@Damo @bring_on_branstons I don't mind April Fools Day jokes and tricks, but I absolutely HATED spending my hard earned money on magazines only for them to be filled with fake articles!
This last paragraph needs some serious re-working/editing... Who is talking? Is it Sega, because it doesn't read like Kevin Smith, who is mentioned before the quote.
Why did the filmmakers go through all of this trouble? Well, according to Smith, Sega promised that if the game had some exposure in the movie, it would ensure that Smith and his cast would be featured in the company's nationwide promotional tours. "In the end, they pimped out on us, they did not feature us, and we had changed it all for nothing."
As someone who rode a bike all the time when I was a kid and also sheltered from the whole drug scene, even now I only see accidents and rough play with those photos. Nothing looks dug related to me.
I'm a year younger than you and I loved the prequels. I also hated them. But I love them.
Also, I grew up with the original three movies, and saw Return of the Jedi in a drive in. I was not quite three years old yet. It's one of my earliest memories.
It apparently isn't that well known if you get the information wrong!
"When it became clear to Nintendo that Sony expected to gain cash from each game sold as part of the deal, it unceremoniously dumped the Japanese tech giant at the alter, signing an agreement with Philips instead."
Stop putting Nintendo as being in the wrong in this!
Sony wanted I.P. control! THAT is why Nintendo dropped them!
@SlangWon 12 years or three systems! That should be the mandate for games going public!
Movies/TV shows should be 5-7 years. There's a couple of dudes who bought the rights to some movies just to have the rights and not release them. Then there's a few who did but ask way too much for releasing them, so instead, now they get nothing...
Two months after their "Blowout Sale," I'm still waiting for my two switch games, which are not pre-orders and are in stock, to ship! KotOR 1 KotOR 2 VHS edition
@KitsuneNight I agree! Achievements in games like Smash Melee are fine. When they are done for like every game, through the console like the HD Twins (M$ / $ony) are when they are pointless and annoying.
Comments 163
Re: SNES Consoles Appear To Be Getting Faster As They Age
Sounds like a Lightbulb!
They get brighter just before they die!
Re: James Bond Producer Didn't Want Guns In 2010's GoldenEye Wii Reboot
@Damo @bring_on_branstons
I don't mind April Fools Day jokes and tricks, but I absolutely HATED spending my hard earned money on magazines only for them to be filled with fake articles!
Re: Shuhei Yoshida Reflects On 'Polygon Man', The PlayStation Mascot That Never Was
The supreme evil from Star Fox is the one time face of PlayStation?
Makes sense!
Re: Random: Here's The Awkward Moment When The Father Of PlayStation Was Left Hanging At The Game Awards
And I call out Ninty on their crap when they do something bad or stupid.
Re: Random: Here's The Awkward Moment When The Father Of PlayStation Was Left Hanging At The Game Awards
Sony was wrong. Nintendo jumped, rightly.
Sony should have informed their speaker.
Re: Random: Here's The Awkward Moment When The Father Of PlayStation Was Left Hanging At The Game Awards
Is this now a pro-playstation site and an anti-nintendo website
Re: Anniversary: 30 Years Ago Today, PlayStation Changed Video Games Forever
And not necessarily for the better!
Re: "Absolutely Horrid" - Is Nintendo Switch Online's Emulation Really That Bad?
I was hoping the US / NA would get the B1G1F subscription like UK did.
But we didn't. It's b*ll s** t
I only "need" it for XenoBlade X starting in March
Re: "Absolutely Horrid" - Is Nintendo Switch Online's Emulation Really That Bad?
Why subscribe if it has to be sent in?
Re: "Absolutely Horrid" - Is Nintendo Switch Online's Emulation Really That Bad?
I have never used Nintendo switch online!
Re: Sega "Pimped Out" On Mallrats Director Kevin Smith Back In 1995
This last paragraph needs some serious re-working/editing...
