I used to love downloading all the english translated GCCX episodes back in 2014 and watching them while i worked out. No idea how to get ahold of them these days seeing how they seem to have all been taken down some years back probably due to copyright issues or something.
@-wc- i (at the same age) was completely underwhelmed by the playable Tekken kiosk at toys r us, and walked out with soul blade and crash bandicoot instead. No regerts. Well, other than going home first with a ps1 and then selling it so i could get a Saturn.
@RebeccaF Internet warrior, what does this article have to do with terra onion??? I actually wasted 5 minutes of my time clicking through the various links and saw nothing mentioning them. This mod uses a gdemu, not a MODE.
@smoreon I mean, think about what the PSU does. It is a stepdown ac to dc converter. Don’t stick your tongue on the first component in the circuit maybe, and sure give it 15 minutes after unplugging if you feel the need. Lol
@KingMike as far as PSU goes, no..? Power off, cord unplugged, no charge. Its not a CRT. Those are what hold a charge (sometimes, depends on the circuit.)
This game is one of only a handful of titles I keep my ps1 with an ODE around for. Super fun and cute. Not that hard to navigate without Japanese knowledge either.
Literally the only AAA series i follow these days. Still working through The Man Who Erased His Name before i start Infinite Wealth, but super excited to see what all it has in store once i get to it.
Im more interested in the hardware inside the stick if they get as many consoles working with it as they are aiming for. I already have a custom built stick that cost around 400 bucks. I would love for it to have compatibility with a few more consoles than the current board inside it allows. Any word on whether they will be selling the IO board separately??
Go outside and get some fresh air is advice that most people in this hobby need to follow a hell of a lot more often. Far too many peter pans and dungeon CHUDs make an otherwise interesting historical topic absolutely mired with cringe.
Hell yeah, great article and now I gotta pick up the books soon! Also, sorry you were a very early victim of the cancer that is social media. What a terribly frustrating experience you had to endure while trying to do something so positive for our hobby.
Second best game in the Mario series behind Hotel Mario. Makes sense now that I know it was developed outside of Nintendo. For a moment back in the day I remember thinking Nintendo was finally really hitting there stride with game development.
Comments 81
Re: Game Center CX Writer Launches New Video Game-Themed TV Show
I used to love downloading all the english translated GCCX episodes back in 2014 and watching them while i worked out. No idea how to get ahold of them these days seeing how they seem to have all been taken down some years back probably due to copyright issues or something.
Re: Cyber Mission Is A Promising Genesis / Mega Drive Game Inspired by Capcom's Forgotten Worlds
Sorry, but just like hunter girls this looks terribly unimpressive.
Re: How Namco Tried To Stave Off Coin-Op's "Impending Doom"
Prop cycle never worked in America because it was easy to destroy. I liked the attract video, the cycle was always fizzucked in half.
Re: Interview: "It’s Rare That You Can Identify A Winner" - How Namco Brought Tekken To The West
@-wc- i (at the same age) was completely underwhelmed by the playable Tekken kiosk at toys r us, and walked out with soul blade and crash bandicoot instead. No regerts. Well, other than going home first with a ps1 and then selling it so i could get a Saturn.
Re: Flashback: That Time Miyamoto Said He Could Make Halo, But Didn't Want To
Prolly could have made Halo. Could never have made Sonic. Too weak.
Re: Flashback: Gizmondo's Lavish Launch Party Had Everything, Except A Successful System
@SuntannedDuck2 carry on little wizard. Enjoy the hours you’ve spent obsessing over this topic about defunct pieces of useless plastic.
Re: Just Like Streets Of Rage, Altered Beast Is Getting An Action Figure
Re: Yuzo Koshiro's Shmup 'Earthion' Is Pushing Sega Genesis To Its Absolute Limit
Day one purchase for me, even if sadly I have to give some dollars to Limited Fun. Lol
Re: Flashback: Gizmondo's Lavish Launch Party Had Everything, Except A Successful System
This is a chatGPT post. Wtf???
Re: 'Mega Final Fight' Dev Shows Off His Hexen-Style RPG FPS In New Footage
This looks great so far. Truly impressive frame rate as it stands currently.
