Comments 30

Re: Trademark For Intellivision Amico Has Been Abandoned


@Serpenterror You're singing to the choir! I know all about the amico.

But the idea that one device could satisfy kids, 50 year old retro gamers (who don't want to play atari) and casual gamers who don't have phones / or want to spend less money on appletv 4k was always wild.

Re: Trademark For Intellivision Amico Has Been Abandoned


@Serpenterror Were they, though? This is one of the few places I have seen much positive coverage in news or comments. The playdate was always a fun product made for hipsters (and I can't wait for mine to arrive), and the coverage of it has been fairly consistent (and thankfully it was well received on release).

I don't think the interest in Amico was ever that high.

And when you compare $100 preorder numbers of Amico (about 6,000?) to the full-price preorders of the playdate (40,000 I think?), it doesn't really seem that close.

Re: Trademark For Intellivision Amico Has Been Abandoned


@aaronsullivan The potential was that they could have released their IP on the switch first to satisfy the retro gamers, and make a little money before (potentially) going into hardware (which most would say does not need to exist).

If they're basically first-timers, why did their investment material tout their 600 combined years of experience? They raised a lot of money and have nothing to show.

Re: Playdate Launch Pushed Back To 2022 Following "Frustrating" Hardware Difficulties


I'm in group 2. Not sure why people think this is DOA (or whatever) They've sold around 40,000 (I think) which for a hipster gaming device is great. They're QA-ing them like no one's business and it looks like their standards are high. If anything the software will be extra-solid with the extra time they have. People have played with the units, and like them. Bodes well to me!