Who is talking? Is it Sega, because it doesn't read like Kevin Smith, who is mentioned before the quote.
Re: Sega "Pimped Out" On Mallrats Director Kevin Smith Back In 1995
Why did the filmmakers go through all of this trouble? Well, according to Smith, Sega promised that if the game had some exposure in the movie, it would ensure that Smith and his cast would be featured in the company's nationwide promotional tours. "In the end, they pimped out on us, they did not feature us, and we had changed it all for nothing."
Re: Mario 64 Speedrunning Declared "Dead" After Insane Feat From "The Greatest Speedrunner Of All Time"
Didn't know that many stars could be skipped. Thanks
Re: Mario 64 Speedrunning Declared "Dead" After Insane Feat From "The Greatest Speedrunner Of All Time"
Yeah, I know that. I've played the game since it came out!
Re: Mario 64 Speedrunning Declared "Dead" After Insane Feat From "The Greatest Speedrunner Of All Time"
Could someone explain the difference between the star runs?
Re: Flashback: "The S**t Absolutely Hit The Fan" - When WipEout (And Sara Cox's Bloody Nose) Shocked A Nation
As someone who rode a bike all the time when I was a kid and also sheltered from the whole drug scene, even now I only see accidents and rough play with those photos. Nothing looks dug related to me.
Re: Sega Just Announced New Hardware, But Don't Get Too Excited – It's Not Dreamcast 2
Combine two Emoticons to make a new one...
Can I combine created Emoticons to make even more new ones?
Re: Monster Hunter, Mortal Kombat And Resident Evil Director Paul W.S. Anderson Is Making A House Of The Dead Movie
Re: "The Wrong Console Won" - Dreamcast Is Getting Its Own Rave Event "To Correct The Record"
Article 9?
Re: Industry Veteran MicroProse Is Publishing Desert Strike Spiritual Successor, Cleared Hot
It's about time we had some new news!
Re: Talking Point: Is There Such A Thing As "Bad" Nostalgia?
I'm a year younger than you and I loved the prequels. I also hated them.
But I love them.
Also, I grew up with the original three movies, and saw Return of the Jedi in a drive in.
I was not quite three years old yet.
It's one of my earliest memories.
Re: Talking Point: Is There Such A Thing As "Bad" Nostalgia?
"While I'm too young to have been alive for the original Star Wars (I was born in 1979),"
No, you were around for:
Re: History Has Just Been Made On NES Tetris
I've gotten a few rockets when I was a kid, never as an adult
Re: History Has Just Been Made On NES Tetris
Around 100 something, the game drops too fast for me.
Always has, since I was a kid.
Re: Switch 'Hokkaido Serial Murder Case' Remake Retains NSFW Easter Egg From Yuji Horii's 1984 Original
Censorship sucks!
We "demand" unaltered pictures!
LoL, just kidding
Re: Dragon Quest Vets Claim Comments On Censorship Were "Mistranslated"
I'm American and I think it's all ridiculous too!
Re: 20 Years In The Making, Mario Adventure 3 Is The Ultimate Mario 3 ROM Hack
Yeah, I remember hearing that the NES/SNES minis ran PS1 games better than the PSmini!
Re: 20 Years In The Making, Mario Adventure 3 Is The Ultimate Mario 3 ROM Hack
Is retroarch compatible with the minis?
Also, thanks for response, I never seen to get that many anymore
Re: Double Dragon Artist Says Double Dragon Revive Is "Cheap" And "Shows No Respect" To The Series
I've played Double Dragon 1 & 2.
They were okay, nothing special.
That said, I really enjoyed the movie!
Re: 20 Years In The Making, Mario Adventure 3 Is The Ultimate Mario 3 ROM Hack
Will this work on the NES / SNES mini?
Re: Fancy Owning The SNES PlayStation? You Can Now Make Your Own (Kinda)
It apparently isn't that well known if you get the information wrong!
