Comments 40

Re: WaterMelon Insists Its Terminally Delayed Brawler Paprium Isn't Dead


"later on"? Like in 5 years?!
This message is ridiculous and just shows how they completely don't give a damn.
The business tactics of WaterMelon are fraudulent.
Imo, news sites should refuse to give them any attention until WM publicaly announces a release date AND starts shipping the cartridge to the people who paid them but received nothing yet.

Re: Yuzo Koshiro's Genesis Shmup Earthion Is Getting An Upgraded Arcade Release


Let's see what these "additional elements unique to arcades" will be. If it's less slowdown and better sound due to technical limitations of the MD, I'm fine with it. However, if this means new ship or arrange mode, I will not buy the MD version anymore.
The original concept behind Earthion is (was?) creating a supreme MD shooter - oldschool in gameplay, but made with modern tools and design sensibilities. If this original version is inferior to its ports, I'm not interested.

Re: Accusations Of AI Art Deflate Archer Maclean's DropZone 40th Anniversary Announcement


@Damo Imitation is not theft. If you cook your own chocolate by imitating and mixing different recipes your not automatically stealing from the supermarket. Even if the owner of the supermarket thinks that you are ruining his business. He should stop complaining and stock better chocolate.
The printing presses freed people from the monopoly of reproduction of texts, mostly held and controlled by church and monarchy. It was a technical process. Rewarding the author was a separate process. Not every author was rewarded or credited. Tell me, who is the original author of the picture that is the subject of this article? Name the individual the AI module "stole" from.

Re: Accusations Of AI Art Deflate Archer Maclean's DropZone 40th Anniversary Announcement


AI models are not stealing, they are learning. Learning always involves analyzing and imitating. Every human painter or musician learned by imitation, combination and repetition. The difference is the speed of the learning process and the number of sources. Printing presses made scribes obsolete but not writing. AI tools can and already are used for editing and processing of human created content. For small development teams it can save time, costs and provide additional layers to experiment with.

Re: Please Stop Buying Unofficial "Saturn Mini" Consoles


@knight0fdragon They are taking what they can get for a low price. Mainly defective ones, especially ones with a defective or broken disc drive. Of course they are raising them from the dead because these drive-less Saturns are doing exactly the same thing as the original ones - they play Saturn games on real hardware. The only thing this is truly killing are the obscenely overpriced second-hand game discs. And this I welcome.

Re: Please Stop Buying Unofficial "Saturn Mini" Consoles


@knight0fdragon "Supplies of the system are high"? How does that work? Given the facts that Sega stopped producing consoles long time ago and the circulating hardware dies eventually, supplies go down, not up. I can tell you from experience that the drive usually dies first. So if you can play games without it, get rid of it. Anybody who repairs used Saturns and sells them is raising the system from the dead. Whether it's an individual or AliExpress.

Re: Think PS5 Pro Is Too Much At $700? The 3DO Would Like A Word


Apples and oranges. The 3DO in 1993 was always positioned as a high-end machine for enthusiasts and some rental stores, way outside of the mainstream market. The playstation brand is supposed to be just that - mainstream.
The price is not even the biggest problem. Launching a Pro model without disc drive is like selling Mercedes-Benz S-class without doors and a trunk.
Sony lost touch with their core market.

Re: Anniversary: Gradius V Is 20 Years Old, And We Still Don't Have A Remaster


Over the decades I've played many horizontal shmups on many systems - Thunder Force IV, Gradius Gaiden, G-Darius, Border Down...all classics, very playable to this day.
However, Gradius V is in a league of its own. To me, Gradius V is the best horizontal shooter ever created. The pinnacle of a design that strarted with Scramble in 1981. It looks even more beautiful today when upscaled in PCSX2.
I would absolutely pay for a proper remaster of this timeless gem.