Re: Random: This Frankenstein Wii / N64 / GameCube Console Gives Us Nightmares
Re: 22 Years Later, GBA Action RPG 'Kien' Is Finally Coming Out
I am really not a fan of the big headed art style for some reason. Bleh.
Re: 3DS Emulator Citra Is Dead, Along With Switch Emulator Yuzu
Yep, just Nintendo being a terrible company as usual.
Re: Check Out Dreamblade, An Awesome 'Dreamcast Mini' Mod
Internet warrior, what does this article have to do with terra onion??? I actually wasted 5 minutes of my time clicking through the various links and saw nothing mentioning them. This mod uses a gdemu, not a MODE.
Re: Poll: What's The Best Handheld Of All Time?
Gotta have a set of gonads to vote for the Nomad.
Re: Building The Ultimate Sega Saturn
I mean, think about what the PSU does. It is a stepdown ac to dc converter. Don’t stick your tongue on the first component in the circuit maybe, and sure give it 15 minutes after unplugging if you feel the need. Lol
Re: Building The Ultimate Sega Saturn
@KingMike as far as PSU goes, no..? Power off, cord unplugged, no charge. Its not a CRT. Those are what hold a charge (sometimes, depends on the circuit.)
Re: Building The Ultimate Sega Saturn
Just recap the PSU. Its like 6-8 caps depending on revision, well spaced apart, super easy to do.
Re: Please, We Need To Play This PS1 Game With Pop Song-Singing Cats
This game is one of only a handful of titles I keep my ps1 with an ODE around for. Super fun and cute. Not that hard to navigate without Japanese knowledge either.
Re: 'Shenmue' Earns Hilarious Reference In 'Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth'
Literally the only AAA series i follow these days. Still working through The Man Who Erased His Name before i start Infinite Wealth, but super excited to see what all it has in store once i get to it.
Re: Polymega's Latest Update Removes Some Pre-Installed Games
This thing has been a disaster from day one. I can’t believe that there is not more hate for this device.
Re: Octopus Arcade Stick Gets New System Stretch Goals And A Revised Layout
Stilllllll waiting to hear if the IO board will be sold as a standalone retrofit kit for other arcade sticks??
Re: Streets Of Rage 2, ActRaiser And Story Of Thor - Ayano Koshiro On Her Career In Games
Great read, thank you.
Re: The Making Of: Chandragupta: Warrior Prince - The Indian 'Prince Of Persia' Published By Sony
Game no one has heard of ends up sucking. Astonishing!
Re: Hands On: Octopus Arcade Stick - A One-Stop Solution For Fighting Fans
@-wc- small hands??? Or you just enjoy playing SNK fighters in a horrible layout they were not designed to be played in? XD
Re: Hands On: Octopus Arcade Stick - A One-Stop Solution For Fighting Fans
Im more interested in the hardware inside the stick if they get as many consoles working with it as they are aiming for. I already have a custom built stick that cost around 400 bucks. I would love for it to have compatibility with a few more consoles than the current board inside it allows. Any word on whether they will be selling the IO board separately??
Re: Teen Who "Beat" Tetris Told To "Go Outside And Get Some Fresh Air"
Go outside and get some fresh air is advice that most people in this hobby need to follow a hell of a lot more often. Far too many peter pans and dungeon CHUDs make an otherwise interesting historical topic absolutely mired with cringe.
Re: I Spent $75,000 Documenting Japan's Gaming History, And It Was Quite The Ride
Hell yeah, great article and now I gotta pick up the books soon! Also, sorry you were a very early victim of the cancer that is social media. What a terribly frustrating experience you had to endure while trying to do something so positive for our hobby.
Re: This Game Boy SP-Style Smartwatch Is Powered By FPGA
It’s no Gamegear with a hip clip, but some lesser thans may see the appeal here and bite.
Re: The Making Of: Mario Is Missing, The Plumber's Oddest Adventure
Second best game in the Mario series behind Hotel Mario. Makes sense now that I know it was developed outside of Nintendo. For a moment back in the day I remember thinking Nintendo was finally really hitting there stride with game development.
Re: Editorial: Merry Christmas And Happy Holidays From All At Time Extension!
Thank you guys. I was finally able to quit forums once I found this site for game news.