This really isn't a very good piece of art. Everything is out of proportion or at wrong angles, the face showing looks ridiculous. Though I would have thought it was really cool as a kid to be fair.
@Lorfarius And yet the best versions of the game are the simplest looking ones, and none of them are better than tetris, so it wasn't really a good goal to invest time and money making the gems look cool.
@Daggot Columns 2 got it's first official English release on switch not that long ago iirc. Sega just owns the series outright, but it's not in much demand probably. It never really had much of an identity, despite being endlessly imitated and I believe (again iirc) originating the term match 3.
This doesn't look to have the genius course design that made the original games so special. Tricky and 3 are, for all intents and purposes, racing games. Aside from a few great kart racers, I don't know the last time I played a modern racing game that could match the craft with which they were designed for that generation.
This is so much more appealing to me than any other version of columns. Game gear is my favorite Sega released one, but their one insistence on trying to make the series seem fancy looking is really strange. Actually both game gear ones are at the top of my list, iirc, the first one is simple with quite a bit of customization and the second one had a different matching system which made it less like columns but definitely a worthy experience.
@Razieluigi And your comment confirms that you would rather posture based on what you think seems right, then spend any time observing what actually happens.
@Razieluigi Everything else I said? I said two sentences, one of which you said was fine. Megaman fans have a strange cultish devotion to the series, probably more than any other franchise I can think of except castlevania, and a lot of them definitely play the games regardless of quality. If you don't know what I mean, feel free to browse Megaman reddit or something, it's not really a hot take.
Honestly, Megaman fans will play anything that has to do with it, I don't think it has much bearing on the quality of the unlicensed game. I have never understood the appeal of the series
Easy answer, fpga is better for things like accuracy, and software is better for enhancements. As a note, every time I say something like this, someone says something like "technically both can do whatever the other does", but they don't, so that's irrelevant.
@Gamelore The SNES chip was incredible, and allowed for greater control over more complicated music. You can like what you like, but it is definitely a more complex and interesting device, and many definitive versions of soundtracks were snes ones because of it. I don't think the Genesis sounds bad or anything though, it's just closer to the nes.
In the 90s Santa brought good kids Nintendo Controllers, Legos, and Stone Temple Pilots CDs, and brought the bad kids Madcatz, Megablocks, and Days Of The New cassettes.
@smoreon GTA III is definitely bigger than 1gb. It probably could have been optimized for gcn, but I don't know where you are getting that number from.
I remember when neo geo got it's majority share bought by some middle eastern trust fund kid, and was going to make a new console. What a weird thing to try to do.
@BetaRabbit64 I think you misunderstand the marketing a bit. This was marketed towards adults who owned the ds as an "adult device". Like the dsi, slick little pocketable device that looks like if apple made a gameboy mixed with a palm pilot, and it has all these apps to help me be an adult. I agree it's stupid, but it sold them over 40 million dsi's.
@JohnnyT1003 Didn't it sell about a million copies? I think they were expecting a bit more oomph than that, the budget must have been one of the highest on the console. I do think though, that like every other franchise, smash will have raised the profile enough, that a new game would sell better. Most people, myself included, didn't even know what Kid Icarus was when that game came out.
So infogrames buys atari, changes it's own name to Atari, then makes a new infogrames, which was always just a publisher of third party games anyways. Big move.
@Przemyslaw Yeah honestly part of playing games on original consoles is that they work like they did at the time. But if you want perfection, PSP games upscaled x3 on a decent sized screen with 60 fps cheats turned on is going to be definitive.
I thought they'd done something clever, and got excited, but mouse clicking while playing a slowed down version of tetris is not something I'm interested in. This actually looks awful. Though I can think of some ways to make the idea work without the tetris part being a useless stapled on part.
@yttrium13 Definitive edition to people who wanted to play with a controller was 3do, end of story. I'm not saying it's the only or the most inclusive version, but it was a console release, therefore definitive for people who don't like pc gameplay. PC gaming with a controller was iffy at best even ten years ago, much less 20. Only with the deck is it even coming to where it needs to be, and even with that, all I see are whiny steam reviews about how games don't have proper keyboard and mouse support anymore. You can't please everybody.
@jesse_dylan While it was definitely the only great game for 3do, it was also considered the definitive version by many people for most of the games lifespan. And yeah that is partly because it was a controller based space rpg. Too bad the buy in was 700 bucks.
