It has some cool ideas but I don't think there will be a high enough demand for this to be a success we'll most likely see a big price decrease & have a bunch of them just sitting on shelves like the playstation classic
@Zeldafan79 the games that come to the switch are very limited due to the hardware I would love to be able to play all multiplatform games on my switch but alot of them never gone to switch because the hardwares not powerful enough so people wanting Nintendo to step their game up are right to feel that way
Comments 6
Re: Hardware: The Taito Egret II Mini Is A Doorway Into True Gaming History
Would've probably got one if it included phoenix
Re: Best Of 2021: The Story Of The Game Genie, The Cheat Device Nintendo Tried (And Failed) To Kill
@Magrane yeah things like unlock all items in resident evil & treasure maps that show you where all the collectibles are in Forza etc just ridiculous
Re: Best Of 2021: The Story Of The Game Genie, The Cheat Device Nintendo Tried (And Failed) To Kill
Why add cheats to a game when you can sell them as micro transactions
Re: Intellivision's Wii-Like Amico Console Gets Delayed For A Third Time
I'd like to see sega have another crack at making a console
Re: Intellivision's Amico Is Shaping Up To Be The Most 'Nintendo' Non-Nintendo System Ever
It has some cool ideas but I don't think there will be a high enough demand for this to be a success we'll most likely see a big price decrease & have a bunch of them just sitting on shelves like the playstation classic
Re: Random: Even If We Don't See Switch Pro Today, At Least We've Got The Atari VCS, Right?
@Zeldafan79 the games that come to the switch are very limited due to the hardware I would love to be able to play all multiplatform games on my switch but alot of them never gone to switch because the hardwares not powerful enough so people wanting Nintendo to step their game up are right to feel that way