I sent them my note of interest. I love older computers and the X68000 has always been interesting to me. Here's hoping that a worldwide release happens!
@OldManHermit I'm not sure if it's confirmed to be true, but I've heard that this art for Mr. X used Arnold as a reference from an old Oronamin C commercial that he did.
I'd like to add this one as well. Joe & Mac. I've been watching a few videos on this game, and as you may know, Joe & Mac on the SNES is very different from the arcade. I often see many criticize the SNES game and point out many flaws with it, but to me it is a better game than the arcade version.
I was searching through some original Yoshitaka Amano art that sold for much less. $12,350 being the most expensive piece that I could find.
While it's pretty cool that it's the original art for the box, I'd rather spend that $12,350 on the art by Yoshitaka Amano, especially because I really like his art. To be clear, though, I'm not spending that much on art! I can buy posters of his art from his official website for $25 and be totally fine with it!
I really appreciate what companies like Hamster are doing. Retro games are my favorite, so seeing them preserved and released current day is fantastic.
Huh, I must have missed this article when it first came out. Anyhoo, it was an interesting read. I was really hyped up for this game back in the day and was very sad when it was canned.
I never got to play the SNES one, only Batman Returns on the Sega Game Gear. That was my first game for the portable system and it was a pretty good game too.
I've played it on the Namcot collection. It's a pretty fun game, and I personally like it more than the original Tower of Druaga. I recommend it for anyone who may be interested in it.
@Daggot at the official website for Shooting Insight, there is a toggle between English and Japanese. On the Japanese side, you will see Hikaru and Minmay in the list of characters, but they are removed on the English side. They are DLC in the Japanese version of the game, and the website says that the DLC is only available in Japan, so it doesn't look very hopeful.
A few years back, I had heard that the licensing issues were resolved, but I guess that was just for releasing the other Macross series. Harmony Gold still seems to have a tight grip on Robotech.
@Daggot I don't know if this decision will change, but in the upcoming Macross Shooting Insight, Hikaru and Minmay are removed from the English version. It's really frustrating, and I'm probably going to assume that we may not get this one either. Fortunately, we can always get it from the Japanese eShop. I'm planning on it!
Another classic game that I have good memories tied to. I rented this one and finished it on Christmas Eve, then on Christmas day I got to play the Sega version that my cousin got for a gift.
Honestly, I think it was a good idea to make two different games this way, and fortunately both turned out pretty well.
Oka's works are great. Personally, I think Super Mario Kart has the best soundtrack of all of the Mario Kart games, with the Rainbow Road theme being one of my favorite video game tunes out there.
Never knew about the game having special Sega Channel levels, but pretty cool.
I never owned the game, but I'd play it at a friend's house. Looking back at it, it was a really impressive looking game. As someone else here said, it would be great if someone ported a complete version of Garfield to modern consoles.
There are a lot of these smaller games coming out during this half of the year that I'm absolutely stoked for, perhaps even moreso than for larger budget games.
I've been loving the return of Hebereke and I hope to see even more come from it. Maybe bring back O-Chan's Logic? I'm always up for more picross.
This movie was a favorite of mine when I was a kid. Saw it in theaters when it came out, and our theatre actually had a display out in the lobby where we could play Mario 3!
Whether it's an official game or a personal project, I like seeing others try to push a system to it's limits and beyond. The GBA is an interesting system for these sort of things!
Personally, '98 is probably my favorite. I gotta add though, the King of Fighters '95 on the Gameboy was actually pretty good. Takara did a great job with Gameboy fighters like Battle Arena Toshinden, Samurai Shodown, and World Heroes 2 Jet.
I like what City Connection is doing with these old classics but the burning question I have is, will City Connection be working on a City Connection remake?
I was both on Nintendo and Sega's side back in those days, but I liked those little jabs that went back and forth between the two. Those were pretty fun times.
Anything would be fantastic. I'd like to see them preserve the classics, bringing them to modern consoles. I'd love to see a remastered Mischief Makers. Would also be really cool to see their Astro Boy GBA game remastered as well.
Comments 35
Re: Company Behind The X68000 Z Range Wants To Know If Global Players Will Buy Them
I sent them my note of interest. I love older computers and the X68000 has always been interesting to me. Here's hoping that a worldwide release happens!
Re: Megami Tensei Author On Why The Game Got Two Versions For Nintendo Famicom & Japanese Computers
Interesting read! I never got to play the computer versions. Would be cool if they'd be released though EggConsole though.
