
This is why I shouldn't do a quiz when I first wake up lol. I got my tail whooped and a couple of times I just psyched myself out. Great to learn some facts that I didn't know, such as who actually directed Symphony of the Night. Also of note, I see we have leaderboards now, nice.
Re: Interview: "I Have Fond Memories Of Rogue Toilets" - Donut Dodo's Creator Reveals His Biggest Retro Influences
I have a huge soft spot for the early 80s arcade games, and I didn't just see Donut Dodo, but "how" it ran, and I was drawn. From the title screen to the gameplay, this dev has hit it out of the park and I'm following his games now. I guess Flynn's arcade is just the publisher, so I'm not sure if he did Murtop or Goliath Depot, but I'm eyeing those too.
Re: Interview: "We've Been Collecting Reaction Videos" - Digital Eclipse On Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Rita's Rewind
I'm mad this is the beat 'em up I never knew I wanted, looking like it's from a time that it never existed in. I'm stoked for the review.
Re: The Making Of: Worms, The Bedroom-Coded Classic That Spawned A Million-Selling Series
Such a guilty pleasure I came across back in the day. The same reason I was playing this is what he was doing to create it lol.
Re: Poll: What's The Best Ganbare Goemon / Mystical Ninja Game?
I only played...
The Legend of the Mystical Ninja
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
Goemon's Great Adventure
And it all started with a rental of
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon. It was so fun and silly (PULASIMAAA!!), with great music (That town with the Moon Festival?), that I was hooked forever. Goemon's Great Adventure also had great music and I loved the multi-player. I actually didn't play The Legend of the Mystical Ninja until the Wii generation, but that was good classic 16-bit multi-player gaming that also had great music. If Rocket Knight can be dug up, I know this series can make a come back. C'mon Konami...
Re: Did Masahiro Sakurai Consult On Def Jam: Fight For NY?
Sakurai always strikes me as a worldly kind of person that's seen and done many things.
Re: MSX2+ Action RPG Golvellius Comes To Nintendo Switch
@MontyCircus this is my dilemma. I really want to play a lot of these games and I'm tempted to just read a translation. From what I've seen a couple of games don't really need much understanding, but ones like Wanderers of Ys are a little more text heavy.
Re: Here's The Logo For The Upcoming Live-Action Street Fighter Movie
This could be a great thing for everyone. Or for me, it could just be a Tuesday...
Re: Someone Has Just Beaten Super Mario 64 Without Pressing The A Button
Ah yes... with exploits...
Re: Soapbox: The Trouble With Limited Run Games, And How To Fix It
This was a great read for me as I don't patronize LRG and I now understand why they irritate people so much. I also didn't know they were under the Embracer Group.
Re: The PC-88 Action-RPG YS III: Wanderers From Ys Is Heading To Switch
I was so hype for this until I learned it won't be translated. It's not that it's not playable, but I can't read anything the characters are saying which takes away from the enjoyment I probably would have.
Re: SNES Classic ActRaiser Is Getting A Jazz-Based Chillout Album
Very nice. I love Act Raiser and the soundtrack, so I'll give this a listen.
Re: Unpacking The 64DD, Nintendo's Most Infamous Flop
Nintendo has had a few flops in its illustrious history, but few other companies have I seen take those ashes and repurpose them in some kind of successful way.
Re: This N64 Controller Can Play The Entire Game Boy Library
That's very cool. It also shows how much dead space was on the controller that it could have had a screen in it to begin with.
Re: Castaway Is An Adorable New Zelda-Like From The Developer Of Lunark
Damn, Zelda:LA is that you?!
Re: Random: Modder Turns NES Cartridge Into NES Console That Can Play Itself
Clever. But it's still one less NES game in your library can be played because, you know... you sacrificed NES Open...
Re: Princess Peach: Showtime! Marks Return Of Goemon Director After 27 Years
@Lone_Beagle This! Yes!
I need Goemon back in my life.
Re: 32 Years On, Spike Chunsoft's First Game Has Been Translated Into English
Nice to see where the early inspirations for the Zero Escape series began. I see Chunsoft was no stranger to visual novels.
Re: Atari CEO Claims Bubsy Response Was "Greater Than Anticipated"
Are they trying to make Bubsy their mascot...?
Re: Super Mario Bros. CD Is A New ROM Hack Inspired By A Console That Doesn't Exist
Oh wow, looks and sounds impressive. I would play this in a heartbeat.
Re: Retro-Bit Bringing SNES Cult Classic 'Majyūō - King Of Demons' To The West For The First Time
Looks like an average SNES game not unlike something Jaleco or Telenet would put out, but I'd still play it.
Re: Amateur Coding Event Wants You To Make The Worst Sonic Mania 2 Imaginable
There's enough shovelware already. Why are they asking people to make more? 😆
Re: In Memory Of Memory Cards
Biggest thing I loved about memory cards was indeed being able to take my progress over to my friends system and vice versa. Beyond that was just another expense that was a necessary evil.
Re: Is Quintet's Robotrek The Most Underrated SNES JRPG Ever?
I love Quintet, but I've only played Actraiser, Soul Blazer, and Illusion of Gaia. Still only sampled Terranigma on emulation (would love a proper release in NA), and I only faintly ever heard of Robotrek. I'm glad Actraiser got a remake, but I'm hoping Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, and at least Terranigma get a remake or re-release.
Re: You Can Dump A Game Boy Advance ROM By Crashing It And Recording The Audio
Makes me think there are some messages hidden in the snow on air TV when there's no signal...
Re: Two More People Have Beaten NES Tetris
255?! Lol wow. So is that kill screen kinda random? Is it even doable to get to lv255?