I wish that they'd put out more advertising. I only realized that it came out when the article about it came out here, and considering that I was probably the single most excited person for this game on the North American continent, I think that says a lot about how little this game is known by the general public.
YEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! We finally have FF4's lost dungeon! I know that Before Crisis is the big one here, but I've been wanting that lost dungeon for years. Keep up the good work, Khavibreak!
So happy. God, how I love G-mode. Now, if only we could get a proper version of Portopia. I'm still overjoyed that this is getting an English release; if I could pre-order the Steam version now, I would. I'll definitely be getting the Switch physical at some point, though probably later on, since I'd prefer to play the game on PC.
Tekken? Please let it be Tekken, or at least Winning Run. Either of those would be a massive deal, since Hamster doesn't typically do games from the 3D era.
Now just to pray that someone can hack in the English translation. I'd love to play these games at some point, and the remake being in English would probably bring that from "some time in the next 20 years" to "somewhat soon".
ENGLISH WHEN???? God, I want this sooo badly. I'd completely given up hope in a Yuji Hori remake set when Square Enix put out the Portopia AI tech demo, but this restores a bit of that hope in me now that we've at least gotten a proper version of one of the three. Plus, this also means that we have a potential avenue for Square Enix's I-mode games to get official re-releases, which is a huge deal for me personally. I love this announcement so much.
Too bad I already own SF4, SFV, and the Street Fighter anniversary collection. If the general fighting collection was on there, I might bite the bullet and sell the keys for the games I already own, but I don't think I'll bite with what's on offer.
A couple of notes: The ESA was the group who filed the copyright complaint. 2: The site itself didn't actually get a DMCA, it just got a notice that google will be checking over it to see if they'll still be willing to put ads on the site. You can check out their discord for more info.
@EarthboundBenjy That was pretty much exactly what I was going to put, plus the original Aleste and some early Square Enix titles. Every step closer to finally getting a localization of Legend of Heroes 2 is good step in my book.
I just wish it wasn't nearly $100. This is still really cool, though, so I might end up splurging on it. I wish that the Record of Lodoss War collection wasn't sold out, because I'd have definitely picked that one up if I could. I'd love for a couple more of these to come out as well; I'd love a pack for the classic Ys games, and if they were able to pair up with a few more companies, I'd KILL for a collection of the Satsujin Jiken franchise or Konami's old MSX games.
If he has that, does that also mean that he could have the holy Trinity? Advance Wars 64, Kirby's Air Ride 64, and, most importantly, EARTHBOUND 64? If they got sent a feedback cart for Zelda, who's to say that they didn't get feedback carts for others? Heck, there's even a chance that he might have some of the REALLY big stuff. I'd assume that Rare would have gotten a 64DD dev kit at some point or another, so could he potentially have games for that as well? GOD, THERE ARE SO MANY POSSIBILITIES!
WOOD ZONE, LET"S GO!!!!!!!! I don't know why, but I've always had an affinity for that particular stage. Maybe it's just that we have the most for it out of any of the non-hidden palace cut zones? I'm also excited to see Genocide City zone, if only because of that name alone.
Dang, I'm actually kind of disappointed. I was really hoping that they going to have MAGES remake the entire classic series, like how Nintendo had them remake Famicom Detective Club. I guess that that dream is dead now.
All of this just makes me wish that Warner Bros. would do SOMETHING with Midway's back catalogue. If the only Midway property that WB is actually going to use is Mortal Kombat, then why not sell off the rest of their back catalogue to someone who'd actually do something with it.
As for Atari themselves, I like where they're heading at the moment. If I could ask for one thing, it would be for them to make a mini console for their Vector arcade games. A vector display is something that just can't be replicated on a standard screen, so I'd really love for there to be some official, affordable method of playing those games as they were originally intended.
As cool as this is, I wish that there weren't SIX Simon Belmonts. There could easily be a bit more variety there; even without taking soul system characters into account, you still have characters like Sypha, Alucard, either version of Maria Renard, or Magician mode Nathan Graves. Even if they didn't want to put in any truely original new movesets, there's still Christopher, Richter, and if they really wanted to pull a deep cut, Sonia Belmont. At least we did get Axe Armor, Eric, and the crossover characters for some new movesets, though, and it does still sound like a really cool hack.
It's cool that this has finally been finished. You'd probably be better off playing Super Famicom Wars instead (it's essentially the Wars equivalent of Fire Emblem 3 with none of the downsides that that game came with), but it's still really cool to have!
