Nice, these are the better games from the Lynx library. Without these the Lynx would be nothing since Atari themselves couldn't even release any of their own games on the thing.
He did the right thing, whether Nintendo is coming to get him or not is questionable. Taking the risk out of his life is better than leaving it in to applease the brokees. Emulators and emulations in general are legal but there's a few bunch of individuals who used it for illegal means and those are the ones that ruins the game for everyone.
@Bod2019 I believe those giga carts will be just big enough to handle NeoGeo, PS1, N64, and Dreamcast games. In most of those library some games hardly support analog sticks. Games such as Soul Calibur on Dreamcast and Final Fantasy VII on PS1 rarely ever required the analog sticks.
@Moroboshi876 The VS-R console will only come bundle with one controller instead of two unlike the original VS. That's why it's cheaper. I say if you don't care about portability and don't have anyone to play with then the VS-R is the more affordable way to get it, if you do have another person to play with then just stick to the original VS. Other than the colors, there really is no difference in specs between the two.
Looks fantastic, I feel this game was made for Super NES just like Super Smash TV. The fact that the Super NES was the last console to get this game when the control of this game was meant for the Super NES layout is just questionable but I'm glad it's finally here.
The Steam Deck doesn't had TATE mode nor does it do TATE mode any good so I will wait until they bring these to Switch. For now I'll just wait for a Steam sale or until a physical version on console exist.
So basically it's just a clone console like the Hyperkin, RetroBit, MiSTer, and Analogue Pocket but without the cartridge slot and could only play anything 2D or under? Yeah not worth it.
@Ironcore If you used an 8Bitdo GBros. adapter that'll work too. The GBros. adapter will let you control both a GameCube controller and Wii Classic Controller, NES Classic Edition Controller or Super NES Classic Edition Controller wirelessly at the same time as the same player for the Wii U and Nintendo Switch.
My list of the top 30 best Street Fighter games I've ever play in my life, only the top 5 matters, the rest could be in any order:
1. Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max (PSP)
2. Super Street Fighter II Turbo: Grand Master Challenge (Nintendo Switch, 3DO, Sega Dreamcast)
3. Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike - Fight For the Future (Nintendo Switch, Sega Dreamcast, Xbox)
4. Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold (Sega Saturn, PS1, PS2)
5. Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (Super NES, Sega Genesis)
6. Street Fighter Alpha 3 & Upper (GBA, Sega Dreamcast, Sega Saturn, PS1)
7. Ultra Street Fighter IV (Xbox, PC)
8. Super Street Fighter II Turbo Revival (GBA)
9. Street Fighter II Turbo Hyper Fighting (Super NES, Wii, 3DS, Xbox)
10. Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Super NES, Sega Saturn)
11. X-Men vs. Street Fighter (Sega Saturn)
12. Street Fighter V: Champion Edition (PC)
13. Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition (3DS)
14. Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact - Giant Attack (Sega Dreamcast)
15. Hyper Street Fighter II: Anniversary Edition (PS2, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, PS4)
16. Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online (Xbox)
17. Street Fighter 6 (PS4, PS5, Xbox)
18. Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (Sega Saturn)
19. Street Fighter III: New Generation (Sega Dreamcast)
20. Street Fighter II: Champion Edition (PC Engine)
21. Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (Sega Saturn, GBC)
22. Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition (Sega Genesis)
23. Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers (Nintendo Switch)
24. Street Fighter X Mega Man (PC)
25. Hyper Street Fighter Alpha (PS2)
26. Street Fighter IV (PS4, Xbox)
27. Street Fighter EX2 Plus (PS1)
28. Street Fighter II: World Warrior (Super NES)
29. Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha (PS1)
30. Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight (NES)
Top 6 Best Unofficial Street Fighter Games:
1. Street Fighter II: 8-Bit Edition (PC)
2. Street Fighter One: The Good Edition (PC)
3. Street Fighter III (NES hack of SF2 Champion Edition)
4. Hyper Fighting (Virtual Boy bootleg of SF2 Turbo)
5. Street Fighter II: Rainbow Edition (Arcade hack)
6. Street Fighter vs. Mortal Kombat (MUGEN)
Top 8 Worst Street Fighter Games I've Ever Play:
1. Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie Game (PS1)
2. Street Fighter 1 (Arcade, Turbo Grafx-16)
3. Street Fighter: The Movie The Game (PS1, Sega Saturn)
4. Street Fighter: The Movie The Game (Arcade)
5. Street Fighter II (Sega Master System)
6. Street Fighter II (Game Boy)
7. Street Fighter EX3 (PS2)
8. Street Fighter II: Tiger LCD Game (Tiger handheld)
I hope SNK give Arika a chance to make a proper good 3D KOF or Fatal Fury game. Terry Bogard's inclusion in Fighting EX Layer was fantastic. I just want more of that but in Fatal Fury or KOF form.