Re: City Connection's Next 'Saturn Tribute' Title Will Be Announced This Week
I'd like to see Tetris Plus, though I'd also like to see the 2nd game, but that one wasn't on Saturn.
Re: "Nobody Wants To Fund A New Racing Game" But Tokyo Xtreme Racer Is Off To A Flying Start On Steam
I'm not big into racers, but I've heard nothing but great things about this game. I'd like to give it a shot if it happens to hit consoles.
Re: Streets Of Rage 2's Delisted 3DS Port Lives On Thanks To This Genesis Patch
@OldManHermit I'm not sure if it's confirmed to be true, but I've heard that this art for Mr. X used Arnold as a reference from an old Oronamin C commercial that he did.
Re: Talking Point: Is There A Home Port You Prefer To The Arcade Original?
I'd like to add this one as well. Joe & Mac. I've been watching a few videos on this game, and as you may know, Joe & Mac on the SNES is very different from the arcade. I often see many criticize the SNES game and point out many flaws with it, but to me it is a better game than the arcade version.
Re: Metal Slug 2 Artist Finally Explains The Reason Behind Its "Ugly" Character Portraits
I kinda like these portraits; they've got character.
I just want to know the reasoning behind the character portraits in the US version of Snow Bros 2.
Re: Koei Once Created A $250 Handheld Console, And You're Forgiven For Not Knowing About It
If only they made a RoTK or Nobunaga's Ambition portable that they could release different scenarios for
Re: Talking Point: Is There A Home Port You Prefer To The Arcade Original?
Bionic Commando is one I liked better on NES rather than arcade. Ninja Gaiden as well.
One I haven't seen mentioned here yet is Super Dodgeball. I just can't get into the arcade game, but I love the NES version
Re: Under Defeat HD Has Finally Got A Western Release Date
City Connection delivers again!
I wonder though, will the Switch or Switch 2 see that new Formation Z game?
Re: Random: Someone Apparently Thinks Final Fantasy Mystic Quest's Art Is Worth $350,000
I was searching through some original Yoshitaka Amano art that sold for much less. $12,350 being the most expensive piece that I could find.
While it's pretty cool that it's the original art for the box, I'd rather spend that $12,350 on the art by Yoshitaka Amano, especially because I really like his art. To be clear, though, I'm not spending that much on art! I can buy posters of his art from his official website for $25 and be totally fine with it!
Re: IP Owners, Hamster Wants To Release Your Classic Games To "Future Generations"
I really appreciate what companies like Hamster are doing. Retro games are my favorite, so seeing them preserved and released current day is fantastic.
Re: The Making Of: Robotech: Crystal Dreams
Huh, I must have missed this article when it first came out. Anyhoo, it was an interesting read. I was really hyped up for this game back in the day and was very sad when it was canned.
Re: Round Up: Virtua Fighter, Onimusha, Okami, Ninja Gaiden... The Game Awards 2024 Was A Good Night For Classic Gaming Fans
Ninja Gaiden and scary Pac-Man are a "perhaps" for me. I'll wait and see how they turn out.
I really hope the new Okami is on Nintendo. That's the one game I MUST HAVE.
Re: This Christmas, You'll Be Able To Play SNES Batman Returns On Your Genesis, For Free
I never got to play the SNES one, only Batman Returns on the Sega Game Gear. That was my first game for the portable system and it was a pretty good game too.
Re: Irem's Arcade Bomberman Comes To FPGA Platforms
Creepy human-faced Bombermen... Nooo thanks...
Re: Tower Of Druaga Prequel 'VS. The Quest Of Ki' Is Making The Journey To Switch & PS4
I've played it on the Namcot collection. It's a pretty fun game, and I personally like it more than the original Tower of Druaga. I recommend it for anyone who may be interested in it.
Re: 'Super Spacefortress Macross' Arrives On Switch & PS4 This December
@Daggot at the official website for Shooting Insight, there is a toggle between English and Japanese. On the Japanese side, you will see Hikaru and Minmay in the list of characters, but they are removed on the English side. They are DLC in the Japanese version of the game, and the website says that the DLC is only available in Japan, so it doesn't look very hopeful.
A few years back, I had heard that the licensing issues were resolved, but I guess that was just for releasing the other Macross series. Harmony Gold still seems to have a tight grip on Robotech.
