Comments 223

Re: Did Activision's Deadpool Game Really Cost $100 Million To Make?


@xanderten50 the thing is regardless of if it is for preservation or not they would effectively have to keep renewing the licence in order for anything like this to make long term sense. That is why some Xbox 360 compatible games required you had the disc and were never relisted. At that point you are just making a regular emulator that can play anything from that system and in the console world both publishers and rights holders don't like that and it's a similar reason why from the last generation consoles lost the ability to import music. In an ideal world it would be great but the modern business model for video games no longer makes it easy.

Re: Did Activision's Deadpool Game Really Cost $100 Million To Make?


@xanderten50 All you have to do is look back at near enough all licenced games and that once they have finished their initial commercial run they get delisted and rarely if ever get republished after that. Saying that did republish it briefly on the PS4 and Xbox one when the second movie came out but that was again only for a brief time and it is possible the sales weren't all that good the second time around and it won't make as much money as you seem to thing just because the new movie is out and if anything people would have wanted a new game to tie in with the movie rather than am 11 year old one.

Re: Did Activision's Deadpool Game Really Cost $100 Million To Make?


I would be more disappointed if it did cost that much to develop and it didn't turn out much better especially spending that much over a decade ago. At that cost it should have been up there with the best games of the generation.

@xanderten50 I would imagine it wouldn't be a simple case of renewing a licence but having to negotiate a new one since any Marvel licence they had expired 10 years ago. Also with they whole thing of being acquired by Microsoft over the past year or so I don't think they were in any position to start trying to negotiate deals and Microsoft only seems to have purchased them for the COD games as well as the Crash/Spyro stuff that they know they can milk dry annually. I wouldn't say Microsoft is too interested in trying to negotiate a contract with Marvel and Disney for the rights for Deadpool at this point in time after all the spending they have done.

Re: Anniversary: Hideo Kojima's Policenauts Turns 30 Today, And It's A Shame More People Haven't Played It


The exact reason why more people haven't played it is that it's never been officially released out of Japan so that pretty much gives an answer to why since the majority of people that play games still don't go looking for fan translations for 30 year old games they probably didn't know existed in the first place let a long want to deal with patching said games.

Re: The 'Kawaii' Is A Nintendo Wii The Size Of A Keychain


As others have said putting the Nintendo log on this and selling it is pretty much asking for trouble. is there also really much of a market for a Wii cut down to this size in 2024? outside of the novelty of using it once or twice. Also having a separate dock means it's pretty much useless in functionality without it and actually twice the size it just come it two parts.

Re: LemonAmiga & Lemon64 Community Sites Back Online After Web Attack


I tried to access Lemon64 when it went down and honestly thought nothing of it just assumed they were updating some software. Then I went on last night to be greeted by that message. It seems like it's under control but do they store much information on the accounts anyway other than email address and possibly the persons name? It could have been worse if it was a site that stored payment details. Although some of these automated attacks don't always know what information the site is storing until they get it and are hoping it's in some way valuable.

Re: Flashback: 24 Years Ago, The BBC Asked If Xbox Could Dethrone PlayStation


@KitsuneNight yeah that's what I was referencing when I said they wrecked it before it even started. It seemed to be the thought from the media at the time in some places that because Microsoft had more money than Sony that they could just simply throw money around and eventually become the top dog. Well they keep trying that now with even more money and it has yet to work.

Re: Flashback: 24 Years Ago, The BBC Asked If Xbox Could Dethrone PlayStation


24 years later they still haven't managed it and any momentum they had in the one generation with the 360 they could have managed it they lost steam and then managed to end the next one before it even started. Although it is interesting that the only metric of success in some peoples eyes in terms of the gaming industry in terms of consoles seems to be if you are the one that sells the most systems rather than if you managed to turn a profit

Re: Hands On: Mind-Blowing NES Shmup Chouyoku Senki Estique Just Keeps Getting Better


@Sketcz It really does surprise me how they go out doing these things they essentially have 40 years of coding knowledge to now use to come up with new techniques that no one back then could have conceived. As someone who follows C64 homebrew stuff I have been seeing so many things thought technically impossible. It also helps a new generation are coming in and coding for older systems with new approaches. It also doesn't hurt that these games normally don't have a deadline and can have every aspect have as much time as possible to try and get right.

