I wish they would have added a different console version like N64’s Zero Hour instead of just both PS titles, like 1 from PS & 1 from N64. Zero Hour was actually a pretty fun duke game.
I remember firing up Carmageddon II for the first time back when it was released! The suicidal pedestrian & mutant tail thingy modifiers were always my favorite! Lol
@BloodNinja The biggest giveaway is that objects and body’s no longer turn to face your viewpoint like the old 2D sprites used to. If you look at the dead shotgun sergeant’s on the ground their body’s stay proportionate to the vanishing point of the games background.
Comments 4
Re: Review: Duke Nukem Collection 2 - A Trio Of Duke's Less Essential Adventures
I wish they would have added a different console version like N64’s Zero Hour instead of just both PS titles, like 1 from PS & 1 from N64. Zero Hour was actually a pretty fun duke game.
Re: The Making Of: Carmageddon, The Controversial Racer That Took On The BBFC And Won
I remember firing up Carmageddon II for the first time back when it was released! The suicidal pedestrian & mutant tail thingy modifiers were always my favorite! Lol
Re: Tank Shooter 'Assault' Is Coming To Arcade Archives Later This Month
I remember playing this back then. It was pretty fun, it used dual flight sticks to maneuver:
I hope hamster maps the the movement sticks correctly, this is something the PS1 didn’t do correctly and it was hard to maneuver your tank.
Re: Impressive New Mod 'Voxelizes' The Original Doom
@BloodNinja The biggest giveaway is that objects and body’s no longer turn to face your viewpoint like the old 2D sprites used to. If you look at the dead shotgun sergeant’s on the ground their body’s stay proportionate to the vanishing point of the games background.