Comments 29

Re: Celebrate, Amiga Games Are Coming To Evercade


Nice to see Amiga titles been included on the evercade and its great that evercade are looking towards the old home computing era for titles. I am suprised that we havent seen any Atari ST games yet judging by how many Atari games across various formats have been released on the Evercade so far.

Re: Poll: Which FIFA Is Best?


Fifa 98 RTWC for me although Fifa 99 is good but the lack of the indoor mode which was always a goto before and after nights out means Fifa 99 just misses out for me. Quite liked Fifa 05 on the Xbox too.

Re: Best Sega Saturn Games


I loved my Saturn despite all the detractors as well as the bad and biased coverage it recieved at the time.

Everyone that went on my saturn enjoyed it and said it had some great games for it. The only problem they said was that Playstation just looked better and had way more games for it. Which to be honest they wasnt wrong. Its just a shame we never got a fraction of what the Japanese market got.

In my opinion the Saturn was a underated and fantastic gaming console with some great games and to this day it is still one of my most fondly remembered gaming experiences.