

I pre-ordered SUPERMAN 64 . . .

Comments 58

Re: Anniversary: It's Been 25 Years Since The Dreamcast's North American "9.9.99" Launch


I had just started University and one of my dorm mates had it pre-ordered from a GameStop in the mall. While we had all been having nightly GOLDENEYE competitions, us and our friends were super-hyped for the Dreamcast (BEST. CONSOLE. NAME. EVER.). I remember us coming back to the dorm; Matt dropped around $500.00 USD when everything was said and done. He picked up the console, two extra controllers, two VMUs, two Light Guns, Sonic Adventure, Ready2Rumble Boxing, House of the Dead 2, and Soul Calibur.
I believe NFL2K, NBA2K and Slave Zero came a few weeks later. It was insane to be a part of someone going all out at launch. I picked up a neon-green VMU to use. We played non-stop for 3 days straight pretty much. We were all blown away. Soul Calibur and NFL2K were folded into heavy rotation along with GOLDENEYE. My strongest memories revolve around getting deep into Weapons Master mode and playing NFL2K, four player, until 3AM. Still one of the best consoles of all time.

Re: MagicX XU Mini M Is Running A Weaker Chipset Than Was Advertised


Mine is on its way. Opted for the 64GB version (figured the cheap microsd would be better if smaller lol). Should be here in 10 days. I'm fine with the chip issue. I spent $30.00 USD on AliExpress during a flash sale and am interested in testing it out. I have been looking for one of these for awhile; just something to throw in my pocket on quick trips. Looks like it will do the truck. Will maybe "splurge" for the 128gb when the M+ comes out (assuming I am pleased with this initial offering).

Re: Zelda Movie Screenwriter Is Working On A Live-Action Eternal Champions Film


Yeah, got RE4 REmake for Christmas last year and am only about halfway through the campaign, lol. #MercenariesFTW! I have a pretty hot take on SONIC SUPERSTARS.... I think it's better than SUPER MARIO BROS. WONDER. It really nails the feel of classic SONIC. Music is great, levels are great, bosses are great. They even re-imagine all of the different types of Bonus Levels throughout the series. It's just such a love letter to the franchise. And it runs great on Switch!

Re: Zelda Movie Screenwriter Is Working On A Live-Action Eternal Champions Film


SEGA has made so many mistakes over the years. Every time they start picking up steam they veer off the tracks. I feel like the success of the SONIC movies really kicked them into gear. I am super excited for all of the new games (Jet Set Radio, Shinobi, and Crazy Taxi were the others shown off). SoR4 was sooooo good and I actually really liked Sonic Frontiers and Superstars. They just need to put as much effort behind their other franchises. I also miss the hand-drawn covers of the 80s and 90s.

Re: CIBSunday: Sega Multi-Mega


I sold my OG Genesis / Version 2 Sega CD / 32X set-up and bought a CDX. Even had the leather case for it. Actually took it with me on trips and used is as a portable CD player. I still have it with most of my collection. The only thing that sucks? It won't play JURASSIC PARK on the Sega CD... freezes when trying to move away from the crash site.

Re: Poll: What Is Rare's Best Game?


"Since then, Rare has produced a string of hits, including Perfect Dark Zero, Kinect Sports and – most recently – Sea Of Thieves." This made me chuckle... At least put VIVA PIÑATA in there!

Re: Cancelled N64 Title 'Dragon Sword' Is Being Resurrected


There was a dearth of beat-em-ups during that era because developers just did not know what to do with the genre in 3D. Sure, there were a few like NIGHTMARE CREATURES, but they played poorly. This looks like it could have been a simple, fun action game. Will definitely play this when it drops.

Re: So, What's Happening With Earthworm Jim 4?


EWJ: SPECIAL EDITION is my favorite video game ever made. I have a small EWJ collection of games and memorabilia (I WILL NEVER SELL CLAYFIGHTER 63 1/3: SCULPTOR'S CUT!!!). I was very psyched by the announcement of a 4th game. While I wasn't completely sold on the art style, I was still excited for the possibilities. #StillHoldingOutHope

Re: Insanely Rare Nintendo GameCube Found 23 Years After SpaceWorld Unveiling


Man, SpaceWorld 2000 was such an amazing time. That Rogue Squadron 2 footage was running in my dreams for months. It was such a generational leap; it's hard to explain how mind-blowing it was going from N64 to GCN. I remember all of my friends had our colors picked out. If Nintendo had actually launched with Spice, Gold, and Silver I think they would have sold more systems at launch. Black was basic and Indigo was never going to set the world on fire. I got black at launch, but ultimately got my silver one a couple years later.

Re: Poll: What's The Best Sega System Of All Time?


I think that was Sega's biggest issue then and what ultimately destroyed their consoles business; the disconnect between East and West. After Sega of America solidified their dominance in the U.S. and Europe, Sega of Japan jerked them around with the 32X and Saturn. There was such a lack of communication. Imagine if they were all just onboard with the Saturn and worked together on the games. No 32X or Neptune; just full steam ahead with the Saturn. They would have at least been able to stay in the fight, even with the insane Saturn architecture.

Re: Poll: What's The Best Sega System Of All Time?


It's pretty much an even split between the Mega Drive / Genesis and the Dreamcast for me. Both were fantastic systems that really showcased what made Sega systems and games unique. Also, Dreamcast is the single best name for a home console / game system.... Ever.

Re: Not Used Your Wii U In A While? It Might Be Dead


My family uses the WiiU at least once every 10 days. We play a lot of Wii / WiiU Party, Guilty Party, and finally introduced the kids to Fortune Street. The only issues I have had are with the GamePad battery so I bought some back-ups off Amazon as well as two charging cables from Nintendo. Fingers crossed because I love that little guy, lol.

Re: Best Beat 'Em Ups Of All Time


Played through SAILOR MOON with my daughters a couple of years ago and can attest to is being solid as heck. I would personally also place Sega's 1990 arcade powerhouse SPIDER-MAN and Capcom's THE PUNISHER on this list. Also kind of surprised CADILLACS & DINOSAURS is not on here.

Re: Intellivision's Amico Is Shaping Up To Be The Most 'Nintendo' Non-Nintendo System Ever


I have been following this thing for a while. EWJ: SE for the Sega CD is my favorite game of all time so the fact that most of the original EWJ team is coming together on a new title is huge for me. I really like the focus on local multiplayer and that people can use their phones as controllers in a pinch. This thing could become a big hit with my kids and their cousins just because the multiplayer aspect is so pick-up-and-play. That being said, a $150 USD to $199 USD price point would have been the sweet spot. I don't know if families will spend $250 for a device like this.

Re: Pre-Ordered A Polymega With Walmart? We've Got Bad News For You


I ja e been following these guys since the beginning. Did not pre-order as I have "adult responsibilities" or something. Figure I would wait for more reviews, but this thing sounds fantastic. I can finally take all of my cartridges and discs and dump them to an HD console. No more having to pull out SNATCHER! Hope the release goes well.

Re: Feature: The Making Of Star Fox Command


I will be honest, this is my second favorite Star Fox game after 64. The strategy elements, controls, and story paths are all great. And an online multiplayer that was lots of fun; SF64 on 3DS didn't even have that. I sold New SMB to get this when it came out and I don't regret it.

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