I used to play a ton of SC2 on my gamecube back in the day. I remember I'd take the time to learn Nightmare's combos, but still get my ass kicked by my little sis just button mashing with Kilik. "Master show me the way!" It was infuriating, haha.
Is it just me or does that menacing face in the sky resemble Arnold Shwarzenegger. Also Axel looks a lot like Jean Claude Van Damme. Methinks the artist was using popular action stars of the time for reference.
I never used one of these, but I feel like I wouldn't like it even if it worked perfectly. I can't imagine trying to preform a shoryuken motion in street fighter for instance. The tactile feedback you get from using a traditional d-pad seems like it would be lost entirely.
Looks like it has potential. I actually enjoyed that Xbox360 Splatterhouse reboot from back in 2010, it was a fun gory brawler. Also Jim Cummings voice work is always great to hear.
Definitely most excited for Ninja Gaiden and Onimusha.
Looks like Onimusha is returning to the horror theme that was really only present in the first game, which is great as the original is still my fav in the series.
Man, I'd love a remaster of this, one of the most unique horror games out there. I regrettably sold my copy years ago, and now it's ridiculously expensive.
Night, Dawn and Day of the Dead remain my top three zombie movies, I've always been curious what Romero would've done with Resident Evil, my fav game series.
Great illustration btw, that is one freaky looking Hunter.
Looking forward to playing this online when Capcom fighting collection 2 releases. Been playing this on my gamecube for over 20 years now, time to see if my skills count for anything, haha.
Capcom artwork was hugely inspirational to me back when I was in art school. I had a book I used to pour through called Capcom Design Works that was filled with concept art and sketches like these.
Haha, that's kind of awesome. It's dripping with more haunting atmosphere than Eternal Darkness. This one definitely passed me by at the time, I was well, well beyond my Winnie the Pooh phase. Shame about the inflated prices though.
Pretty neat. Can't see why I'd have have to exit a level before beating it though, given I have such 'mad skillz', honed over 30 years of playing this game;)
I still have my original snes cartridge, the second snes game I ever owned after Mario World of course. Remains one of my all time fav platformers, the game play is just so smooth. I still try to speed run now and again. I think my best time was something like 23 minutes.
Haha, I gotta say Knuckle Heads is a pretty great title for a 2d fighter, in spite of the fact this seems to be a weapons based game, and no one is actually using their fists.
The two vs two multiplayer mode looks kinda cool, I somehow doubt I could scrounge up three other people to play this with me though.
@KitsuneNight Haha, now that you mention it, I think you're right. The artist probably forgot Ryu was supposed to be holding a sword and hastily stuck one in.
Love this game. I still have my gamecube copy I got back in the day. I've played so much over the years I've been able to master using the cube's tiny d-pad haha.
@Diogmites I have not seen Black Hole. It's one of those movies I'm aware of, but never saw growing up. Now that I know Borgine's in it, I shall give it a watch at some point.
Speaking of Ernest Borgnine, another one of my fav flicks of his is Emperor of the North (1973). Sort of a 1930s period piece about boxcar hobos. He plays the villain and he is completely unhinged, haha. Totally worth a watch.
One of my all time favourite movies. In terms my own gaming tastes, I'd prefer an Escape from New York game in the style of Arkham City or something. I'm just imagining driving around in Ernest Borgnine's cab tossing molotovs at enemy mobs.
One of my favourite aspects of Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise on ps4 is, you can go back to Kenshiro's apartment and play the original 1986 Hokuto no Ken game on an old console you find in the desert.
@Diogmites Haha, It's so corny, but I still unironically enjoy Roadhouse. It basically is the film version of a beat 'em up game. There's even a big fat guy with suspenders and a baseball cap, which I'm pretty sure is an enemy type in Final Fight.
Precinct 13 is great. It has that same sense of isolation as The Thing and Halloween. A bunch of characters trapped in a singular setting trying to survive, good stuff.
I always thought Final Fight would make for an awesome gritty action film. Something in the style of movies like The Warriors, Road House, and Assault on Precinct 13.
