Comments 65

Re: Brand New Footage Of "Lost" Garfield Sega Channel Game Emerges Online


@JackGYarwood Just happened to play it, it was in VGHF's 1994 exhibit, there were also playable stands for Snatcher and some version of Beethoven's 2nd and probably something else I'm forgetting, but unless the latter is an alternative dump those have already been out there of course
It's not an expanded version of Caught in the Act as much as it is solely levels that were removed from the final game, it's the lost "& Knuckles" to the game's "Sonic 3", it doesn't have the levels from retail as far as I can tell I mean unless they're dummied out in the level select or something

Re: Review: MiSTer FPGA - Still The Best Option For Hardcore Retro Gamers In 2024?


@N64-ROX It's looking like the latter, their flagship model might be even better than most people's MiSTer builds, with more in/out ports
Unlike stuff like the MARS, Taki Udon's thing is going to run all the same cores, so it's not really a different FPGA product so much as it is a cheaper motherboard than the DE10-Nano that has the same parts on it

Re: Rescue Force Is A Metal Gear Clone That Comes With A Remake Of Adult Game Custer's Revenge


I feel like a lot of people in this comments section don't know the full story? Not only is Pacnsacdave a racist, having made the RC Pro-Am and Goonies rom hacks "Adolf Hitler's Master Racing" and more inexcusably "**** N******" (look it up! I'm not kidding), but he's also a plagiarist, having stolen work from a private test build of the Ninja Gaiden rom hack collab "Deadpool" so he could shove in worse level designs that misunderstand the flow of the original game and sell it as his own work, mostly to fill shelf space in his Etsy store as a boutique repro for people with more money than sense, as he often does.
Considering his publicly documented loose sense of ethics I'm not at all surprised he's using rape as a preorder bonus.
I wonder what "Rescue Force: Hereos (sic) Unchained" is plagiarizing from? The art already looks AI generated, check out those fingers, makes the Color Dreams back catalogue look like the Louvre
Thank you TimeExtension for calling it like it is, and to those defending this guy, either you haven't heard, or more likely, you sympathize with his views considering the petty name-calling you're using infantilizes people who call out bigotry for what it is.
Contrary to your worldview, people generally pick their battles and don't call things out as racist unless there's a solid reason for it.
Don't listen to the reactionaries who want this website to just be an uncritical regurgitation of the past, the retro game community shouldn't trap itself in amber, it's a living document that blends technology of the past with the hindsight of the present and foresight for the future, as it ought to be.
We owe it to each other to approach sensitive topics with nuance and depth and accountability, lest we get hoodwinked by people using retro gaming to shoehorn their backwards "retvrn" logic on those who don't know any better.

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