"When it became clear to Nintendo that Sony expected to gain cash from each game sold as part of the deal, it unceremoniously dumped the Japanese tech giant at the alter, signing an agreement with Philips instead."
Stop putting Nintendo as being in the wrong in this!
Sony wanted I.P. control!
THAT is why Nintendo dropped them!
It wasn't "unceremoniously"
Re: Tetris Forever Is Missing An Interesting Entry, Claims Satellaview Preservationist
I have played Tetris since the Game Boy came out.
I also played it on the N.E.S.
I was great at it on the GB. I even got a rocket once, maybe twice!
On the NES, I was terrible!
I have two Tetris games on my =NEW= 2DS XL
One is the GB version and while I can get pretty high up in level and points, I have never gotten a rocket!
Re: Tetris Forever Is Missing An Interesting Entry, Claims Satellaview Preservationist
It NEEDS the DS version!
Re: Super Mario Sunshine's Largest Mod Yet Is Now Available To Download
All those mods and still NO actual PLUMBING mini-games!!!????!!!!??
Re: Can You Match These Start Buttons With Their Consoles?
To be fair, 3ds keeps changing the button layouts!
Re: Can You Match These Start Buttons With Their Consoles?
If I was on my computer, I probably could have gotten higher. Scrolling on a phone sucks the time away!
Re: Review: Tomb Raider Collection 1 (Evercade) - No-Frills Emulation Of Lara's Essential Adventures
You guys might want to re-word this slightly:
"The best bit of Miss Croft's PS1 period"
Sounds like Lara has a "bloody" mess...
Re: The Making Of: Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon, Konami's Underrated N64 Classic
I want to play this.
It needs to come to switch.
NOT as part of online!
Re: Old Enough To Remember The Original Game Boy? Then Think About Screening For Cancer, Says Charity
Phew, I'm safe. My GameBoy was more of a urine yellow with some green!
Not bright green like in/on the billboard!
Re: SNK Vs. Capcom's Promotional Artwork Has Been Censored To Cover Mai's Modesty
That is NOT the only change! The girl next to Chun-Li was also covered up!
Re: You Can Now Access Streets Of Rage's 'Bad' Ending Without A Second Player
Uhm, no...
I remember watching my cousin play this and he unlocked the ending on his own!
Re: Interview: Say Hello To Jocelyn Benford, The First Person To Give Princess Peach A Voice
Yes, but the headline says first voice, not first video game voice.
Re: Newly Announced Book Will Chart The History of Alien's Xenomorph In Games
I'll buy it soon now!
Re: Newly Announced Book Will Chart The History of Alien's Xenomorph In Games
Is it completely on the cart?
Re: Interview: Say Hello To Jocelyn Benford, The First Person To Give Princess Peach A Voice
She's NOT the first Princess Toadstool voice!
Re: Interview: Say Hello To Jocelyn Benford, The First Person To Give Princess Peach A Voice
Ahh, nepotism!
Re: "Never Work With Movie Franchises" Laments Quarter Arcades Boss As Ghostbusters And RoboCop Cause Issues
12 years or three systems!
That should be the mandate for games going public!
Movies/TV shows should be 5-7 years.
There's a couple of dudes who bought the rights to some movies just to have the rights and not release them.
Then there's a few who did but ask way too much for releasing them, so instead, now they get nothing...
Re: Two Months After Shipping CD-Rs To Customers, Limited Run Games Still Hasn't Issued Replacements
Two months after their "Blowout Sale," I'm still waiting for my two switch games, which are not pre-orders and are in stock, to ship!
KotOR 1
KotOR 2 VHS edition
Re: Platinum Games Almost Tackled Marvel's Black Widow After Bayonetta
I'd like to have played with Black Widow!
Re: GameCube Gets Achievements Thanks To The Dolphin Emulator
I agree!
Achievements in games like Smash Melee are fine.
When they are done for like every game, through the console like the HD Twins (M$ / $ony) are when they are pointless and annoying.