Re: 'Mario Builder 64' Is Super Mario Maker For Mario 64


Seen some one playing this yesterday as I was scrolling through Youtube and I have to say I am very impressed. This is something I could have imagined on the 64DD had it actually been released earlier and had a chance at some form of success like the F-Zero X track editor that came out.

Re: Did Mad Catz Really Create "The Worst Video Game Controllers Ever"?


I watched this video earlier and I was always shocked how long Mad Catz lasted and even in their dying days the still managed to produce a load of licenced controllers and fight sticks which were poor quality. Although before the PS3/360 era there were a shocking amount of cheap crappy controllers it just most didn't last long the following generation because the cost of production meant their profit margin would have been non-existent if they tried to keep the prices low. For the most part now the majority of third party controllers are useable unless we are talking about those cheap knockoffs you can get with no branding.

Re: PS1 Exclusive Crash Bandicoot Gets Ported To Sega Saturn


People shouldn't get their hopes up that this will progress past being a proof of concept since the same guy also did proof of concepts of Final Fantasy 7 and Metal Gear Solid and I imagine porting the full games would probably not go well not only with the publishers of the games but it would take one person a long time to finish one of those games let alone all of them.

Re: CIBSunday: Sega Multi-Mega


@RetroGames Sega weren't exactly the best at thinking about how sustainable all those systems were long term for them. At one point they had 6 separate systems active on the market by 1995 in various regions so they really didn't think it through and it didn't help that their Japanese and American braches were essentially making business decisions that the other side had no say in so it's a wonder they ever got as far as the did as a hardware manufacturer. Although saying that it is a similar story to how companies like Atari and Commodore failed by not having a clear vision of what they wanted hardware wise just with less fighting amongst themselves.

Re: CIBSunday: Sega Multi-Mega


@RetroGames while I agree that would have been a good all in one system and the best way to get the most out of the combined three systems at the same time. The problem with that is it would have essentially launched after the Saturn which would have really killed what little market the Saturn had in the west. It is probably what Sega of America would have wanted for a couple of years but having two separate 32-bit CD consoles on the market would have definitely have caused chaos when it came to marketing and parents buying for their children.

Re: Meet Short Stack, The World's Smallest Nintendo Wii


I am incredibly impressed that they were able to remove that much of a Wii and it to still function.

@RetroGames I would imagine having any kind of optical drive would increase the power draw of it as well as increased size since the optical drive alone would be bigger than the system currently is.

Re: This Portable PlayStation Uses Real PS1 Hardware


While it looks impressive it seems like it would be a pain to maintain with that wiring inside and with such a short battery life it's only portable in a sense that you have to be close to somewhere that you can charge at all times.

Re: The Reason Sega Lost The 32-Bit War? The 32X, Says Yosuke Okunari


@Diogmites don't get me wrong I see them but they often sit there for several months with the price going up as it sits there. There may be quite a love from a small group of people now but the games that are popular tend to be expensive so even used the system isn't all that in demand. My local retro game store is more like a museum because most of the expensive stuff has been sitting there for years in glass cabinets. I would be surprised in the area that I lived when the console was on the market that very few people owned it. Going back to when I was at school I knew one person who owned one and he was trying to find someone else to trade games with for a while and not one other person seemed to have one. Mind you I now live in the City that I used to live near and not the town so I would imagine that is why all these years later they show up in the wild more.

Re: The Reason Sega Lost The 32-Bit War? The 32X, Says Yosuke Okunari


I am sure if you ask someone from Sega of America at the time they would blame someone in Japan neither side could agree on anything then and I imagine many that were involved won't take responsibility either and much rather blame the other side. it was the lack of a single person in charge for better or worse. it then essential became two separate entities within Sega that wanted completely different things for their markets and not one shared global vision.