Guys this is a terrible game, there's a ghost that constantly pops out to interrupt you whenever a new game element is introduced. On top of that this is one of those awful platformer where the B button is jump and A button is attack and there's no way to re-configure that option. It's not a comfortable game to play.
@Skynett For some reason the one they are working on doesn't seem to look all too exciting compare to the one they just took down but I hope they could surprise me.
@james4591 Not really, Square was planning to stay with Nintendo even if the Super NES PlayStation CD thing fell through. The thing is Square was waiting for the 64DD to launch with the N64 itself cause that was the peripheral that added more memory for them to make FFVII. Nintendo delay the N64 and on that case the 64DD as well. Then Square beg Nintendo to use CD like Sony and Sega and Nintendo refused, that's when Square truly broke away from Nintendo.
If Square was really trying to seek another partner after the Super NES CD PlayStation fallout, then they would had partner with Sega instead of Sony. The fact that they didn't partner with Sega at all during their existence in the 90s and rather stay with Nintendo means they still value Nintendo to the point where they were able to work with them on Super Mario RPG: Legends of the Seven Stars. Also that big chunk of contents that got cut from the Secret of Mana CD game weren't totally wasted either. It was a time traveling mechanic story and it got reused for another game. What was that game again? Ah yes Chrono Trigger, that's the one. It was a good call for them to use it for Chrono Trigger cause then they could expand more on the world building of each era whereas if it stay with Secret of Mana it would had just been filler contents anyways.
Someone please get the guys who make cartridge games a cigarette and a blindfold
I betcha Square thought they would never had to deal with cartridges ever again with that quote. Oh how wrong they are, now they are the ones with the cigarette and blindfold.
@Magrane While the story on that one is decent, the gameplay didn't get hamper because of the lack of translation. You could still have fun with the game without knowing the story. On games like Dragon Quest and Fire Emblem you really need those translation or else the gameplay suffer cause those deals with a high amount of menu and decision makings. Panel de Pon hardly does any of that unless navigating the main menu in Japanese is difficult for you.
When will we get the Turbo CD or PSP versions? These PC-88 versions aren't even in English. No English translation with bad graphics, tank controls, and choppy gameplay ain't worth it.
Like I always said if it's not Sonic, then it's not allowed. Sega only allowed Sonic to have fan made games, fan made any other Sega IP and they will DMCA you for it.
Wow I did not know that Hertz used to make games before they become a car rental company and started false accusing their customers of stealing rental vehicles.
I thought the whole point of porting an NES game to Super NES was that it had Super NES enhanced features like better graphics, 16-bit audios and sounds, voiceworks, and battery back save slots. This is just them ripping the NES rom onto a Super NES chip and just playing it on there using MSU-1 as the audio substitute. This is not Punch-Out!! ported for Super NES, it's just Punch-Out!! emulated on Super NES. It's literally the same thing if you use a clone adapter. For it to feel like a Super NES game it need 16-Bit graphics and support from the Super NES Sony sound chip. It needs to look like this game that some company ported to Super NES a long time ago.
Glover may had just been the PS1 version. As far as I know Evercade doesn't had analog stick so it couldn't be the n64 version otherwise it would sucks. Only the PS1 version support digital movements similar to Crash Bandicoot.
Meh it's just a colorized version of KOF95 for Game Boy with way smaller sprites. I would expect they would had a better roster. I can tell this would be terrible already. How are we suppose to unlock the 3 hidden characters (Saisyu, Rugal, and Nakoruru) when the Sega Master System doesn't even had a SELECT button? If I remember correctly we need to press SELECT 3 times at the dev logo to unlock Saisyu and Rugal and 17 more times to unlock Nakoruru in the Game Boy version. SMS doesn't had a SELECT button (it had a START button which is the 1 button) so players of this game won't get to access those three characters. Should had made them available from the get-go.
Samurai Shodown is an IP I wouldn't mind as either a fighting game or RPG. Heck I wouldn't even mind if it was a Musou game either. That IP could be almost any genre and I'll still be okay with it. I had recently play the English translation of Samurai Shodown RPG and love it so a follow up to that would be great but making it action base rather than turn base could be hit or miss. As long as the fighting mechanic doesn't get bogged down then I'm fine with it. If it's HD 2D like Wandering Sword that would be even better.
These are my top ten favorite King of Fighters games of all time:
1. King of Fighters XIII: Global Match (Nintendo Switch)
2. King of Fighters XI (Atomiswave)
3. King of Fighters Dream Match 1999 (Sega Dreamcast)
4. King of Fighters 2003 (NeoGeo)
5. King of Fighters 95 (Game Boy)
6. King of Fighters NeoWave (Atomiswave)
7. King of Fighters: Maximum Impact 2 (PlayStation 2)
8. King of Fighters 94 (NeoGeo)
9. King of Fighters EX2: Howling Blood (Game Boy Advance)
10. King of Fighters: Round 2 (NeoGeo Pocket Color)
The thing is once one of those 99 cartridges eventually get dump online, repros of those will spread all over the internet like the plague. His game will be preserve whether he likes it or not. Once it's dump online, it stays online for as long as the internet still exist.
