

The Warkiest Wark of ArtwarkSwark

Comments 10

Re: How Star Wars Helped Nintendo Defeat One Of Sega's Most Ludicrous Patents


There needs to be a law that patent trolling can only happen if the product is similarly used in that particular field.

For example, DS is an entertainment product and some one with a clone of DS can only sue Nintendo if it was for entertainment purpose only and not on anything else. I think that's the reason why Nintendo lost to the 3DS case simply because the patent didn't see fit as an entertainment product.

As far as innovation goes, it looks like Nintendo is the only one being countered the most and not Sony or Microsoft and as Ichikawa-san stated, the world of entertainment will be tough to live in if this keeps getting worse.

Re: Feature: What If The SNES PlayStation Had Actually Happened?


Considering how Nintendo remains the only one dominating the handheld market not to mention the only company that manages to make more money despite losing LOTS of money here and there, Sony may no longer be in the industry. Sony has been losing a lot of money ever since which makes you wonder, will they shutdown all their services in favor of just gaming?