@DestructoDisk Oh my god, yeah. I know it's a cartoon, but every character is wacky and neurotic, I can't stand any of them. I like the concept of a more comedic ST show featuring the regular joes of starfleet, but personally I think it would work better as a more grounded live action series. I'll just go back to watching DS9 for the umpteenth time.
Comments 140
Re: Soulcalibur Devs Talk Freaks, Time-Travelling Space Sheriffs And "Happy" Characters In 1999 Interview
I used to play a ton of SC2 on my gamecube back in the day. I remember I'd take the time to learn Nightmare's combos, but still get my ass kicked by my little sis just button mashing with Kilik. "Master show me the way!" It was infuriating, haha.
Re: Streets Of Rage 2's Delisted 3DS Port Lives On Thanks To This Genesis Patch
Is it just me or does that menacing face in the sky resemble Arnold Shwarzenegger. Also Axel looks a lot like Jean Claude Van Damme. Methinks the artist was using popular action stars of the time for reference.
Re: Flashback: One Of Gaming's Worst Pads Almost Led To A Controller That Promised To Change Gaming Forever
I never used one of these, but I feel like I wouldn't like it even if it worked perfectly. I can't imagine trying to preform a shoryuken motion in street fighter for instance. The tactile feedback you get from using a traditional d-pad seems like it would be lost entirely.
Re: After What Feels Like A Lifetime, Amazon Is Cancelling Mighty No. 9 3DS And Vita Pre-Orders
I guess it's finally time to cry like an anime fan on prom night.
Re: Random: Warrior Blade's Game Over Screen Hides A Bunch Of Fascinating Secrets To Discover
Haha, that's pretty neat.
Re: Random: This Ultra Widescreen Darius Set-Up Has Us Insanely Jealous
Whoaa, that's pretty rad.
Reminds me of Jaden Smith's setup in that one Key and Peele skit, haha.
Re: Splatterhouse Is Getting A Spiritual Successor Called 'Carnage Mansion'
Looks like it has potential. I actually enjoyed that Xbox360 Splatterhouse reboot from back in 2010, it was a fun gory brawler. Also Jim Cummings voice work is always great to hear.
"2 x 4 handy. Let's do some f@#king carpentry!!"
Re: Round Up: Virtua Fighter, Onimusha, Okami, Ninja Gaiden... The Game Awards 2024 Was A Good Night For Classic Gaming Fans
Definitely most excited for Ninja Gaiden and Onimusha.
Looks like Onimusha is returning to the horror theme that was really only present in the first game, which is great as the original is still my fav in the series.
Re: Random: 'Final Fight' Features An Obscure 'Akira' Easter Egg That Has Taken 35 Years To Discover
That's very subtle. No wonder it took 35 years.
Re: Japanese Gamers Just Picked The 30 Best PlayStation Games Of All Time
No Devil May Cry 3 or Shadow of the Colossus surprises me. Not to mention Symphony of the Night!
Re: Eternal Darkness Playable On Dolphin Again After Being "A Thorn" In Its Developers' Sides
Man, I'd love a remaster of this, one of the most unique horror games out there. I regrettably sold my copy years ago, and now it's ridiculously expensive.
Re: 'George A. Romero's Resident Evil' Documentary Gets January Release Date
Night, Dawn and Day of the Dead remain my top three zombie movies, I've always been curious what Romero would've done with Resident Evil, my fav game series.
Great illustration btw, that is one freaky looking Hunter.
Re: 23 Years On, And New Combos Are Still Being Discovered In Capcom Vs. SNK 2
Looking forward to playing this online when Capcom fighting collection 2 releases. Been playing this on my gamecube for over 20 years now, time to see if my skills count for anything, haha.
Re: Capcom Art Account Shares Early Sketches of Street Fighter Alpha, Darkstalkers, Cyberbots, & More
Capcom artwork was hugely inspirational to me back when I was in art school. I had a book I used to pour through called Capcom Design Works that was filled with concept art and sketches like these.
