Comments 1,004

Re: Multi-System Emulation Champ RetroArch Now Available On iPhone App Store


@Damo Yeah I'm not correcting your usage, they literally say it on their front page iirc, and legally it's a front end. I think this is more of a language difference between pc and Android. On PC some emulators will be unusable without a separate UI/fontend, whereas on android it's just an incorporated feature. We'll I've done 99% of my emulating on android, so the homogenous quality of retroarch features are basically exactly the same as the UI for any standalone, including negative aspects like not being able to set hot keys on a core by core (or game by game) basis, whereas frontend on android more typically refers to what is essentially a standalone launcher, which offers a game menu, but no other features to link things in the way retroarch does. You can potentially try to replicate the homogeinity of retroarch by setting individual features, but honestly the lack of actual gameplay customization options makes retroarch feel much more like a complete standalone product to me.

Re: Review: Miyoo A30 - A Game Boy Micro-Like Device With Some Rough Edges


Yeah this felt very rushed, like a project they didn't finish all the way and pushed out to fill the gap until the flip. I'm hoping the flip is better in practically every way. If the mockups and leaks are at all accurate it will have a completely different dpad, and a better screen, which are the biggest complaints about this from all corners. But at least the anbernic sp is a solid backup if they really screw up.

Re: Arcade1Up "Surprised" To See Its Cabinet Crushed In Apple's Controversial iPad Pro Ad


@romanista I think that people who are upset about the principle of this ad "iPad replaces all these things" are nuts, as you said they've been saying that since before it was true. And the reason I own an iPad pro is because it does replace a lot of stuff, and minimizes waste. I think that actually destroying stuff (and it has been generally agreed they did destroy stuff and most wasn't cgi) to get across this point is disgusting behavior. Is it worse than general mass consumerism? No, but it's more blatantly wasteful, like burning money in front of poor people.

Re: Arcade1Up "Surprised" To See Its Cabinet Crushed In Apple's Controversial iPad Pro Ad


Wow this comment section really shows how disconnected people are from reality. The wastefulness of upper class America, and the people who aspire to that level of wanton disregard and opulence. Absolutely disgusting behavior, and I love my iPad pro, it's an amazing creative tool. People who are upset about the concepts embodied in the ad are completely missing the point.

Regardless, It is actually illegal to use someone else's product in an unapproved manner without asking them, hence why movies need to ask, and commercials can't just slag off other brands. So if it's really their cabinet, then they also may have violated their copyright.

Re: Is It Time To Change The Narrative On The Sega Saturn?


@GhaleonUnlimited You just said you don't like Ocarina or Mario 64, so we probably will never agree on anything video game related, honestly. But in relation to games I've played, I have spent an inordinant amount of time scouring different genres across all consoles, and yeah there are a probably one or two japan only games I've missed on saturn because they did such a poor job marketing it here, but in general I just don't find the games fun to play. I don't really like the Genesis either, though that's more the fault of of companies being cheap and refusing to put save batteries, so devs had to design without them.

Re: Is It Time To Change The Narrative On The Sega Saturn?


Very few people I've met who like Sega systems have anything close to an unbiased opinion. It's people who grew up with them and have some weird chip on their shoulder about Nintendo. The equivalent of those people who defend Nintendo's corporate decisions like someone insulted their mom.

99% of video games I've played have been as an adult, and across every console, so I have a pretty wide taste and experience. Sega consoles have very weak Libraries, unless you really want an arcade feel. It's why they went out of business . I obsessively make lists of my favorite games for each consoles, and for some of the Sega ones, I can't even reach ten. If someone told me they actually think the N64 and Ps1 are worse than the Saturn, I'd assume they did not know what they were talking about, because that view is so obviously affected by nostalgia, or weird Sega loyalty.

Re: Crash Team Racing For PS1 Just Got A 60FPS Widescreen Mod


@jojobar I don't thnk that's even that controversial to people who aren't biased. I have played every kart racer, and CTR is absolutely the best one of its generation. I'd say speed punks is better than Mario Kart 64 too, though Probably DKR is second best after CTR. I'm about as big as Mario kart and N64 fan as you can get too, so it's high praise.