Eh, I'm not interested in games like this unless they are controller based. There is absolutely no shortage of space games for pc. That's why the 3do version of SCII is so beloved. It does look like a good game though.
@Azuris People who want iphones, want iphones. Its like a status symbol or something. If you like games, music, movies, art, sports, or... just about anything, an android phone is the way to go, and it's not even close.
@Steeloid Simulate a connection... as in run a gamecube game on a gba without being connected to a gamecube? No believe it or not the gba is not secretly capable of running gamecube games.
You can speak of glove in the same sentence as SM64. Watch: "My dad got Mario 64 and Glover to go with our N64, and glover sucked". See? Honestly the game isn't that bad, but someone told him it was good for kids or something, but compared to Mario it was incomprehensible and difficult.
@ZeichiGames Mostly I just think it's an unrealistic goal. Also the game just doesn't look good, which is harsh, but legitimately great game boy games come out every year on a budget of zero dollars. I try to be fairly constructive in my criticism for newer devs, because I want people to succeed, but thirty grand is a lot to ask for something that looks completely unappealing to me. And I will play any gbc game with a pulse.
Comments 1,004
Re: 30 Years On, And This Iconic Super Metroid Art Lives Again
This really isn't a very good piece of art. Everything is out of proportion or at wrong angles, the face showing looks ridiculous. Though I would have thought it was really cool as a kid to be fair.
Re: The Original Version Of Columns For The HP-UX Has Just Been Found
@Lorfarius And yet the best versions of the game are the simplest looking ones, and none of them are better than tetris, so it wasn't really a good goal to invest time and money making the gems look cool.
Re: The Original Version Of Columns For The HP-UX Has Just Been Found
@Daggot Columns 2 got it's first official English release on switch not that long ago iirc. Sega just owns the series outright, but it's not in much demand probably. It never really had much of an identity, despite being endlessly imitated and I believe (again iirc) originating the term match 3.
Re: 'Tricky Madness' Is An Exciting New Indie Game Inspired By SSX Tricky
This doesn't look to have the genius course design that made the original games so special. Tricky and 3 are, for all intents and purposes, racing games. Aside from a few great kart racers, I don't know the last time I played a modern racing game that could match the craft with which they were designed for that generation.
Re: The Original Version Of Columns For The HP-UX Has Just Been Found
This is so much more appealing to me than any other version of columns. Game gear is my favorite Sega released one, but their one insistence on trying to make the series seem fancy looking is really strange. Actually both game gear ones are at the top of my list, iirc, the first one is simple with quite a bit of customization and the second one had a different matching system which made it less like columns but definitely a worthy experience.
Re: Super Rare Taiwanese Mega Man Bootleg 'Zook Hero 3' Has Finally Been Dumped
@Razieluigi And your comment confirms that you would rather posture based on what you think seems right, then spend any time observing what actually happens.
Re: Super Rare Taiwanese Mega Man Bootleg 'Zook Hero 3' Has Finally Been Dumped
@Razieluigi Everything else I said? I said two sentences, one of which you said was fine. Megaman fans have a strange cultish devotion to the series, probably more than any other franchise I can think of except castlevania, and a lot of them definitely play the games regardless of quality. If you don't know what I mean, feel free to browse Megaman reddit or something, it's not really a hot take.
Re: Super Rare Taiwanese Mega Man Bootleg 'Zook Hero 3' Has Finally Been Dumped
Honestly, Megaman fans will play anything that has to do with it, I don't think it has much bearing on the quality of the unlicensed game. I have never understood the appeal of the series
Re: New Open-Source N64 Flash Cart Imitates One Of Nintendo's Most Expensive Failures
@Gamemoose The everdrive X7 already has rtc. This one is a bit cheaper, but the build quality looks slightly less reliable to me.
Re: FPGA Vs Software Emulation - Which Is Best? We Asked Four Experts To Find Out
Easy answer, fpga is better for things like accuracy, and software is better for enhancements. As a note, every time I say something like this, someone says something like "technically both can do whatever the other does", but they don't, so that's irrelevant.
Re: Flashback: The Nintendo NX Leak That (Almost) Fooled The World
I never saw this thing, it's a nice little mockup though.
Re: Someone Has Finally "Fixed" The Mega Drive's Audio Shortcomings
@Gamelore The SNES chip was incredible, and allowed for greater control over more complicated music. You can like what you like, but it is definitely a more complex and interesting device, and many definitive versions of soundtracks were snes ones because of it. I don't think the Genesis sounds bad or anything though, it's just closer to the nes.