For me, it's really a thing of anything goes for anything that isn't currently available on a digital storefront (this includes alternate ports of titles that are available, just because those might not be the "best" version doesn't mean they don't deserve to be preserved), and as long as I own a game for a modern platform, emulation is definitely on the table.
Why can't we have both? It'd be the best of both worlds, both versions would be available. I've always despised when companies only re-release the arcade versions of games; just because it might not be the "superior" version doesn't mean that it doesn't deserve to be preserved. I long for the day when it becomes standard for compilations to include all versions of a game (or at LEAST all versions for major consoles and handhelds; while I might still dislike it, I can accept not getting games' ports to microcomputers, since, at least as of now, the major retro collection studios don't seem to have emulators for them, and there were enough of them that it would probably take a lot of extra effort to get emulators for all of those platforms working), but those days are still a long ways off, unfortunately.
There HAS to be something going on here that we aren't seeing. This really doesn't feel like something SEGA would do unless they had an explicit reason to do so. I agree with the above people who want to see a lawyer's perspective on this, because, at least to me, it feels like something fishy is going on here.
Finally. While I do wish that we could have also gotten the Turbographx versions and the weird Brazilian versions, I can't really complain about this one, since it does have international versions and home ports. It's at least way better than anything Capcom has ever given us, and far as I'm concerned, that's the bar for a decent collection.
@Hexapus The owner threatened to sue MAME if they didn't take remove compatibility for a couple of games they were re-releasing (namely Ai Katana and Dodonpachi SaiDaiOuJou). This is despite the fact that Mame's policy is that if a IP holder at all asks them to remove a game, they will do so. IMO, them asking for the games to be removed would have been one thing, and I probably would have been okay with it. But the threatened lawsuit was one step too far for me to be okay with, especially when that never needed to happen.
God damn it. Why does it always have to be Arcadia that gets all the good games, when its the one arcade system that I completely refuse to support on principle. Thank god for emulation, even if it'll take a while to show up.
@JackGYarwood Is this specifically for Third Strike, or just for 3 in general? When I translate the tweet myself, it just says Street Fighter 3. That makes a HUGE difference for the context of these designs, with SF3's troubled development and all.
@sdelfin You have to remember, Street Fighter 3 wasn't originally going to be a Street Fighter game at all. With that taken into context, these designs make a lot more sense.
Still on the topic of Japanese Die Hard related video games, I always found it a bit weird that Sega decided to rebrand Dynamite Deka as a Die Hard game in America. Was Die Hard really that big of an IP? I'd never heard of it before reading about the Deka rebrand, so I assumed it wasn't.
Honestly, I just want to know what's happening to the Earthworm Jim game that was going to be on the system. If we can still get that game in some way, I'll be happy.
Comments 30
Re: Last Super Famicom Game 'Metal Slader Glory: Director's Cut' Gets English Fan Patch
YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! I've been wanting to play this one for a long time, so this makes me really happy.
Re: Switch Remake Of Yuji Horii's 'Hokkaido Serial Murder Case' Seems To Be Doing Well In Japan
I wish that they'd put out more advertising. I only realized that it came out when the article about it came out here, and considering that I was probably the single most excited person for this game on the North American continent, I think that says a lot about how little this game is known by the general public.
Re: Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII & 18 Other Previously Lost i-Mode Games Have Been Preserved
YEEEEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! We finally have FF4's lost dungeon! I know that Before Crisis is the big one here, but I've been wanting that lost dungeon for years. Keep up the good work, Khavibreak!
Re: Switch Remake Of Yuji Horii's 'Hokkaido Rensa Satsujin: Ohotsuku ni Kiyu' Will Have English Language Support
So happy. God, how I love G-mode. Now, if only we could get a proper version of Portopia. I'm still overjoyed that this is getting an English release; if I could pre-order the Steam version now, I would. I'll definitely be getting the Switch physical at some point, though probably later on, since I'd prefer to play the game on PC.
Re: The Next Arcade Archives Game Marks 10 Years Of The Series, But It's A Secret
Tekken? Please let it be Tekken, or at least Winning Run. Either of those would be a massive deal, since Hamster doesn't typically do games from the 3D era.
Re: Missing 'History Of Nintendo' Books Finally Being Published In English
Nester to Ness, Waluigi to Wario!!!!!
