

Reaally bad at platformers.

Comments 25

Re: Feature: The Forgotten Satellaview Sequel To Famicom Detective Club


It would be really nice to see an official release of this game, it would also be nice to see a new one, so I'm just going to keep wishing for another double pack, this time with an inaccessible game and one not made yet, or likely ever. In other words, one even more unlikely than the first one. Oh well, I suppose I'll just live in hope.

Re: CeX Retro Watch: April 2024


I'd really like to go back to York, it's actually a really nice city. Rather difficult for me to navigate, though. Ended up taking what felt like a mile-and-a-half long detour to get somewhere, when in the end it was like 15 metres and a corner from where we started.
Anyway, doubt I'd buy anything from CeX if I returned, don't have a lot of money at the minute, and I think I got everything I wanted from there the last time I was there, but they might have something new.

Re: CeX Retro Watch: October 2023


They didn't have Shattered Memories when I went there! What a pain. Anyway, I remember going to the Lincoln one and they had both Persona 3 Portable and Persona 2 Innocent Sin. They were both extortionately expensive, as usual. I know that a couple of them up north generally have a Silent Hill game or 2, generally one of the PS2 Team Silent ones. One of them had 2 copies of Silent Hill 2, both in quite good condition. I've never seen one of their shops that ever has more than 7 PS1 games, and without fail there's always Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare, and at least 2 Tomb Raider games, so they don't really have any PS1 games that I want.

On a side note, I don't like that York one. It's really bugging me that I have an entire series of something and all but one of them, the one I got from there, have their cardboard covers. I should have just got it online.

Well, that started rambling. Sorry.

Re: Poll: Handheld Or TV - How Do You Play Retro Games?


When I play old games, generally I just play ports and things like the playstation classics or what-have-you, even if they don't work so well, as they're quite often rather cheap. I don't really have a lot of money to spare. So mostly I use them wherever it's cheapest for me, on the vita.

Re: Playing The CeX Retro Lottery


@Damo Well, you learn something new every day, it's said. I will just say that this site is often a really interesting read. Thanks for all these fascinating features!

Re: Playing The CeX Retro Lottery


Wait, they used to do import gaming? Ugh, all the cool things were before my time, and I hate that. Also, I buy from this place a lot, as it's frequently the cheapest place I can find, but I don't really find the postage 'reasonable'. Better than GAME, though, that damnable place. Anyway, worst experience I had with them was buying a £70 thing, it not ever showing up, and a copy of it showing up in a shop surprisingly close by, considering the rest were all in the south, but it was either a coincidence, or the postman, so not really their fault. (From experience, though, I'd say it was the postman stealing it.)

Re: Best PS2 RPGs Of All Time


Glad you mentioned DDS, love those games. On a side note, I really want to play Xenosaga, but it's sadly impossible for me unless it gets a remake. I'll live in hope, though!

Re: Talking Point: What Was Your First Video Gaming Experience?


DS, specifically the Lite model, as a very young child. Can't remember how old I was exactly. Do remember that I had something 3 different ones at different time, one got broken, another was given to my little sister. I think between my entire family, we must have had something like 15-19 of them all-in-all. Mostly played LEGO games, I loved the Lord of the Rings one.

Re: Best JRPGs Of All Time


@Impossibilium I know, I heard about that, but I have enough patience that most load times don't bother me, it would have to be something like a minute for me to actually care. Thank you for the warning anyway. I'm not sure if I actually have any way to play it otherwise.

Re: Best JRPGs Of All Time


I need to get round to playing a lot of these, but I've already played some, at least. I'll be honest, though, I prefer Digital Devil Saga to Nocturne. Might get Chrono Trigger on PS3 via PSN Classics or whatever sometime.