Excellent I was wondering when this game would get an English translation although like the Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters, Super Mario Bros. 2 - The Lost Levels, Kamen Rider, Majyu: The King of Demons, Puyo Puyo, Panel de Pon, and Go Go Ackman games this game plays just fine without one unless you really want to know how the story goes. The fact that it had co-op multiplayer is also a nice treat too. Play it arcade style.
You want Altered Beast for the Super NES, here's your Altered Beast for the Super NES. Every level passed the tutorial level you will become a different beast.
Memory cards are still here so why should we miss it, we had it on our phones, headphones, watches, cameras, computers, security cameras, dashcam, webcam, cars, tv, videogame consoles, handhelds, and even usb stick now.
This Wii Shop homebrew app would be useful for Wii Mini owners and will make that system useful since that one never got an online Wii Shop like the rest.
Sakaguchi thought that by making a sci-fi film and slapping the Final Fantasy name on it would make people want to see the movie. Big mistake, he only added more reason for people to hate on videogame movies. This movie is one of the biggest stinker of them all and definitely the most expensive too. Just too much eye candies but not a good story in sight especially one that involve the final of a fantasy.
I don't get why Hyperkin kept adding 16:9 aspect ratio into these product that only plays older games, it is pointless and doesn't make the games look any better. Unless they are planning to add more cores compatibility for playing other platforms in there like arcade, GBA, Game Gear, Game Boy, etc., platforms that would make sense to use other aspect ratio outside of 4:3 but this thing will just be compatible with Genesis, Mega Drive and probably Sega Master System games only so why the constant addition of 16:9 is questionable.
As far as I know the original SupaBoy they made with the LCD screens were only 4:3 but ever since they started making those newer SupaBoy models with the wider IPS screens they started forcing 16:9 into the mix, heck the SupaBoy S model was force into 16:9 entirely stretching every Super NES games to God awful mode without any 4:3 option. It was a huge mistake until they quickly fix it with the next two models the SupaBoy SFC and SupaBoy SFC Gold which retain the 4:3 option but somehow still kept the 16:9. It looks like Hyperkin doesn't want to let go of the 16:9 aspect ratio anytime soon.
They should had never cancelled this game, this would had been the game I bought the Atari Jaguar for had it become an exclusive for that system. It would had been Atari's Zelda competitor just like Sega's Oasis or PlayStation's Alundra series, two Zelda-inspired game series by Nintendo's competitors that went nowhere today.
@Ravenmaster You can't doubt their performance though, it's not easy to reach that high level in Tetris by playing it normally. The highest I had ever reach is level 120 and I'm not even using hypertapping or doing them rolls.
Ha 255, never thought I see that number again. 255 is also the max number of rupees you could collect in the original Legend of Zelda for NES. The game will stop counting your rupees once you got to 255.
@Daze_of_Reality Reason why both Super NES and Sega Genesis didn't get a port of Street Fighter Alpha 1 was cause both console's hardware specs couldn't handle it. At that time enhancement chips like the S-DD1 chip were either still in development or too expensive to afford. For Capcom to afford it they had to hope that either Super Street Fighter II Turbo or Street Fighter Alpha 1 on Saturn and PlayStation sell well enough for Capcom to finally afford the chip.
The thing is the chip is only compatible with hardware that is advance enough to handle 20,000 colors palette or more, since the Genesis only had a 64 colors palette, Genesis wasn't able to received a port while the Super NES which had around 32,000 color palette was able to get a port; however, by 1996 Street Fighter Alpha 1 is old news so Capcom port Street Fighter Alpha 2 for Super NES instead. Using the S-DD1 chip is both a blessing and a disappointment as most of Capcom's dev doesn't know how to use it properly so even though they manage to get the game to work for Super NES, they didn't had much time to polish out those constant freeze which was cause by the S-DD1 chip. All is not lost though as Nintendo's platforms still got Street Fighter Alpha 1 for Game Boy Color and Nintendo Switch while Sega players got the Street Fighter Alpha 1 port for Sega Saturn.
The fact that Nintendo got away with using this character's name and looks for Super Mario World is very odd. Either Gremlin Graphics (creator of the Lotus and Top Gear series) were very nice and doesn't mind or they don't know that and Nintendo got away with the name.