Re: Strong Museum Announces Its 12 Video Game Hall Of Fame Finalists
My vote goes to Tokimeki. Just have a soft spot for VNs, and Tokimeki in particular.
Re: Riviera: The Promised Land Remaster Announced For PC & Mobile in Japan
Now just to pray that someone can hack in the English translation. I'd love to play these games at some point, and the remake being in English would probably bring that from "some time in the next 20 years" to "somewhat soon".
Re: Japanese Switch Owners Are Getting A Remake Of A Classic Yuji Horii Game
ENGLISH WHEN???? God, I want this sooo badly. I'd completely given up hope in a Yuji Hori remake set when Square Enix put out the Portopia AI tech demo, but this restores a bit of that hope in me now that we've at least gotten a proper version of one of the three. Plus, this also means that we have a potential avenue for Square Enix's I-mode games to get official re-releases, which is a huge deal for me personally. I love this announcement so much.
Re: Insane Bundle Includes 70 Capcom Classics Worth $200 For Just 20 Bucks
Too bad I already own SF4, SFV, and the Street Fighter anniversary collection. If the general fighting collection was on there, I might bite the bullet and sell the keys for the games I already own, but I don't think I'll bite with what's on offer.
Re: Fan Translation And ROM Hack-Sharing Site CDRomance Forced Underground After Legal Threat
A couple of notes: The ESA was the group who filed the copyright complaint. 2: The site itself didn't actually get a DMCA, it just got a notice that google will be checking over it to see if they'll still be willing to put ads on the site. You can check out their discord for more info.
Re: D4 Enterprise Wants To Know What Classic Japanese Computer Games It Should Bring To Switch
@EarthboundBenjy That was pretty much exactly what I was going to put, plus the original Aleste and some early Square Enix titles. Every step closer to finally getting a localization of Legend of Heroes 2 is good step in my book.
Re: Japan Is Getting A Huge Dragon Slayer Collection, And We're Jealous
I just wish it wasn't nearly $100. This is still really cool, though, so I might end up splurging on it. I wish that the Record of Lodoss War collection wasn't sold out, because I'd have definitely picked that one up if I could. I'd love for a couple more of these to come out as well; I'd love a pack for the classic Ys games, and if they were able to pair up with a few more companies, I'd KILL for a collection of the Satsujin Jiken franchise or Konami's old MSX games.
Re: Rare Co-Founder Under Fire For "Teasing People" With 1997 Space World Zelda Cart
If he has that, does that also mean that he could have the holy Trinity? Advance Wars 64, Kirby's Air Ride 64, and, most importantly, EARTHBOUND 64? If they got sent a feedback cart for Zelda, who's to say that they didn't get feedback carts for others? Heck, there's even a chance that he might have some of the REALLY big stuff. I'd assume that Rare would have gotten a 64DD dev kit at some point or another, so could he potentially have games for that as well? GOD, THERE ARE SO MANY POSSIBILITIES!
Re: Sonic 2's Cut Stages Are Being Reconstructed From Original Design Docs
WOOD ZONE, LET"S GO!!!!!!!! I don't know why, but I've always had an affinity for that particular stage. Maybe it's just that we have the most for it out of any of the non-hidden palace cut zones? I'm also excited to see Genocide City zone, if only because of that name alone.
Re: Square-Enix Remaking The Portopia Serial Murder Case As A Free AI Tech Demo
Dang, I'm actually kind of disappointed. I was really hoping that they going to have MAGES remake the entire classic series, like how Nintendo had them remake Famicom Detective Club. I guess that that dream is dead now.
Re: Atari Buys Rights To Over 100 Retro Games Including Bubsy
All of this just makes me wish that Warner Bros. would do SOMETHING with Midway's back catalogue. If the only Midway property that WB is actually going to use is Mortal Kombat, then why not sell off the rest of their back catalogue to someone who'd actually do something with it.
As for Atari themselves, I like where they're heading at the moment. If I could ask for one thing, it would be for them to make a mini console for their Vector arcade games. A vector display is something that just can't be replicated on a standard screen, so I'd really love for there to be some official, affordable method of playing those games as they were originally intended.
Re: Looks Like We're Getting A New Power Instinct Game
As long as they bring back the Groove on Fight characters, I'm happy. God, Solis is such a cool design, why did they have to abandon her on the PS1?
