Comments 26

Re: Best Gran Turismo Games, Ranked By You


I still remember that amazing week on the PS1 in the UK. Resident Evil 2, then the week after, Gran Turismo. What a time to be alive. Haha.

As I said in the other thread, I’ve absolutely loved each Gran Turismo in the era they were released. Everyone of them felt like a masterpiece. Sport was a bit of a misfire, with all the multiplayer focus, but 7 brought it back to the level it should be.

Amazing game, tons of content and that full PSVR2 mode is next level racing. Absolutely mind blowing.

Gran Turismo 7 is by far my favourite now.

Re: Poll: What's The Best Gran Turismo?


Loved every one of them. Sport was the first I didn’t love love. But I still really enjoyed it. Especially in VR.

7 however, the VR mode alone has blown every previous game out the water.

PSVR2, a racing wheel and seat is next level racing. Simply put, Gran Turismo 7 is unbelievable.

Re: Going Back In Time - Do You Play Retro Games To Reconnect With Your Past?


Depends on the game. But I’m somewhere in the middle the majority of the time. Arcade games are definitely my middle ground. Games like WWF Wrestlefest, Final Fight, Double Dragon, TMNT, X-Men, Alien Vs Predator, UN Squadron, Metal Slug, Smash TV, Robocop, WWF Superstars, Pac-Man, Outrun, Street Fighter 2 all give me nostalgic vibes but I love them for their gameplay too.

Re: Playing The CeX Retro Lottery


@Guru_Larry What a lovely piece of customer service. Baffles the mind.

I’ve bought 2 items from them. First was about ten years ago. 2nd was about 2 years ago. Both were horrendous condition. Not what I was paying for. I would never use them again. One of the worst places to buy games from.

Re: Poll: What Was Your Favourite Game Of Christmas 2013?


Grand Theft Auto V. If it came out this year, it would still be my game of the year in 2023. Haha.

Never really touched the online component, but I’ve played through the story mode about 5 or 6 times across various platforms over the years.

Amazing game. I can’t wait for VI.

Re: CIBSunday: Time Crisis 4 (PS3)


@Axelay71 Same, I actually got it out recently and had a quick blast with the moves. Never got the GunCon 3.

@BulkSlash Namco’s light gun games need to come to VR. They would be amazing.

All light gun games actually.

Re: Poll: Handheld Or TV - How Do You Play Retro Games?


Actual hardware is my number one choice. Got everything going back to Spectrum 48k, but portability is a great option. I’ve got about 10 different Android handhelds, from the GPD XD+ to the Ayn Odin Pro. I’ve just bought an ROG Ally and really enjoying it. Although I haven’t touched emulation with it yet, but I hear amazing things about it.

Re: GamesMaster Returns For A New Series Next Year


I only watched 2 episodes or the reboot. Didn’t realise it was only 3 episodes.

I wanted to like it, but it wasn’t worth watching at all. I’m still interested to see what they do, but I’m not expecting much if it continues on the same path.

Re: Review: Anbernic RG503 - Now Packing OLED Goodness, But Is That Enough?


@Bloodmetal No doubt, but you can get an Odin for as cheap as £160 (rising to £230 for the Pro). The cheapest Steam Deck is £350 (rising to £570 for their "Pro" version).

The Odin does PS2 emulation really well too.

If you are looking for PC gaming, the Steam Deck, AYA Neo Pro or OneXPlayer are definitely the only ones to aim for.

But for retro gaming, it's not worth the jump in price when under £200 will easily cover it.

Re: Review: Anbernic RG503 - Now Packing OLED Goodness, But Is That Enough?


@Jazzoflute I got my Odin Pro Super Pack at the end of January. It’s easily the best out of all these handhelds. I’ve got a Retroid Pocket 2+, GPD XD+, RG350M, RG351P and a Trimui Model S. The Odin destroys them all. It’s obviously a little bit more money, but well worth it.

@Waka_the_Prophet Regarding the Retroid Pocket 2+, it’s exaggerated. I’m the same as you. It “runs” GameCube, but most of the time, I wouldn’t call it playable.

@icomma Odin Pro plays them easily. Infact, I’m sure any of the Odin models will.