Comments 119

Re: The US Copyright Office Doesn't Want To Give You Access To Video Game History


I like the remote "take out" idea, but I disagree with the illegally stealing the ROM. I look at it this way-- I can take a book out the library, consume it for my reading pleasure, transcribe it word for word, return the book, and do what I want there of (consequences pending). I can rent the ROM, consume it for playing pleasure, dump the ROM (consequences pending), and others continue to either rent it for legal or illegal means-- But the game ROM perseveres in a legal capacity. In the name of preservation, it will not be perfect with digital media, but as long as one officially legal copy remains, and is accessed by legal means, then you can deal with the bad actors case by case.

Re: Talking Point: Is There Such A Thing As "Bad" Nostalgia?


@Damo Let me just first say, welcome to the "Ol' *****'s 45th Year Extravaganza!"-- You're in good company. Let me just say... I ABSOLUTELY went to sleep on Star Wars Ep2: AotC, no lie... thought it was just me. Second, as a Ghostbusters fan, love the reference 👌

Now as far as bad nostalgia, it's already a subjective beast to begin with. But I do believe bad nostalgia exists in one of two flavors:
1) You have nostalgia for something and remember it fondly, however upon a closer look, you realize it wasn't as fond a memory as you recalled. Example: Having great memories of a game, returning back to play it again after many years, and realizing it that it wasn't all that good despite your good memories about it.

2) You recall something knowingly bad, but despite its badness, you're able to see the silver lining of where it brought you to today. Example: Anything that's so bad, it good, such as seeing the live action Super Mario Bros. movie, knowing it's bad, but it'sa part of you, that time in your life, etc.

Re: Interview: Shadowgate's Co-Creator On Returning To The NES Classic 30 Years Later


Great memories playing The Uninvited, Deja Vu, and this game on NES-- That got me started on point and clicks, but this style has always been my favorite style. Not third person. Not hidden items. Not comical themes. Just pick up items, figure out where they go, make a mistake, laugh at how you die (left up to your imagination to visualize with the power of words), and do it all again. And good moody music.

Re: "Please Let Us Remaster Ogre Battle," Says Atari And Infogrames Boss


Unicorn Overlord definitely seems capable of scratching that itch, but if a remaster of Ogre Battle: March of the Black Queen ever happened, I'd be all over it. See, my first game in the series was Person of Lordly Caliber for N64, so I've dabbled going backwards, but I can feel the age of the first game, making it harder for me to stick with. Of course, if a NEW title came out, I'd be just as happy.

Re: The Making Of: Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, Konami's Underrated N64 Classic


I'm more or less echoing comments already said but...
Renting this was my first exposure to it as I was happy to play ANYTHING N64 at that time. I remember I had loosely heard of Mystical Ninja, and that it was like Zelda somewhat, so I gave it a go. It was SO Japan, and whimsical, and hilarious. The 90s were very Japanese influenced for me, so I ate this game up. From "PUUULLASSSMMMAAA!", to the musical numbers, to the robot fights... to that music I still hum to this day.... This game was a shock to the senses. I ended up playing Goemon's Great Adventure, and eventually got to play The Legend of the Mystical Ninja for SNES. I can't express how much I miss this series. It's all up to you Konami.

Re: How Well Do You Know Castlevania?


This is why I shouldn't do a quiz when I first wake up lol. I got my tail whooped and a couple of times I just psyched myself out. Great to learn some facts that I didn't know, such as who actually directed Symphony of the Night. Also of note, I see we have leaderboards now, nice.

Re: Interview: "I Have Fond Memories Of Rogue Toilets" - Donut Dodo's Creator Reveals His Biggest Retro Influences


I have a huge soft spot for the early 80s arcade games, and I didn't just see Donut Dodo, but "how" it ran, and I was drawn. From the title screen to the gameplay, this dev has hit it out of the park and I'm following his games now. I guess Flynn's arcade is just the publisher, so I'm not sure if he did Murtop or Goliath Depot, but I'm eyeing those too.

Re: Poll: What's The Best Ganbare Goemon / Mystical Ninja Game?


I only played...

The Legend of the Mystical Ninja
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
Goemon's Great Adventure

And it all started with a rental of
Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon. It was so fun and silly (PULASIMAAA!!), with great music (That town with the Moon Festival?), that I was hooked forever. Goemon's Great Adventure also had great music and I loved the multi-player. I actually didn't play The Legend of the Mystical Ninja until the Wii generation, but that was good classic 16-bit multi-player gaming that also had great music. If Rocket Knight can be dug up, I know this series can make a come back. C'mon Konami...

Re: MSX2+ Action RPG Golvellius Comes To Nintendo Switch


@MontyCircus this is my dilemma. I really want to play a lot of these games and I'm tempted to just read a translation. From what I've seen a couple of games don't really need much understanding, but ones like Wanderers of Ys are a little more text heavy.

Re: In Memory Of Memory Cards


Biggest thing I loved about memory cards was indeed being able to take my progress over to my friends system and vice versa. Beyond that was just another expense that was a necessary evil.

Re: Is Quintet's Robotrek The Most Underrated SNES JRPG Ever?


I love Quintet, but I've only played Actraiser, Soul Blazer, and Illusion of Gaia. Still only sampled Terranigma on emulation (would love a proper release in NA), and I only faintly ever heard of Robotrek. I'm glad Actraiser got a remake, but I'm hoping Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, and at least Terranigma get a remake or re-release.