Re: 'Super Spacefortress Macross' Arrives On Switch & PS4 This December
@Daggot I don't know if this decision will change, but in the upcoming Macross Shooting Insight, Hikaru and Minmay are removed from the English version. It's really frustrating, and I'm probably going to assume that we may not get this one either. Fortunately, we can always get it from the Japanese eShop. I'm planning on it!
Re: Random: Here's The Story Of Why Capcom's SNES Aladdin Game Didn't Feature A Sword
Another classic game that I have good memories tied to. I rented this one and finished it on Christmas Eve, then on Christmas day I got to play the Sega version that my cousin got for a gift.
Honestly, I think it was a good idea to make two different games this way, and fortunately both turned out pretty well.
Re: The Making Of: The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse, Capcom's SNES Classic
Magical Quest brings back good memories. It was a pretty easy game, but really fun to play over and over. Fantastic soundtrack too!
Capcom's old Disney games were licensed games done right.
Re: Review: Victory Heat Rally (Steam) - A Fun But Shallow Tribute To Sega's "Super Scaler" Classics
It looks like a lot of fun for fans of arcade racers. I'd like to pick it up for Switch whenever it releases.
Re: Interview: Super Mario Kart & SimCity Composer Soyo Oka On Her Most Iconic Nintendo Soundtracks
Oka's works are great. Personally, I think Super Mario Kart has the best soundtrack of all of the Mario Kart games, with the Rainbow Road theme being one of my favorite video game tunes out there.
Re: Brand New Footage Of "Lost" Garfield Sega Channel Game Emerges Online
Never knew about the game having special Sega Channel levels, but pretty cool.
I never owned the game, but I'd play it at a friend's house. Looking back at it, it was a really impressive looking game. As someone else here said, it would be great if someone ported a complete version of Garfield to modern consoles.
Re: The Making Of: Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, Konami's Underrated N64 Classic
This is such a fun game. I never owned it, but I kept renting it until I finished the game.
Konami should at least release some kind of Goemon collection with this game on it.
Re: Sunsoft Announces Remake Of The SNES Racer 'Hashire Hebereke'
There are a lot of these smaller games coming out during this half of the year that I'm absolutely stoked for, perhaps even moreso than for larger budget games.
I've been loving the return of Hebereke and I hope to see even more come from it. Maybe bring back O-Chan's Logic? I'm always up for more picross.
Re: We Could Be Getting A New Parodius After 17 Years MIA
I'd be very happy to see a Parodius collection. If Konami does that, only other things I'd ask for is a Goemon collection and a Twinbee collection.
Whatever this might be, I'd be happy with anything Parodius related.
Re: Super Mario Kart-Style SNES Racer 'Rider’s Spirits' Coming To Switch, PlayStation And Xbox
Looks like a fun game, and I've never heard of it before too. Another retro game to add to my list!
Re: The Making Of: The Wizard - An Oral History Of Nintendo's Hollywood Debut
This movie was a favorite of mine when I was a kid. Saw it in theaters when it came out, and our theatre actually had a display out in the lobby where we could play Mario 3!
Re: Someone Is Trying To Bring Super Mario 64 To The GBA
Whether it's an official game or a personal project, I like seeing others try to push a system to it's limits and beyond. The GBA is an interesting system for these sort of things!
Re: "Lost" Taito Game Crescent Tale Resurfaces 26 Years Later
I'd love to see this released like Clockwork Aquario was. These Bubble Bobble style 1-screen arcade games are some of my favorites.
Re: Best King Of Fighters Games, Ranked By You
Personally, '98 is probably my favorite. I gotta add though, the King of Fighters '95 on the Gameboy was actually pretty good. Takara did a great job with Gameboy fighters like Battle Arena Toshinden, Samurai Shodown, and World Heroes 2 Jet.
Re: City Connection Reveals Formation Z Revival For Switch & PC
I like what City Connection is doing with these old classics but the burning question I have is, will City Connection be working on a City Connection remake?
Re: Random: Did You Know About This Not-So-Subtle Nintendo Dig Hidden Inside 'Battle Mania'?
I was both on Nintendo and Sega's side back in those days, but I liked those little jabs that went back and forth between the two. Those were pretty fun times.
Re: Treasure Wants To "Make Something" Next Year
Anything would be fantastic. I'd like to see them preserve the classics, bringing them to modern consoles. I'd love to see a remastered Mischief Makers. Would also be really cool to see their Astro Boy GBA game remastered as well.