@Diogmites it's interesting you mention you never seen a Saturn on sale at the time it was out where you lived. It was the same for me where I lived here in England both in the town I lived in and in the city near by. I actually see more these days sitting in the windows of retro game stores than I ever expected.

Re: BAFTA Poll Declares Lara Croft The Most Iconic Video Game Character


As far as iconic goes I would imagine most people voting were around in the 90 because even after the most recent three games from the past decade I don't think she was ever seen in that light. I would also say Pikachu is way to low on the list because the moment most people think of Pokemon he is the first one that comes to mind. Mario and Sonic probably 1 and 2 and possibly Master Chief after that. If we are talking British created gaming icons the sure she is number 1.

@Uncharted2007 well I would imagine as far as age goes the fact that Lara Croft was voted so highly is that many that voted for her were probably around at the peak of Tomb Raiders popularity since I wouldn't say despite the newer games being good her being seen as an iconic character wasn't the same as in the late 90s.

Re: Even Yu Suzuki Didn't Expect 3D To Become So Big, So Quickly


It was also a very risky time for hardware developers as systems like the 3DO, Jaguar and things like the CD32 were pretty much not able to keep up within a year or two after release. Some even faster like the CD32 which was pretty much outdated the moment it hit the market by not featuring any 3D accelerated hardware. It was pretty exciting seeing how quickly games advanced in the mid 90 though even if some of those early games feel a bit clunky now it's no different to the early days of 8-bit games where many just feel stiff and rigid to play.

Re: Random: Did You Know About Star Fox 64's Hidden On-Foot Mode?


I did know about this I was addicted to the games at one point I unlocked every gold medal over the course of a couple of weeks after school. It was a period where I got very good at quite a few N64 games I had pretty much memorised the enemy patterns and waves and racked up some pretty high scores even some of my friends were envious of at the time. I went back a couple of years ago and I don't think I have it in me to unlock it all again since old age is setting in and my reflexes aren't as good as they once were.

Re: Classic PS1 Star Wars Title Coming To PS4, PS5 This April


@Poodlestargenerica many people call old games classic for some reason even if they are bad. Someone I once encountered on youtube made the statement the old WWF wrestling games on the SNES were "classics". When I disagreed with him and said they were even considered average at the time he came back with the response that it was the best they could do with the hardware. I did point out to him that what he said wasn't true as Japanese developed wrestling games of the same era that never got released in the west were actually far higher quality.

It seems like people throw the label around too much and it no longer means it is a sign it was considered great at the time just that certain people have good memories of it regardless of it being good or not.

Re: Super Mario Sunshine On N64 Looks Better Than You Might Expect


Really doesn't surprise me that the level would be able to run on his refined engine after seeing all the work he has been doing over the past few years

@Poodlestargenerica his new engine isn't something that would be considered a minimum of what the system can do. Although it is based off of the original game code it is far more advanced it's not like it is a simple rom hack where he has just swapped out assets as that original engine probably would run this at a much lower frame rate. So it's not a fair statement.

Re: I Almost Got Sega, Philips And Panasonic To Take On Sony, Says EA Founder Trip Hawkins


Having the Sega name on it would have actually made things worse for Sega since it would have caused a lot of market confusion and annoyance from what Saturn owners there already were so even if they agreed with a potential partnership I can't imagine it was anything more than early talks and they would have been reluctant to release anything before they did with the Dreamcast. By the time the M2 was nearing launch before the plug was pulled the hardware was also pretty much outdated anyway it wouldn't have been much more powerful than the stuff that was on the market and as much as Trip likes to think it had an influence on consoles going forward it really didn't since it was the way the industry and technology was heading regardless and no doubt the likes of Sony and Nintendo already knew that themselves.

Re: Best Resident Evil Games, Ranked By You


The first Revelations game for me actually got me back into the series since it actually went back to the series roots as apposed to the all out action that the series direction seemed to be going in and actually feels more like the true RE6 than the actual sixth game does.