Re: Popular Castlevania: Harmony Of Dissonance Hack Gets Impressive New Update
As cool as this is, I wish that there weren't SIX Simon Belmonts. There could easily be a bit more variety there; even without taking soul system characters into account, you still have characters like Sypha, Alucard, either version of Maria Renard, or Magician mode Nathan Graves. Even if they didn't want to put in any truely original new movesets, there's still Christopher, Richter, and if they really wanted to pull a deep cut, Sonia Belmont. At least we did get Axe Armor, Eric, and the crossover characters for some new movesets, though, and it does still sound like a really cool hack.
Re: Famicom Predecessor To Advance Wars Gets New English Translation Patch
It's cool that this has finally been finished. You'd probably be better off playing Super Famicom Wars instead (it's essentially the Wars equivalent of Fire Emblem 3 with none of the downsides that that game came with), but it's still really cool to have!
Re: Talking Point: Where Do You Stand On "Ethical Emulation"?
For me, it's really a thing of anything goes for anything that isn't currently available on a digital storefront (this includes alternate ports of titles that are available, just because those might not be the "best" version doesn't mean they don't deserve to be preserved), and as long as I own a game for a modern platform, emulation is definitely on the table.
Re: Metal Black S-Tribute Canned For PS4 And Switch
Why can't we have both? It'd be the best of both worlds, both versions would be available. I've always despised when companies only re-release the arcade versions of games; just because it might not be the "superior" version doesn't mean that it doesn't deserve to be preserved. I long for the day when it becomes standard for compilations to include all versions of a game (or at LEAST all versions for major consoles and handhelds; while I might still dislike it, I can accept not getting games' ports to microcomputers, since, at least as of now, the major retro collection studios don't seem to have emulators for them, and there were enough of them that it would probably take a lot of extra effort to get emulators for all of those platforms working), but those days are still a long ways off, unfortunately.
Re: Someone Is Trying To Erase This Obscure Japanese Video Game From The Internet
At least the Mac version is still relatively easy to find. But, either way, this really sucks, and I wonder why it happened in the first place.
Re: Bitmap Books Pulls Mega Drive / Genesis 'Visual Compendium' After Legal Threat From Sega
There HAS to be something going on here that we aren't seeing. This really doesn't feel like something SEGA would do unless they had an explicit reason to do so. I agree with the above people who want to see a lawyer's perspective on this, because, at least to me, it feels like something fishy is going on here.
Re: 'Anniversary Wonder Boy Collection' Gets A Digital Release Next Year
Finally. While I do wish that we could have also gotten the Turbographx versions and the weird Brazilian versions, I can't really complain about this one, since it does have international versions and home ports. It's at least way better than anything Capcom has ever given us, and far as I'm concerned, that's the bar for a decent collection.
Re: Toaplan's Legendary Shmup 'Batsugun' Is Getting An Update 30 Years On
@Hexapus The owner threatened to sue MAME if they didn't take remove compatibility for a couple of games they were re-releasing (namely Ai Katana and Dodonpachi SaiDaiOuJou). This is despite the fact that Mame's policy is that if a IP holder at all asks them to remove a game, they will do so. IMO, them asking for the games to be removed would have been one thing, and I probably would have been okay with it. But the threatened lawsuit was one step too far for me to be okay with, especially when that never needed to happen.
Re: Toaplan's Legendary Shmup 'Batsugun' Is Getting An Update 30 Years On
God damn it. Why does it always have to be Arcadia that gets all the good games, when its the one arcade system that I completely refuse to support on principle. Thank god for emulation, even if it'll take a while to show up.
Re: Random: There Was Almost A Velociraptor In Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
@JackGYarwood Is this specifically for Third Strike, or just for 3 in general? When I translate the tweet myself, it just says Street Fighter 3. That makes a HUGE difference for the context of these designs, with SF3's troubled development and all.
@sdelfin You have to remember, Street Fighter 3 wasn't originally going to be a Street Fighter game at all. With that taken into context, these designs make a lot more sense.
Re: Ever Wondered Why Japan's Die Hard And Predator Video Games Were So Unusual?
Still on the topic of Japanese Die Hard related video games, I always found it a bit weird that Sega decided to rebrand Dynamite Deka as a Die Hard game in America. Was Die Hard really that big of an IP? I'd never heard of it before reading about the Deka rebrand, so I assumed it wasn't.
Re: Intellivision's Offices Are Now Empty And Available, If You Want Them
Honestly, I just want to know what's happening to the Earthworm Jim game that was going to be on the system. If we can still get that game in some way, I'll be happy.