I wouldn't worry about this too much, we had clone consoles and emulators now. Even if the original Super NES and Sega Genesis CPU went kaput, at least you could still find alternatives to play all your games. Besides making and buying new after market CPU for a legacy console is like buying a clone hardware itself anyways. In the far future, anything legacy from the past will eventually stopped working we just don't know when. Heck those replacement CPUs may even died sooner than the originals. The thing is we had to learn to let go of stuff when the time comes, I mean I already let go of my VCR of 25 years in 2018 and sell off my last VHS movie tape from my movie collection last December so letting go of dying hardware we'll have to get use to.
Also people need to know that things last longer if you actually use them. Not using them for a long period of time will add a shorter life span for those than when they are actively use cause then all those CPU, GPU and processors are just gonna slowly rust sitting inside collecting dust. Consoles and games that are still in shrink wraps that had never been open or use for over 5 years are prone to defects sooner than those that were use or open cause at least with those the GPU, CPU, and processors are actually running and in good health in performance.
@rob7979 Both accesories didn't really flopped just that nobody were asking for them in the first place. Also games made for both feels like tech demo than actual full games.
It's quite interest that we finally heard confirmation direct from the horse's own mouth that Sega of Japan and Sega of America doesn't like each other. Kinda sad and tone deaf especially when Sega of America was the reason the Sega Genesis was a success the few first years on the market in the USA while Sega of Japan didn't do jack but want to take the credits. I find it odd that Sega of Japan even want to take credits for the invention of the Sega Menacer as well when it's really Sega of America that made it. So glad Senour didn't just give them the credits, he kept his design instead.
@RetroGames The Sega Genesis 6-button controller was not Sega copying Nintendo's Super NES controller as both aren't even layout the same. Sega made the 6-button controller with all buttons on the face so to impressed Capcom on giving them a version of Street Fighter II. Not only that but also to improve Sega's own games like Streets of Rage 3 and Eternal Champions.
Comments 451
Re: 'The Epyx Collection: Handheld' Brings 6 Atari Lynx Games To Switch
Nice, these are the better games from the Lynx library. Without these the Lynx would be nothing since Atari themselves couldn't even release any of their own games on the thing.
Re: iPhone NES Emulator Pulled From App Store "Out Of Fear"
He did the right thing, whether Nintendo is coming to get him or not is questionable. Taking the risk out of his life is better than leaving it in to applease the brokees. Emulators and emulations in general are legal but there's a few bunch of individuals who used it for illegal means and those are the ones that ruins the game for everyone.
Re: Evercade EXP-R And Evercade VS-R Consoles Launch This July
@Bod2019 I believe those giga carts will be just big enough to handle NeoGeo, PS1, N64, and Dreamcast games. In most of those library some games hardly support analog sticks. Games such as Soul Calibur on Dreamcast and Final Fantasy VII on PS1 rarely ever required the analog sticks.
Re: Evercade EXP-R And Evercade VS-R Consoles Launch This July
@Moroboshi876 The VS-R console will only come bundle with one controller instead of two unlike the original VS. That's why it's cheaper. I say if you don't care about portability and don't have anyone to play with then the VS-R is the more affordable way to get it, if you do have another person to play with then just stick to the original VS. Other than the colors, there really is no difference in specs between the two.
Re: Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers Gets Fanmade SNES Port
Man if only we get an HD remake of the two Chip 'n Dales games for modern consoles just like the DuckTales Remastered remake, I would buy those.
Re: Game Boy Emulator That Topped iPhone App Store Gets Yanked For Copyright Infringement
Nintendo about emulation and emulator makers: It's only fair if we allow them to fight each other first before we go after the one.
Re: Hands On: Xeno Crisis On SNES Really Is A Dream Come True
Looks fantastic, I feel this game was made for Super NES just like Super Smash TV. The fact that the Super NES was the last console to get this game when the control of this game was meant for the Super NES layout is just questionable but I'm glad it's finally here.
Re: Toaplan Arcade Shoot ‘Em Up Ultimate Collection Includes 16 Games, Costs $70
The Steam Deck doesn't had TATE mode nor does it do TATE mode any good so I will wait until they bring these to Switch. For now I'll just wait for a Steam sale or until a physical version on console exist.
Re: Analogue Pocket Is Getting A Game Boy Micro-Style FPGA-Based Handheld Rival
So basically it's just a clone console like the Hyperkin, RetroBit, MiSTer, and Analogue Pocket but without the cartridge slot and could only play anything 2D or under? Yeah not worth it.
Re: This New NES Accessory Makes Cheating At Zelda Easier Than Ever
@Ironcore If you used an 8Bitdo GBros. adapter that'll work too. The GBros. adapter will let you control both a GameCube controller and Wii Classic Controller, NES Classic Edition Controller or Super NES Classic Edition Controller wirelessly at the same time as the same player for the Wii U and Nintendo Switch.
