Comments 163

Re: Sega "Pimped Out" On Mallrats Director Kevin Smith Back In 1995


Why did the filmmakers go through all of this trouble? Well, according to Smith, Sega promised that if the game had some exposure in the movie, it would ensure that Smith and his cast would be featured in the company's nationwide promotional tours. "In the end, they pimped out on us, they did not feature us, and we had changed it all for nothing."

Re: Fancy Owning The SNES PlayStation? You Can Now Make Your Own (Kinda)


It apparently isn't that well known if you get the information wrong!

"When it became clear to Nintendo that Sony expected to gain cash from each game sold as part of the deal, it unceremoniously dumped the Japanese tech giant at the alter, signing an agreement with Philips instead."

Stop putting Nintendo as being in the wrong in this!

Sony wanted I.P. control!
THAT is why Nintendo dropped them!

It wasn't "unceremoniously"