Comments 151

Re: Castlevania ReVamped Fuses "Classicvania" With "Metroidvania"


What's the real term for this?

The term MetroidVania sounds dumb.
MetroVania is only slightly better, but unless one played those, the term means nothing.

Re-Explore sounds better, is easier on the tongue and gets the point across!
I only heard the term a week or two ago for the first time.

Re: Survey Reveals Japanese Gen Z Gamers Still Love Nintendo's DS Handhelds


I just recently started using my =NEW= 2DS XL again.
I've been playing Minish Cap.
I'll save my game, close the system and go to bed.
Then the next evening, I pick it up and the game acts like I didn't save!
I had EIGHT kinstone fuses left!
I was about to head into the Wind Dungeon in the sky! (I actually played a little of it and got the cape then left)
I have 58 Kinstones to do! And it says I still need to do the Castor Wilds/Swamp dungeon!

I'm so pissed.
I'm not playing it again!

Re: This Handy Dreamcast USB Adapter Lets You Use Third-Party Controllers


That'd be nice, except for two little problems.
1: I have no DreamCast
2: I have no DreamCast.
Now, technically that's only one, but I felt it being so big an issue, it needed to be said twice.

But seriously, I don't have one. I've never had one.
I do want one.
But only so I can play Spider-Man!

And I've been hearing a lot about a game called Shenmue so I want to try that one now too.

When looking online, all I find are:
Sets that are missing TV wires
Sets that are missing controllers
Sets that are missing power cords
Sets that don't work
Sets that are missing the video thing for the controller
Sets that are missing memory cards
Sets that look grossly disgusting
Sets that from other regions
Sets that are from the USA but are ridiculously expensive.

Re: Anniversary: The Game Boy Is 35 Years Old Today


I don't remember if it was my birthday (September) or christmas (December) when I got mine.
I remember being handed a gift by my aunt or cousin... And opening it to find a Game Boy game.
I was happy yet disappointed as I didn't have a Game Boy.
Then mom hands me a present and says" you should have opened this first."
It was a Game Boy!
I was excited!

I remember being the only kid in school for a while that had one, then someone else brought one in and we tried playing Tetris, yet my batteries were dying. Only got a couple of minutes in.

I also remember sitting at the dining room table try desperately to play TMNT (I believe it was Fall of the Foot Clan) and the batteries dying. I had to turn off the volume and keep dimming the system while angling at the ceiling fan light, trying so hard to extend my gameplay to get to the password. It sadly didn't make it.