Re: Google's Wildly Inaccurate Attempt To Celebrate Sonic Causes Complete Confusion
@Sketcz It has to be. Though, I'd phrase it They are using AI to post. AI can't really use stuff yet
Re: Did Mad Catz Really Create "The Worst Video Game Controllers Ever"?
In the 90s Santa brought good kids Nintendo Controllers, Legos, and Stone Temple Pilots CDs, and brought the bad kids Madcatz, Megablocks, and Days Of The New cassettes.
Re: Feature: Rosewater Dev On Point ’n Click Westerns & Casting Red Dead’s Arthur Morgan
@TransmitHim I cannot stand hand holding in adventure games, it's like if your gun just shot stuff without you doing anything in an fps.
Re: Grand Theft Auto III Likely Wouldn't Exist Without The Sega Dreamcast
@smoreon GTA III is definitely bigger than 1gb. It probably could have been optimized for gcn, but I don't know where you are getting that number from.
Re: PixelHeart Teases News On Its Ghosts n' Goblins-Esque Neo Geo Game 'Gladmort'
I remember when neo geo got it's majority share bought by some middle eastern trust fund kid, and was going to make a new console. What a weird thing to try to do.
Re: "I'd Hoped I Would Become The Next Elton John" - Remembering The Vaporwave Bliss Of Tetris CD-i
That music is really good, though it would sound better on the snes. Also that has got to be some of the worst tetris playing I've ever seen.
Re: Random: Did You Own This Bizarre Anti-Smoking Game For DS?
@BetaRabbit64 I think you misunderstand the marketing a bit. This was marketed towards adults who owned the ds as an "adult device". Like the dsi, slick little pocketable device that looks like if apple made a gameboy mixed with a palm pilot, and it has all these apps to help me be an adult. I agree it's stupid, but it sold them over 40 million dsi's.
Re: Random: Did You Own This Bizarre Anti-Smoking Game For DS?
I did know about this, but I doubt many people owned it.
Re: "There's A Lot Of People Who Still Don't Know About Playdate"
@Steel76 It's too expensive without the extra taxes too.
Re: This Indie Dev Is Bringing Project Gotham Racing To The Game Boy, Sort Of
This looks great, hopefully hindsight can yield better results than similar contemporary games.
Re: Flashback: That Time Miyamoto Said He Could Make Halo, But Didn't Want To
@JohnnyT1003 Didn't it sell about a million copies? I think they were expecting a bit more oomph than that, the budget must have been one of the highest on the console. I do think though, that like every other franchise, smash will have raised the profile enough, that a new game would sell better. Most people, myself included, didn't even know what Kid Icarus was when that game came out.
Re: Atari Is Reviving Legendary Games Publisher Infogrames
So infogrames buys atari, changes it's own name to Atari, then makes a new infogrames, which was always just a publisher of third party games anyways. Big move.
Re: The Sony PSP Gets Upgraded For 2024
@Przemyslaw Yeah honestly part of playing games on original consoles is that they work like they did at the time. But if you want perfection, PSP games upscaled x3 on a decent sized screen with 60 fps cheats turned on is going to be definitive.
Re: LittleBigPlanet 3 Servers Taken Offline "Indefinitely"
I honestly don't think I knew there was a 3, though I must have at one point.
Re: Tetrisweeper Is What Would Happen If Tetris And Minesweeper Had A Baby
I thought they'd done something clever, and got excited, but mouse clicking while playing a slowed down version of tetris is not something I'm interested in. This actually looks awful. Though I can think of some ways to make the idea work without the tetris part being a useless stapled on part.
Re: Kickstarter For Star Control Successor Free Stars: Children Of Infinity Funded In 3 Hours
@yttrium13 Definitive edition to people who wanted to play with a controller was 3do, end of story. I'm not saying it's the only or the most inclusive version, but it was a console release, therefore definitive for people who don't like pc gameplay. PC gaming with a controller was iffy at best even ten years ago, much less 20. Only with the deck is it even coming to where it needs to be, and even with that, all I see are whiny steam reviews about how games don't have proper keyboard and mouse support anymore. You can't please everybody.
Glad to hear this will have the support.
