Comments 69

Re: Review: Anbernic RG405M - PS2 And GameCube Emulation That Fits In Your Pocket


@Guitar_bard It's a really great handheld. I use it mainly for psp and wide-screen hacks for GameCube/Wii/PS2/Dreamcast.
It feels great to be able to switch from Mario Kart wii to Tekken 6 to Powerstone to Resident Evil 4 to FF12...

Mind you not everything will work on ps2 and wii.

Steam deck is better but too big for me and the other pc handheld so far haven't convinced me. You might also look into the retroid pocket 3+, not as good as Odin Pro but good enough for most of the stuff.

Re: Anbernic Announces The RG353PS Out Of Nowhere


Not bad. Happy with my VS though so I'll pass. Wish they would focus on a better CPU so we can enjoy the next 4:3 step, GameCube and PS2. I like my odin pro but something the size of the 353V or even 351V is is ideal for a bike commuter like me.

Re: Review: Miyoo Mini Plus - A Game Boy-Style Emulation Powerhouse For $70


@Stocksy Depends on your needs. I didn't see much use for touch except DS (and a surprising number of games don't require it) also linux always seems to provide better performance so I didn't consider android at all and went for the non-touch version. Not sure if Arkos ever got touch support but the great thing is that thanks to dual boot you could switch to android easily. Good luck!

Re: Review: Miyoo Mini Plus - A Game Boy-Style Emulation Powerhouse For $70


I'm not sure why the MYOO devices are so popular. ANBERNIC released a lot of garbage but 353V is so much ahead in terms of performance I would never consider the mini as it stands. I don't use it for PSP since my Ayn Odin does a better job but the 353 does that and Dreamcast without problems. Also the lack of analog sticks on the MYOO is a real downer, even the single one on my 351V made me move on to the 353V for the dual sticks.
I guess the if price is the only factor the MYOO is a an interesting proposition but the cons outweigh the pros in my opinion.
Also sorry it this sounds like a an Anbernic ad but this is what I have, feel free too replace 353 with any slightly pricier with much better specs option.
@belmont when I ordered from AliExpress to France I only paid the shipping and taxes on the site, no bad surprises with the delivery

Re: Talking Point: What Do You Want From A New Castlevania?


@10somnambulance Can't believe Dead Cell's DLC isn't mentioned more. I liked the way they remained faithful to the overall aesthetics and monsters while elevating the whole to Dead Cell's gameplay.

Otherwise of course it's gotta be metroidvania. Can't believe there aren't more Castlevania hacks, there sure are a lot of metroid ones but Castlevania usually gets differents characters while I've been waiting for new maps or even a random room generator like Super Metroid Arcade. Currently going through HoD Definitive Edition.

Re: Best Beat 'Em Ups Of All Time


Nice list, missing Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, Captain Commando and Night Slashers.
Also a favourite from my childhood : Bad Dudes vs Dragon Ninja.
Gotta mention Mutation Nation too, played it so much in the early 2000s.

Re: Poll: Are Game Boy Games Still Worth Playing In 2023?


I would like to say that GB is timeless but I have to face the truth : there is no GB/GBC game to be found on my RG353. However out of 34 favorites 9 are gba games. Advance Wars, Fire Emblem, Castlevania, Metroid, Megaman... I agree with a prior comment that I prefer the original art style. I wonder what shaders if any nintendo will offer, sharp-bilinear-scanlines with color correction is very flattering to gba, the vanilla experience less so.
I hope they do DS one day, currently playing Miles Edgeworth, Dragon Quest Monster Joker, Etrian Odyssey, FF Chronicles RoF and chilling with Bejeweled and Geometry Wars.

Re: Best PS2 Games - PlayStation 2 Titles You Need To Play


Gran Turismo, Tekken, Zone of the Enders, Prince of Persia, Dark Alliance...

Having a PS2 revival thanks to my Odin Pro. I had a blast with : Baroque, Evil Dead, Dead to Rights, Hunter the Reckoning, LotR the Two Towers, Ultimate Alliance, Maximo, SOCOM, Shining Force Neo, Spider-Man Friend or Foe, TMNT (the konami trilogy), X-MEN Legends & .Hack//G.U.

So many good games on this console.

Re: Poll: What Was Your Favourite Game Of Christmas 2012?


So many good games, shows how gaming has degenerated since then. Ultimately I had to go with FE: Awakening but P4Golden is right behind. And XCOM (of course better when upgraded to Enemy Within), Far Cry 3, Diablo 3, Black Ops 2 (still played regularly vs bots on my 360 because I can't get the dlcs to work on Xbox one) are amongst my favorite games while Mass Effect 3 is still ongoing and RE6 is in my backlog.

Re: Anbernic's RG35XX Looks A Lot Like A Game Boy, But You Won't Need Carts


I already have 351v and 353v and the 353 nailed it imo with better triggers, dual analogs and bluetooth (although I like the size of the 351v better). This looks more like an upgrade of the 280v and indeed an answer to the Miyoo Mini.
I wish Anbernic would release a 5" handheld targeted at arcade, ds, 3ds and android games. I still have my dsi XL / 2ds LL but those won't be eternal.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (November 19th)


Getting back into reading Japanese, got the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga and decided to delve into the unknown. I used to play MtG in the old days so learning the rules was relatively painless.
Very impressed by Yu-Gi-Oh! Ultimate Masters: World Championship Tournament 2006 on GBA/[rg353vs], the gameplay is really good given the machine limitations.
Still the one I am focusing on is Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force on PSP/[Ayn Odin Pro]. Really good gameplay, nice graphics and I can get a cat to follow me everywhere.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (November 12th)


@AJB83 I played it on my PSP street back in the day and the Ayn Odin is a an improvement since I have been able to map camera controls to the right analog stick (which will obviously work too on RP3) . Also the game looks really good with 3x resloution and 16x anisotropic filtering.
I have PSO sitting on the backburner on 360 but haven't played it yet so I can't compare. I hope you enjoy the game and its sequel, and in the same vein you could go for some Monster Hunter Freedom Unite and Portable 3 (my favourite MH game ever).

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (October 29th)


After Evil Dead : A Fistful of Boomstick last week and to remain in the spirit of the season I'm playing Call of Cthulhu on Xbox One. I'll also play Dark Pictures : Little Hope on monday. If there is time I'll also dabble in some Zombies Ate My Neighbors and if everything else falls flat I still have the Harmony of Dissonance Definitive Edition hack to fall back to.

Re: CIBSunday: DOOM (PC)


I still remember pestering my father so we'd make a 50km trip to get a WOLFENSTEIN shareware disc. As far as Doom is concerned I don't remember how I got the shareware but I was the proud owner of a Ultimate Doom box at one time.
Also on the shareware subject I also remember (after some more pestering) getting to order a bunch of floppies from a list in a magazine.
Damn, we've come a long way... but good times nonetheless.

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