Comments 30

Re: Anniversary: Tekken Is Now 30 Years Old


@Badboykilla187 Totally agree. Wish Sony would hurry up and re-release it on the PSN store. I enjoyed playing the upscaled version of Tekken 2 but Tekken 3 would be even better. Or perhaps a Tekken 1-6 compilation with both PS and Arcade versions, taking a leaf out of Capcom and Konami’s book?

Re: Retro-Bit Is Working On A Sega Saturn Fight Stick


Very pleased to see this news. I will pick up one of these, if they bring it to market and it replicates the Saturn Virtua stick experience.

I recently got my Mayflash Arcade stick working with my Saturn using a Brook Wingman SD adapter. Was also pondering buying a Sega Astrocity Arcade stick and hooking it up with the adapter, but they seem to have gone out of stock on Amazon now. So this new option would be a great alternative.

Re: SuperSega FPGA Team Understands Why You Think Its Console Is "Vapourware"


The trouble is I’m a purest and only want to play games on original software 😊 There must be lots of people like me who bought Analogue FPGA consoles for the same reason. It’s a whole experience looking through your physical games, admiring the artwork on the cover and booklets. And because it’s an effort to keep swapping games over, I normally spend quality time playing the game through. When you are presented with a long list of games (eg on Steam), I don’t know about you but I just end up feeling overwhelmed and then playing nothing.

Re: The ESA Says Its Members Won't Support Plans For Online 'Game Preservation' Libraries


The objective here should be laser focussed on how to preserve gaming history for future generations. The question is how this can be achieved in an effective way.

Who would willingly want gaming as a medium to be lost to time? I find it hard to believe anyone who remotely cares about gaming would want that.

Of course It’s much easier to find blockers than it is to collaborate on finding a solution that works for all parties. Clearly leaving it to publishers doesn’t achieve the goal here and therefore is not a valid option.

Re: Playing The CeX Retro Lottery


I remember that visiting that first store near Tottenham Court Road in the late 90s. It was a magical experience!

On the whole I have had very good experience with online and in store purchases. Occasionally had a tatty box/label but overall I have had many more positive experiences outweighing any of these minor niggles.