Re: Best Street Fighter Games, Ranked By You
My list of the top 30 best Street Fighter games I've ever play in my life, only the top 5 matters, the rest could be in any order:
1. Street Fighter Alpha 3 Max (PSP)
2. Super Street Fighter II Turbo: Grand Master Challenge (Nintendo Switch, 3DO, Sega Dreamcast)
3. Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike - Fight For the Future (Nintendo Switch, Sega Dreamcast, Xbox)
4. Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold (Sega Saturn, PS1, PS2)
5. Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (Super NES, Sega Genesis)
6. Street Fighter Alpha 3 & Upper (GBA, Sega Dreamcast, Sega Saturn, PS1)
7. Ultra Street Fighter IV (Xbox, PC)
8. Super Street Fighter II Turbo Revival (GBA)
9. Street Fighter II Turbo Hyper Fighting (Super NES, Wii, 3DS, Xbox)
10. Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Super NES, Sega Saturn)
11. X-Men vs. Street Fighter (Sega Saturn)
12. Street Fighter V: Champion Edition (PC)
13. Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition (3DS)
14. Street Fighter III: 2nd Impact - Giant Attack (Sega Dreamcast)
15. Hyper Street Fighter II: Anniversary Edition (PS2, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, PS4)
16. Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Online (Xbox)
17. Street Fighter 6 (PS4, PS5, Xbox)
18. Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter (Sega Saturn)
19. Street Fighter III: New Generation (Sega Dreamcast)
20. Street Fighter II: Champion Edition (PC Engine)
21. Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams (Sega Saturn, GBC)
22. Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition (Sega Genesis)
23. Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers (Nintendo Switch)
24. Street Fighter X Mega Man (PC)
25. Hyper Street Fighter Alpha (PS2)
26. Street Fighter IV (PS4, Xbox)
27. Street Fighter EX2 Plus (PS1)
28. Street Fighter II: World Warrior (Super NES)
29. Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha (PS1)
30. Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight (NES)
Top 6 Best Unofficial Street Fighter Games:
1. Street Fighter II: 8-Bit Edition (PC)
2. Street Fighter One: The Good Edition (PC)
3. Street Fighter III (NES hack of SF2 Champion Edition)
4. Hyper Fighting (Virtual Boy bootleg of SF2 Turbo)
5. Street Fighter II: Rainbow Edition (Arcade hack)
6. Street Fighter vs. Mortal Kombat (MUGEN)
Top 8 Worst Street Fighter Games I've Ever Play:
1. Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie Game (PS1)
2. Street Fighter 1 (Arcade, Turbo Grafx-16)
3. Street Fighter: The Movie The Game (PS1, Sega Saturn)
4. Street Fighter: The Movie The Game (Arcade)
5. Street Fighter II (Sega Master System)
6. Street Fighter II (Game Boy)
7. Street Fighter EX3 (PS2)
8. Street Fighter II: Tiger LCD Game (Tiger handheld)
Re: Arika And SNK Are Teaming Up To "Revamp, Reclaim And Revive" Existing SNK IP
I hope SNK give Arika a chance to make a proper good 3D KOF or Fatal Fury game. Terry Bogard's inclusion in Fighting EX Layer was fantastic. I just want more of that but in Fatal Fury or KOF form.
Re: 22 Years Later, GBA Action RPG 'Kien' Is Finally Coming Out
Guys this is a terrible game, there's a ghost that constantly pops out to interrupt you whenever a new game element is introduced. On top of that this is one of those awful platformer where the B button is jump and A button is attack and there's no way to re-configure that option. It's not a comfortable game to play.
Re: Review: Analogue Pocket Adapters - Lynx, PC Engine And NGPC Support Is Finally Here
No support for Tiger, Mega Duck, and Wonder Swan games. There are going to be a few sad tiger, duck, and swan about this.
Re: Sega Slays Superb Fan-Made Golden Axe Sequel
@Skynett For some reason the one they are working on doesn't seem to look all too exciting compare to the one they just took down but I hope they could surprise me.
Re: Square Had Huge Plans For The N64 Before It Fell Out With Nintendo
@james4591 Not really, Square was planning to stay with Nintendo even if the Super NES PlayStation CD thing fell through. The thing is Square was waiting for the 64DD to launch with the N64 itself cause that was the peripheral that added more memory for them to make FFVII. Nintendo delay the N64 and on that case the 64DD as well. Then Square beg Nintendo to use CD like Sony and Sega and Nintendo refused, that's when Square truly broke away from Nintendo.