Re: We Now Have Our First Images Of M2's New 'Night Striker' Game
Gotta love those 80s airbrush/acrylic paint renderings. Such a unique aesthetic.
Re: How Do You Improve Street Fighter II? By Adding RPG-Style Experience Points, Of Course
"It all depends on your skill!!"
Re: Piglet's Big Game Gets Compared To Resident Evil And Silent Hill, Starts Selling For Big Bucks
Haha, that's kind of awesome. It's dripping with more haunting atmosphere than Eternal Darkness. This one definitely passed me by at the time, I was well, well beyond my Winnie the Pooh phase. Shame about the inflated prices though.
Re: Interview: Capcom Legend Harumi Fujita Reflects On Her Impressive 40-Year Career In Games
Ah Skyblazer is a great game, definitely has that Capcom feel now that you mention it. The music is quite memorable as well.
Re: 29 Years Later, A New Donkey Kong Country 2 Cheat Code Has Been Discovered
Pretty neat. Can't see why I'd have have to exit a level before beating it though, given I have such 'mad skillz', honed over 30 years of playing this game;)
Re: Random: Here's The Story Of Why Capcom's SNES Aladdin Game Didn't Feature A Sword
I still have my original snes cartridge, the second snes game I ever owned after Mario World of course. Remains one of my all time fav platformers, the game play is just so smooth. I still try to speed run now and again. I think my best time was something like 23 minutes.
Re: The Making Of: The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse, Capcom's SNES Classic
Loved this game back in the day. Used to rent it all the time along with it's sequel.
Re: Review: Haunted Castle Revisited (Switch) - The Worst Castlevania Gets Rehabilitated
Really enjoyed playing through this last night, it's up there with the 'vanias of yore. Loved the stained glass window boss, reminded me of MediEvil
Re: Random: Some People Don't Seem To Realise Ryu And Terry Bogard Share The Same Creator
Terry's always been my fav SNK fighting game character, closely followed by Haohmaru.
Re: Namco's 1993 Fighting Game 'Knuckle Heads' Is Coming To Switch & PS4
Haha, I gotta say Knuckle Heads is a pretty great title for a 2d fighter, in spite of the fact this seems to be a weapons based game, and no one is actually using their fists.
The two vs two multiplayer mode looks kinda cool, I somehow doubt I could scrounge up three other people to play this with me though.
Re: The Making Of: Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, Konami's Underrated N64 Classic
You know, I missed out on Goemon during the N64 days. I would like to check it out at some point. Maybe it'll come to the NSO eventually.
Re: How Well Do You Know Castlevania?
I did okayish.
You guys didn't mention arguably Robert Carlye's best film Ravenous. Which is relevant as he plays a kinda/sorta vampire in that movie.
Re: Interview: "The Mega Drive / Genesis Is Built For Speed" - ZPF's Creator On Developing A New 16-bit Shmup In 2024
Wow, it certainly looks like a feast for the eyes. Also, I love Lords of Thunder.
Re: Ninja Emaki Arrives On Arcade Archives On PS4 & Nintendo Switch This Week
Cool, looks like an ancestor of Ninja Commando.
Re: This PC Engine Mod Is The Most Relaxing Thing We've Watched In Ages
Some low budget sci-fi film should use that as a space ship model. Instant production value!
Re: Contra Reforged Turns Konami's '80s Classic Into A Third-Person Shooter
Oh I don't know, Contra in third person perspective gives me anxiety some how, haha. Good old fashioned run left to right is all I need.
Re: Iconic Issues: Mean Machines Issue Zero
@KitsuneNight Haha, now that you mention it, I think you're right. The artist probably forgot Ryu was supposed to be holding a sword and hastily stuck one in.
Re: Iconic Issues: Mean Machines Issue Zero
That is a really badass illustration of Ryu Hayabusa, even though he appears to be holding his sword backwards.
Re: Check Out Capcom's Bizarre Unreleased Vulgus Sequel, Titan Warriors
Almost looks like a horror game based on those screens, I dig it.