Re: 'The Epyx Collection: Handheld' Brings 6 Atari Lynx Games To Switch
A decent collection, but just emulate them they aren't worth the money.
Re: Kickstarter For Star Control Successor Free Stars: Children Of Infinity Funded In 3 Hours
I don't own a 3do, I had good consoles. I just play it on my phone.
Re: Kickstarter For Star Control Successor Free Stars: Children Of Infinity Funded In 3 Hours
@jesse_dylan While it was definitely the only great game for 3do, it was also considered the definitive version by many people for most of the games lifespan. And yeah that is partly because it was a controller based space rpg. Too bad the buy in was 700 bucks.
Re: iPhone NES Emulator Pulled From App Store "Out Of Fear"
@NateM94 Honestly I'm not sure, I can only speak to emulation.
Re: Kickstarter For Star Control Successor Free Stars: Children Of Infinity Funded In 3 Hours
Eh, I'm not interested in games like this unless they are controller based. There is absolutely no shortage of space games for pc. That's why the 3do version of SCII is so beloved. It does look like a good game though.
Re: 'Beyond The Ice Palace' Is Getting A Sequel, 36 Years Later
I had never even heard of the original. But this looks pretty excellent.
Re: iPhone NES Emulator Pulled From App Store "Out Of Fear"
@Azuris People who want iphones, want iphones. Its like a status symbol or something. If you like games, music, movies, art, sports, or... just about anything, an android phone is the way to go, and it's not even close.
Re: The 2006 "PlayStation Experience" Trailer Can Be Yours For $70,000
Given how much most video game memorabilia costs anyways, this is kind of a steal.
Re: Evercade Is Getting New "Giga Carts" To Allow For Bigger Games
@snk2d4life Yeah, but it really puts into perspective the fact that they could literally just put all the games in one cartridge, right?
Re: Evercade Is Getting New "Giga Carts" To Allow For Bigger Games
@snk2d4life Seriously they just use an SD adapter?
Re: You Can Now Control Your Switch Using Your GBA
@Steeloid Simulate a connection... as in run a gamecube game on a gba without being connected to a gamecube? No believe it or not the gba is not secretly capable of running gamecube games.
Re: Review: Piko Interactive Collection 4 (Evercade) - N64 Emulation Comes To Evercade
You can speak of glove in the same sentence as SM64. Watch: "My dad got Mario 64 and Glover to go with our N64, and glover sucked". See? Honestly the game isn't that bad, but someone told him it was good for kids or something, but compared to Mario it was incomprehensible and difficult.
Re: Namco's Arcade Puzzler 'Emeraldia' Is Coming To Switch & PS4
This looks at least novel enough to try.
Re: Former Citra Dev Says Team Behind 3DS Emulator Lemonade Stole His Code
Yeah, I mean it sucks, but also this is a risk with open source stuff. Unless it's better though, it won't really matter.
Re: One Of The Rarest NES Games Is Currently Up For Auction At Goodwill
Great game. Not worth thousands of dollars, but on my NES top 10.
Re: Random: Here's A Horrifying Vision Of What Retro Emulation On Apple Watch Could Look Like
@-wc- Yeah this is a weird piece. It feels really angry
Re: Upcoming Game Boy Title Gunship DX Has Built-In Rumble
This looks great
Re: Cosmo Knight ZiON Is A New Game Boy Color Title Inspired By Saint Seiya
@ZeichiGames Mostly I just think it's an unrealistic goal. Also the game just doesn't look good, which is harsh, but legitimately great game boy games come out every year on a budget of zero dollars. I try to be fairly constructive in my criticism for newer devs, because I want people to succeed, but thirty grand is a lot to ask for something that looks completely unappealing to me. And I will play any gbc game with a pulse.
Re: Cosmo Knight ZiON Is A New Game Boy Color Title Inspired By Saint Seiya
@ZeichiGames I know a cash grab kickstarter when I see one. Thirty grand is absolutely absurd.
Re: The Making Of: Ride To Hell, The Open-World Epic That Became One Of The Worst Games Of All Time
@Sketcz No I didn't realize the beta version was better, good to know.
Re: Anbernic Announces The RG28XX With Game Boy-Style Colourway
Seems great, but I'm holding out for the Miyoo Flip.
Re: Rain World Devs' New Game Is Basically Jet Moto Meets Akira
Wishlisted. I've actually been waiting for a game like this, so hopefully it lives up to The hype.