

We simp THQNordic and Atari

Comments 215

Re: Round Up: Virtua Fighter, Onimusha, Okami, Ninja Gaiden... The Game Awards 2024 Was A Good Night For Classic Gaming Fans


I am, of course, obligated to celebrate Screamer, as both part of Plaion's (very slow and confusing) redemption arc, but also because it signifies that people are beginning to chip away at that rights squatting Interplay finally. (Though that actual chipping started in 2022 and I just didn't notice. Whoops.)

An extra note on Pac-Man, according to Harada the game is designed by former members of SNK and Capcom's Flagship. Specifically having the main designer of Kirby and the Amazing Mirror. So that's... Fascinating. Someone tell AntDude

Re: Embracer Group Interim Report Leaks 'FZ: Formation Z' Western Release Plans


It's nice that SOME good news came out of today. The announcement that they had given there most profitable branch to Tencent still burns.

Interesting they're not using the "Aeroboto" branding at all. Guess they don't consider it worth the extra coordination since the IP was never really much more than a blip outside Jaleco's homeland.

There's a BUTT load more leaks on here actually... wow they did a terrible job checking this
Amplifier has something called Project Expeditions to announce; Arc has a contract job "Fellowship" (probalby more Rings crap). There's this Tides of Tomorrow that's labeled as "Deep Silver/PLAION" which I have no idea what that means.

BUBSY is on this list. Normally LRG is not included at all on these lists because "there's just so much", but skipping ahead it seems one was added this year as they ramp up actual carbon engine development, but Bubsy is not in that section! He's in the "External publisher" section with the Amazon Tomb Raider (and Squirreled Away which is owned by Amplifier but not published by anyone internally? Even though Amplifier doesn't own the studio on this one. And Atari Part 2: Ziggurat's Rendering Ranger R² [Rewind]. Which tells me Wade is NEVER trusting Josh as a distributor ever again, and that is soothing to my soul.

Good that Prime Matter's still a thing. That's good. They're the good part of Plaion
The bad news is Painkiller's off the board. Meaning it was most likely quitely canceled in the divorce from Saber... And we still have no idea what "Final Form" is other than it's co-owned by Prime Matter

Re: Talking Point: Is There Such A Thing As "Bad" Nostalgia?


Yes, but this isn't it. Nintendo fans that only play Mario, Zelda, and sometimes Pikmin have bad nostalgia. They think anything that isn't exactly those three is just taking resources from something that could be Mario, Zelda, or sometimes Pikmin.

This is just "Middle Earth Enterprieses & Friends" wanting to milk that Star Wars license Aspyr managed to trip into for all it's worth, and Bob Iger being happy to oblige; because Video games are the only medium he's currently being praised for just selling people back what they already like.