Re: "Holy Grail" NES Zelda Worth $700,000 Was Almost Sold For $17,000


All I got from this is he agreed a price and someone agreed to buy at that price. Then he cancelled it because suddenly he realised he could get more money? He doesn't come across as a good person in this. He is also under the assumption because the last cop sold for so much he will get anything close to that now he has had it graded. What's worse is he brags about it on the news like he is some kind of hero for cancelling the sale.

Re: Flashback: How Saturn's Memory Expansion Carts Made It The King Of 2D Fighters


One thing to take into account is it probably wouldn't have helped in the West is Sega already lost the publics confidence with releasing extra hardware in order to be able to play new games. Doing the same on the Saturn probably would have had the same effect. Also by the time the 4MB cartridge was released in Japan the Saturn was already dead in the West so unless it was used to make better looking 3D games it never would have changed anything.

@RadioHedgeFund the expansion in ram was originally intended for use with the 64DD only even from the point when they first shown the system off they already planned to release the add-on and the ram expansion. If I recall it was acclaim that convinced Nintendo to release it earlier after showing off Turok 2 running with it. The port is literally a ram expansion one and as far as I am aware can't me used to do anything else.

Re: "Feels Like 2000 Again!" - Father Of Xbox Wades In On Microsoft's Multiplatform Hoo-Ha


I don't see people thinking Microsoft has sold out if anything they expected more people to buy an Xbox for the Bethesda games they have kept exclusive and if anything it has had the reverse effect and people just haven't bothered. Taking a large third party publisher that's games sold well because they were available on multiple systems and not because they were system sellers is a huge gamble and if anything decreases their value that you originally paid for them. It can also come across like you are attempting to force people who played their games before to now have to buy your system.

That coupled with gamepass not helping to sell systems and it would seem that this generation hasn't panned out as well as they expected and while they may be making money none of it has really improved their market share. So it's definitely more of them now having to keep the value of their new assets high because keeping them exclusive long term will not be good long term currently.

Re: How Modders Are Overcoming N64's Hardware Limitations


I have been following Kaze for some time now and he really is doing some impressive things. It really does show that at the time there was very little understanding in development of games for the hardware of the time and developers were learning as they went. One of the reasons why the PS1 were so much better optimised at the time was Sony also had excellent tool to check the performance of everything, something now that is standard but back then was a game changer.

I often see people say that the developers back then must not have been that good and things like that but when you take into account they had to work to strict deadlines and now there is over 30 years of experience to look back on and learn from it's definitely not a fair comparison to judge their level of skill compared to someone who has unlimited time and no pressure.

Re: Building The Ultimate Nintendo 64


@Bearzilla823 it sound like your expectations were way too high if you were expecting stuff equalling the movies on hardware released in 1996. Just because it used similar hardware doesn't mean it was going to rival the top end specs. Technology was developing at a fast rate then but producing low powered 3D accelerated hardware was still expensive and many developers were also very new to working on that kind of hardware so the knowledge wasn't there. So very much they didn't know how to use the tech as it was a learning process for everyone at that time. You have a pretty bad take there.

Re: Talking Point: As GAME Brings Trade-Ins To An End, What Was Your Greatest Exchange?


I stopped using my local Game last year when it moved into the new Sports Direct store and was crammed into the very back corner upstairs. Having worked for Sports Direct for several years and knowing the owner Mike Ashley's methods of cram loads in to maximise the profits then I can't say I am shocked that they are stopping trade-ins as their is probably little profit in the majority of what gets traded in and they don't have the space they used to in order to store the excess stock now they are integrated into other stores.

Personally never traded anything in with them but they used to do great used bundle deals in the early days of the PS4 so I picked my first one up through them.

Re: Hyperkin's Portable Genesis / Mega Drive Docks Like A Nintendo Switch


"As for what kind of tech is inside, it is rumoured that the MegaRetroN HD doesn't use software emulation, and instead employs a system which is closer to FPGA – although it is not believed that it's a full FPGA solution, so don't expect the same level of accuracy."

So it is essentially system on a chip with parts that are a close approximation of the originals but not quite and will probably have something else to boost performance or sound or something.