If Square was really trying to seek another partner after the Super NES CD PlayStation fallout, then they would had partner with Sega instead of Sony. The fact that they didn't partner with Sega at all during their existence in the 90s and rather stay with Nintendo means they still value Nintendo to the point where they were able to work with them on Super Mario RPG: Legends of the Seven Stars. Also that big chunk of contents that got cut from the Secret of Mana CD game weren't totally wasted either. It was a time traveling mechanic story and it got reused for another game. What was that game again? Ah yes Chrono Trigger, that's the one. It was a good call for them to use it for Chrono Trigger cause then they could expand more on the world building of each era whereas if it stay with Secret of Mana it would had just been filler contents anyways.
Re: Square Had Huge Plans For The N64 Before It Fell Out With Nintendo
Someone please get the guys who make cartridge games a cigarette and a blindfold
I betcha Square thought they would never had to deal with cartridges ever again with that quote. Oh how wrong they are, now they are the ones with the cigarette and blindfold.
Re: SNES Hidden Gem 'Melfand Stories' Receives Full English Fan Translation
@Magrane While the story on that one is decent, the gameplay didn't get hamper because of the lack of translation. You could still have fun with the game without knowing the story. On games like Dragon Quest and Fire Emblem you really need those translation or else the gameplay suffer cause those deals with a high amount of menu and decision makings. Panel de Pon hardly does any of that unless navigating the main menu in Japanese is difficult for you.
Re: Nihon Falcom's 'Ys II' For PC-88 Hits Nintendo Switch Next Week
When will we get the Turbo CD or PSP versions? These PC-88 versions aren't even in English. No English translation with bad graphics, tank controls, and choppy gameplay ain't worth it.
Re: Sega Slays Superb Fan-Made Golden Axe Sequel
Like I always said if it's not Sonic, then it's not allowed. Sega only allowed Sonic to have fan made games, fan made any other Sega IP and they will DMCA you for it.
Re: Atari Wants To Revive More Of Its Classic Systems
A modern Atari Lynx handheld with a better backlit screen, rechargeable battery, and microSD card support would be nice.
Re: Sega Genesis Port 'Mega Final Fight' Could Get Capcom's Blessing
While it's cool, I don't see the need for this inferior port when a superior Sega CD version on the Sega Genesis already exist.
Re: Sega CD JRPG Vay Is Getting An Improved iPhone Port This Year
Wow I did not know that Hertz used to make games before they become a car rental company and started false accusing their customers of stealing rental vehicles.
Re: Punch-Out!! Is Getting A Fanmade SNES Port
I thought the whole point of porting an NES game to Super NES was that it had Super NES enhanced features like better graphics, 16-bit audios and sounds, voiceworks, and battery back save slots. This is just them ripping the NES rom onto a Super NES chip and just playing it on there using MSU-1 as the audio substitute. This is not Punch-Out!! ported for Super NES, it's just Punch-Out!! emulated on Super NES. It's literally the same thing if you use a clone adapter. For it to feel like a Super NES game it need 16-Bit graphics and support from the Super NES Sony sound chip. It needs to look like this game that some company ported to Super NES a long time ago.
Re: N64 Emulation Comes To Evercade Via Piko Interactive Collection 4
Glover may had just been the PS1 version. As far as I know Evercade doesn't had analog stick so it couldn't be the n64 version otherwise it would sucks. Only the PS1 version support digital movements similar to Crash Bandicoot.
Re: King Of Fighters Is Coming To The Sega Master System
Meh it's just a colorized version of KOF95 for Game Boy with way smaller sprites. I would expect they would had a better roster. I can tell this would be terrible already. How are we suppose to unlock the 3 hidden characters (Saisyu, Rugal, and Nakoruru) when the Sega Master System doesn't even had a SELECT button? If I remember correctly we need to press SELECT 3 times at the dev logo to unlock Saisyu and Rugal and 17 more times to unlock Nakoruru in the Game Boy version. SMS doesn't had a SELECT button (it had a START button which is the 1 button) so players of this game won't get to access those three characters. Should had made them available from the get-go.
Re: SNK Working On Art Of Fighting Reboot And "Action RPG" Samurai Shodown
Samurai Shodown is an IP I wouldn't mind as either a fighting game or RPG. Heck I wouldn't even mind if it was a Musou game either. That IP could be almost any genre and I'll still be okay with it. I had recently play the English translation of Samurai Shodown RPG and love it so a follow up to that would be great but making it action base rather than turn base could be hit or miss. As long as the fighting mechanic doesn't get bogged down then I'm fine with it. If it's HD 2D like Wandering Sword that would be even better.
Re: Poll: What's The Best King Of Fighters Game?
These are my top ten favorite King of Fighters games of all time:
1. King of Fighters XIII: Global Match (Nintendo Switch)
2. King of Fighters XI (Atomiswave)
3. King of Fighters Dream Match 1999 (Sega Dreamcast)
4. King of Fighters 2003 (NeoGeo)
5. King of Fighters 95 (Game Boy)
6. King of Fighters NeoWave (Atomiswave)
7. King of Fighters: Maximum Impact 2 (PlayStation 2)
8. King of Fighters 94 (NeoGeo)
9. King of Fighters EX2: Howling Blood (Game Boy Advance)
10. King of Fighters: Round 2 (NeoGeo Pocket Color)
Re: EmuDeck Is Getting Sega Model 2 And 3 Support On Steam OS
Nice even though I could already play these on emulator for my GPD Win 2.
