Comments 1,004

Re: Interview: "I Have Fond Memories Of Rogue Toilets" - Donut Dodo's Creator Reveals His Biggest Retro Influences


I gotta be honest, I thought Rogue Toilets was some overlooked roguelike from the 90's or something. I was a little bummed. No pun intended.

@PXAbstracftion Donut Dodo is on sale right now on switch and I keep almost buying it, but I am only a bit of a traditional arcade game fan. I prefer a bit more depth like DK94, or some of the PSP/DSi era titles.

Edit: Also I didn't realize this guy was such a vet.

Re: "I Have No Interest In 3D Games" - Meet The Devs Keeping EGA Alive In The Modern Day


@-wc- I also agree with it. One of my favorite scripts I've ever written was done under pressure to get it to an artist that night, and with almost no idea of what I was going to write, and I tend to set hard boundaries for myself when creating art in general. I mostly read the part with the full quotation used in the headline (because that's what they used to get me to click on the article), and I generally agree with what the person is saying, I've basically said similar things myself, but I don't think a limited color palette is the way to allow for creativity and interpret people's visions. I love dusk 82, and Rogue aesthetically, but they really cannot be said to have been an artistic representation of the persons vision in the same way Yoshi's island or Trip World is. With older games (or older style), to me, it's more about the gameplay needing to be good to make up for what the visuals lack. That's all I meant.

Re: "I Have No Interest In 3D Games" - Meet The Devs Keeping EGA Alive In The Modern Day


You can't claim you want an artists interpretation and then say that it should be dictated by a limited color set. Also 3d and color are unrelated, It just sounds like they have a chip on their shoulder about the modern gaming industry.

I love limitations, but that doesn't mean that this one thing you happen to be obsessed with is the right way. I have something like 40 or 50 game documents in my Google drive, an.d almost all of them are 2D games, some black and white, so I'm not biased towards 3d games, In fact I have a chip on my shoulder about the modern game industry as well. But this all seems like such a weird take.

Re: Poll: What's The Best Ganbare Goemon / Mystical Ninja Game?


It's "Starring Goemon" on N64. It's basically when the series showed the most promise and they never went back to it. I'd bet good money that DS is the second best but It's so hard to translate so I haven't really played it. 3-5 on snes are great. The side scrolling platformers are mostly pretty boring, none of them even rate with the zelda/rcr ones.

Re: Remember When PS2 And Dreamcast Had Cross-Play In 2001?


@Jl1357 I'm pretty well versed in racing games and there aren't really many on pc that have splitscreen either. The ones that do are older, or also on consoles, so I don't think pc is the answer. There are a couple exceptions like "distance", but most racing games today are pretty vapid anyways. I'd be happy to hear any good PC exclusive racing games you think I might not know though!