Re: Review: Anbernic RG35XX SP - Superb GBA SP Clone That's Worth Every Penny At $70
I have the og gameboy version of this. Pretty nifty little device. Good to take on bike rides and such.
Re: 26 Years Later, Sega Classic Burning Rangers Gets A Two-Player Mode
Looks cool, reminds me a bit of Sin and Punishment.
Re: Dreamcast Capcom Vs. SNK 2 Might Be Getting An English Translation
Love this game. I still have my gamecube copy I got back in the day. I've played so much over the years I've been able to master using the cube's tiny d-pad haha.
Re: Check Out This Previously Unseen Footage Of Splatterhouse RPG "Splatter World"
Ah I would've been all over this! Looks like the perfect game to play around Halloween times.
Re: Here's The Logo For The Upcoming Live-Action Street Fighter Movie
I'd honestly prefer a new animated movie, or even a series to give more characters a chance to shine. Something similar to Baki or Kengan Ashura.
Re: Anbernic's GBA SP-Style RG35XXSP Is Cheaper Than You Think
My cousin got me one of these for my b-day, the RG35xx plus. Really incredible little device.
Re: Duke Nukem And Max Payne Co-Creator Once Pitched An Escape From New York MOBA
@Diogmites Yeah, that scene is particularly harsh. Definitely not a movie that pulls its punches, haha.
Re: Duke Nukem And Max Payne Co-Creator Once Pitched An Escape From New York MOBA
@Diogmites I have not seen Black Hole. It's one of those movies I'm aware of, but never saw growing up. Now that I know Borgine's in it, I shall give it a watch at some point.
Speaking of Ernest Borgnine, another one of my fav flicks of his is Emperor of the North (1973). Sort of a 1930s period piece about boxcar hobos. He plays the villain and he is completely unhinged, haha. Totally worth a watch.
Re: The Inside Story Of Rare's Wrestlerage, The Lost SNES WWF Game That Evolved Into Killer Instinct
The amusement park background in the screenshot reminds me vaguely of Krazy Kremland from DKC2.
Re: Duke Nukem And Max Payne Co-Creator Once Pitched An Escape From New York MOBA
One of my all time favourite movies. In terms my own gaming tastes, I'd prefer an Escape from New York game in the style of Arkham City or something. I'm just imagining driving around in Ernest Borgnine's cab tossing molotovs at enemy mobs.
Re: This Dedicated Fan Has Fixed A Much-Maligned 'Fist Of The North Star' Video Game
One of my favourite aspects of Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise on ps4 is, you can go back to Kenshiro's apartment and play the original 1986 Hokuto no Ken game on an old console you find in the desert.
Re: Anniversary: The Game Boy Is 35 Years Old Today
Finally he's become a Game Man.
Re: We're Getting A Final Fight Comic This July
@SlangWon Ah okay, I've heard of Streets of Fire , haven't actually seen it though. I shall give it a watch.
Re: We're Getting A Final Fight Comic This July
@Diogmites Haha, It's so corny, but I still unironically enjoy Roadhouse. It basically is the film version of a beat 'em up game. There's even a big fat guy with suspenders and a baseball cap, which I'm pretty sure is an enemy type in Final Fight.
Precinct 13 is great. It has that same sense of isolation as The Thing and Halloween. A bunch of characters trapped in a singular setting trying to survive, good stuff.
Re: We're Getting A Final Fight Comic This July
I always thought Final Fight would make for an awesome gritty action film. Something in the style of movies like The Warriors, Road House, and Assault on Precinct 13.
Re: Meet Short Stack, The World's Smallest Nintendo Wii
Aww, it's so wee.
Re: Golden Axe Is Getting A 10-Episode Animated TV Series From Comedy Central
@DestructoDisk Oh my god, yeah. I know it's a cartoon, but every character is wacky and neurotic, I can't stand any of them. I like the concept of a more comedic ST show featuring the regular joes of starfleet, but personally I think it would work better as a more grounded live action series. I'll just go back to watching DS9 for the umpteenth time.