Re: SNES Dev Explains Why He Spent 600 Hours And $2370 Just To Give His Game Away For Free
The thing is once one of those 99 cartridges eventually get dump online, repros of those will spread all over the internet like the plague. His game will be preserve whether he likes it or not. Once it's dump online, it stays online for as long as the internet still exist.
Re: SNES Hidden Gem 'Melfand Stories' Receives Full English Fan Translation
Excellent I was wondering when this game would get an English translation although like the Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters, Super Mario Bros. 2 - The Lost Levels, Kamen Rider, Majyu: The King of Demons, Puyo Puyo, Panel de Pon, and Go Go Ackman games this game plays just fine without one unless you really want to know how the story goes. The fact that it had co-op multiplayer is also a nice treat too. Play it arcade style.
Re: Retro-Bit Bringing SNES Cult Classic 'Majyūō - King Of Demons' To The West For The First Time
You want Altered Beast for the Super NES, here's your Altered Beast for the Super NES. Every level passed the tutorial level you will become a different beast.
Re: Amateur Coding Event Wants You To Make The Worst Sonic Mania 2 Imaginable
So they want Sonic Mania 2 to be a bad game?
Re: Nintendo Just Filed Multiple Trademarks For The GameCube Controller
My guess is that they had one of these planned:
Re: In Memory Of Memory Cards
Memory cards are still here so why should we miss it, we had it on our phones, headphones, watches, cameras, computers, security cameras, dashcam, webcam, cars, tv, videogame consoles, handhelds, and even usb stick now.
Re: Wii Fans Are Reviving The Console's eShop With 'RiiShop'
This Wii Shop homebrew app would be useful for Wii Mini owners and will make that system useful since that one never got an online Wii Shop like the rest.
Re: The Making Of: Final Fantasy - The Spirits Within, Square's Groundbreaking Box Office Bomb
Sakaguchi thought that by making a sci-fi film and slapping the Final Fantasy name on it would make people want to see the movie. Big mistake, he only added more reason for people to hate on videogame movies. This movie is one of the biggest stinker of them all and definitely the most expensive too. Just too much eye candies but not a good story in sight especially one that involve the final of a fantasy.
Re: Hyperkin's Portable Genesis / Mega Drive Docks Like A Nintendo Switch
I don't get why Hyperkin kept adding 16:9 aspect ratio into these product that only plays older games, it is pointless and doesn't make the games look any better. Unless they are planning to add more cores compatibility for playing other platforms in there like arcade, GBA, Game Gear, Game Boy, etc., platforms that would make sense to use other aspect ratio outside of 4:3 but this thing will just be compatible with Genesis, Mega Drive and probably Sega Master System games only so why the constant addition of 16:9 is questionable.
As far as I know the original SupaBoy they made with the LCD screens were only 4:3 but ever since they started making those newer SupaBoy models with the wider IPS screens they started forcing 16:9 into the mix, heck the SupaBoy S model was force into 16:9 entirely stretching every Super NES games to God awful mode without any 4:3 option. It was a huge mistake until they quickly fix it with the next two models the SupaBoy SFC and SupaBoy SFC Gold which retain the 4:3 option but somehow still kept the 16:9. It looks like Hyperkin doesn't want to let go of the 16:9 aspect ratio anytime soon.
Re: Review: IPS 16Bit Pocket MD HD - A Genesis / Mega Drive Handheld That Plays Carts
If you had live as long as I am then you know there's more than just one Sega Genesis portable handheld out there whether official or clone.
16-Bit Pocket MD Handheld

16-Bit Pocket MD AV Handheld

16-Bit Pocket MD HD Handheld

AtGames GenMobile

Retro-Bit RetroGen Adapter for Retro Duo Portable

AtGames Sega Genesis Portable: 6-Button Edition

AtGames Sega Genesis Portable: 3-Button Edition

Retro-Bit RetroGen Handheld

Hyperkin Mega 95

Pocket Game MD

Sega Genesis Nomad

Sega MegaJet (the screenless handheld)

Re: Bubsy "Rough" Prototype Pitched To Atari Breaks Cover Online
Though the Bubsy games aren't really that good and not really that bad either, I totally would had play this just for the comical joke factor.
