Comments 91

Re: "Might Be Time To Go Back To A Corporate Job" - Trump's Tariffs Come Into Effect


Clarification on the China tariffs: the new 20% is on top of already existing tariff levels, including the 25% 301 tariffs from Trump's first administration (and which Biden expanded to more products last year). So imports could be facing tariffs of more than 45% of their declared value.

I'm a video game fan on this site, but a trade lawyer by profession!

Re: Interview: "We’ve Certainly Made Mistakes" - Limited Run's Boss On Winning Back The Trust Of The Community


@mattysaurus I agree that I would generally prefer they wait until all updates have been released for games before putting them on disc/cartridge, but I suspect they sacrificed that to speed up delivery. Celeste was one of the early games that ended up taking forever to ship, but it was because they were waiting for all the post release content to be finished. I'm not thrilled by the change, but considering all the online rage about long waits, I get why they did it.

Re: Broken Sword Collection Is Coming To Evercade


That picture of the goat caused me to spit out my coffee…hilarious, and thanks for the laugh!

I’m assuming these are straight ports of the originals, like Tomb Raider? I imagine these originals still play decently, but aren’t there numerous remasters of these games?

Re: Review: Legacy of Kain Collection (Evercade) - Take A Bite Out Of Two Gothic Classics


Interesting review, and honestly a higher score than I expected for Soul Reaver. I’m torn about Evercade’s expansion into PS1 era/early 3D games. This was a formative era in gaming for me and I have fond memories of games from this time, including Soul Reaver. But the sad fact is that time has not been kind to early 3D games, as I find many of their control schemes to border on unplayable when revisited today. Given there are remasters of Soul Reaver on the way, it seems like that would be the better way to revisit the game.

Blood Omen on the other hand, seems like a good fit to revisit on Evercade, and I think a straight port would hold up better today.

Re: Lunar Fans Have Noticed Something Interesting About The Upcoming Remaster


@MSaturn Agree, I never had a problem with WD localizations. It did indulge in some silliness, but not in a way that felt untrue to the games. In the PS1 era, WD was amazing for releasing lavish versions of games that would otherwise not have gotten western releases, and we have better localizations today in part because WD helped popularize JRPGs.

Re: ModRetro Is "Certainly" Going To Create An FPGA Game Boy Advance


It's striking that ModRetro's main way of promoting their products is to trash their primary competitor, the Analogue Pocket. In particular, the Pocket's placement of triggers and screen resolution. I guess ModRetro realizes that their target audience in all likelihood already has an Analogue Pocket and will need to be convinced to buy another device, but it comes across as rather mean-spirited.

For me, the Pocket's "flaws" that ModRetro likes to harp on are more than worth it for the vastly greater functionality and number of systems playable on the Pocket versus the Chromatic.

Re: PS1 Classics Legacy Of Kain: Blood Omen And Soul Reaver Come To Evercade


Cool news, Blood Omen is a great game that was under looked compared to Soul Reaver. It deserves more opportunity to shine!

Interesting how Evercade’s library is evolving, from often very obscure games (of debatable quality) to ports of 90s big hitters (that admittedly hold up to a mixed degree). I love they provide a legal way to play these games with physical cartridges. I hope Evercade continues to experience success!

Re: Interview: "I Was Not Sure We Were Going To Pull It Off" - Cyan's Rand Miller On Remaking Riven From The Ground Up


What a fantastic interview! The game is a really thoughtful update of Riven, and this interview has fascinating insights on the developers goals and the problems they faced. These remakes can really be hit or miss, but this game nailed it. That even these developers didn’t know if they’d succeeded or not makes me sympathetic for how hard this must be!

Thanks for a great article TE!

Re: Soapbox: The Trouble With Limited Run Games, And How To Fix It


@N64-ROX I agree it’s an important point to clarify. If it’s true they were using a method they thought would work on most 3DOs, then it’s much more sympathetic, and some of the hate they’re getting online is unfair. If on the other hand this story is just an excuse they made up after getting called out, well then…

No history with 3DO, so I have no idea what’s true about it. It would great if TE does a feature to test out this story!

Re: Soapbox: The Trouble With Limited Run Games, And How To Fix It


I find that a lot of the anger at LRG online is overblown, but this article raises fair points. I never bother with their collector editions, because the extras are garbage and not worth the price. I also find many of the games getting released to be mid/uninteresting. I cannot imagine some of these games have dedicated fans wanting a physical release so much as just LRG cashing in from completionists wanting all their numbered games. I think they could afford to scale back on the releases.

Still, I disagree that the open preorder/no reprint is part of the problem. Carrying unsold inventory of physical games is what makes these products unprofitable for so many businesses, and why most US retailers have just stopped carrying them. The limited aspect of LRG and other boutique firms is what allows them to avoid inventories and be a viable business. Honestly, LRG's open preorder without limits on how many games they sell is easier to navigate/more fair than other firms that just print a very small number of games on a first come basis.

While I’m glad Nintendo is staying dedicated to physical games for now, I expect many third parties are going to start skipping physical releases all together. That will leave boutiques like LRG, so I hope they can up their game to be more reliable and better value.

Re: Limited Run Games Accused Of Shipping "Premium" 3DO Games On CD-Rs


I’m normally a defender of LRG, but this is really scammy. I hope they come up with a response and make this right for their customers.

Edit: it seems like they are trying to make this right in their response, and certainly every customer deserves a refund or working game. I do think the LRG hate gets overblown, but this was a real screw up by them and their manufacturing partner.

Also, I assumed people would buy these 3DO games just as a collector’s item. People still have functioning 3DOs!?

Re: Review: Mars After Midnight (Playdate) - A Wonderfully Weird Work Sim From Lucas Pope


@gingerbeardman Thanks for the insight on Playdate development! Honestly, I’m looking for more simple games on the platform, and I get that’s probably all the economics support for most developers. I’m glad Lucas Pope has the ability to do something more extensive, and I’m pumped to try out this game. But I’m primarily looking for quick pick up and play games, and I hope the platform continues to grow so it makes sense for developers as well!

Re: Playdate Catalog's First Birthday Marked With Massive Sale


I’ve really appreciated TE’s reviews of catalogue games. I’ve been hesitant to buy many, but these reviews have encouraged me to take the plunge. I picked up Under the Castle on sale, and I’m absolutely loving it! Might pick up a couple of more before it’s over!

Re: Poll: What's The Best Playdate Game?


Crankin’s Time Travel is still my favorite. It was the first game where the crank clicked for me, and I think the game is a delight.

Really appreciate TE’s playdate reviews! I’ve been hesitant to dive into catalogue games without knowing much about them, but these reviews have been great to highlight games I will give a shot!

Re: Flashback: The Story Of The Naked Gun Game That Never Was


The opening credit scene, with a police car barreling through video game franchises, sounds hilarious! Sorry this game never saw the light of day.

But as an American who grew up in the 90s, it’s an understatement to say the Simpson trial was a big deal. While I’d never made the connection, it makes sense that would have killed the Naked Gun franchise.

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