Comments 9

Re: I Was One Of The First To See Zelda At Space World '97, But I Wouldn't Go Back To Those Days


I read your side note "best of 1997 / worst of 1997" and you said something that should still be the case today as it is how I think Nintendo has maintained their "special" place in gaming. "For people to buy a games machine for the games it offers and not the image". You said a book's worth in one sentence. You basically told the entire industry that great games matter more than anything. Nintendo is the only one that follows that, IMHO. Thanks for thinking that back then and hopefully still today. It certainly needs to be adopted by Sony and Microsoft. ** I need to amend this without rewriting it - I forgot the people @ Evercade. They get it. Great games come first.

Re: Building The Ultimate Nintendo 64


Isn't "building the "ultimate" N-64 sort of an oxymoron? The system was a POS and nothing like what were promised. You don't take a graphics chip based on Silicon Graphics "Black Onyx" set (basically the computer system that was used to create the dinosaurs in the first Jurassic Park) and come up with blocky / blurred graphics. They were bitmapping over a junk field of oversized polygons. They were hiding in plain sight the fact that they didn't know how to use the tech that was given them. It was pretty much the Nintendo Jaguar IMO.

Re: Intellivision Closes Amico Fundraising Ahead Of Schedule


This thing and the POS from "atari" were doomed from day one. Hey INTV and "Atari" why don't you look at how EVERCADE slid in under the radar and actually has a killer system that plays an insanely awesome amount of games, and they aren't going to have to tell investors sorry "we suck at what we do" as they go out of business AGAIN and AGAIN and AGAIN.