Re: The Making Of: Witchwood, Team17's Abandoned Zelda Rival
They should had never cancelled this game, this would had been the game I bought the Atari Jaguar for had it become an exclusive for that system. It would had been Atari's Zelda competitor just like Sega's Oasis or PlayStation's Alundra series, two Zelda-inspired game series by Nintendo's competitors that went nowhere today.
Re: Two More People Have Beaten NES Tetris
@Ravenmaster You can't doubt their performance though, it's not easy to reach that high level in Tetris by playing it normally. The highest I had ever reach is level 120 and I'm not even using hypertapping or doing them rolls.
Re: This Game Boy-Style 'RoboCop Vs Predator' Game Is Totally Free
Thank you for telling about this free game. It looks great, will definitely trying it soon.
Re: Two More People Have Beaten NES Tetris
Ha 255, never thought I see that number again. 255 is also the max number of rupees you could collect in the original Legend of Zelda for NES. The game will stop counting your rupees once you got to 255.
Re: Here's (Even More) Footage Of Street Fighter Alpha Running On Mega Drive / Genesis
@Daze_of_Reality Reason why both Super NES and Sega Genesis didn't get a port of Street Fighter Alpha 1 was cause both console's hardware specs couldn't handle it. At that time enhancement chips like the S-DD1 chip were either still in development or too expensive to afford. For Capcom to afford it they had to hope that either Super Street Fighter II Turbo or Street Fighter Alpha 1 on Saturn and PlayStation sell well enough for Capcom to finally afford the chip.
The thing is the chip is only compatible with hardware that is advance enough to handle 20,000 colors palette or more, since the Genesis only had a 64 colors palette, Genesis wasn't able to received a port while the Super NES which had around 32,000 color palette was able to get a port; however, by 1996 Street Fighter Alpha 1 is old news so Capcom port Street Fighter Alpha 2 for Super NES instead. Using the S-DD1 chip is both a blessing and a disappointment as most of Capcom's dev doesn't know how to use it properly so even though they manage to get the game to work for Super NES, they didn't had much time to polish out those constant freeze which was cause by the S-DD1 chip. All is not lost though as Nintendo's platforms still got Street Fighter Alpha 1 for Game Boy Color and Nintendo Switch while Sega players got the Street Fighter Alpha 1 port for Sega Saturn.
Re: The Monty Mole Collection Brings Four Speccy And C64 Classics To Nintendo Switch
The fact that Nintendo got away with using this character's name and looks for Super Mario World is very odd. Either Gremlin Graphics (creator of the Lotus and Top Gear series) were very nice and doesn't mind or they don't know that and Nintendo got away with the name.
Re: Does Your SNES Have A Ticking Time Bomb Inside?
I wouldn't worry about this too much, we had clone consoles and emulators now. Even if the original Super NES and Sega Genesis CPU went kaput, at least you could still find alternatives to play all your games. Besides making and buying new after market CPU for a legacy console is like buying a clone hardware itself anyways. In the far future, anything legacy from the past will eventually stopped working we just don't know when. Heck those replacement CPUs may even died sooner than the originals. The thing is we had to learn to let go of stuff when the time comes, I mean I already let go of my VCR of 25 years in 2018 and sell off my last VHS movie tape from my movie collection last December so letting go of dying hardware we'll have to get use to.
Also people need to know that things last longer if you actually use them. Not using them for a long period of time will add a shorter life span for those than when they are actively use cause then all those CPU, GPU and processors are just gonna slowly rust sitting inside collecting dust. Consoles and games that are still in shrink wraps that had never been open or use for over 5 years are prone to defects sooner than those that were use or open cause at least with those the GPU, CPU, and processors are actually running and in good health in performance.
Re: The Making Of: The Menacer - How Sega Rustled Up A Super Scope Rival In Just Six Months
@rob7979 Both accesories didn't really flopped just that nobody were asking for them in the first place. Also games made for both feels like tech demo than actual full games.
Re: The Making Of: The Menacer - How Sega Rustled Up A Super Scope Rival In Just Six Months
It's quite interest that we finally heard confirmation direct from the horse's own mouth that Sega of Japan and Sega of America doesn't like each other. Kinda sad and tone deaf especially when Sega of America was the reason the Sega Genesis was a success the few first years on the market in the USA while Sega of Japan didn't do jack but want to take the credits. I find it odd that Sega of Japan even want to take credits for the invention of the Sega Menacer as well when it's really Sega of America that made it. So glad Senour didn't just give them the credits, he kept his design instead.
Re: The Making Of: The Menacer - How Sega Rustled Up A Super Scope Rival In Just Six Months
@RetroGames The Sega Genesis 6-button controller was not Sega copying Nintendo's Super NES controller as both aren't even layout the same. Sega made the 6-button controller with all buttons on the face so to impressed Capcom on giving them a version of Street Fighter II. Not only that but also to improve Sega's own games like Streets of Rage 3 and Eternal Champions.