I don't dislike Limited Run Games as much as it seems a lot of people do but they do seem to be making a lot of little mistakes these days that give room for reporting that make them look bad
The naming won't do anything to confuse people, this is a niche product, everybody who wants to find it will be able to and nobody else will be looking anyway. The name MiSTeR itself doesn't bring across any idea of what it does and we all found that fine.
The first Rhapsody was released in the West already on "Prinny Presents NIS Classics Volume 3: La Pucelle: Ragnarok / Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure" on the Switch, just for more info to anybody who wants it
Very interested in every EGGCONSOLE release (though I wish somehow they could throw English in!) but this one I might skip because it is already available in English looking pretty much the same on the NES version
Kind of a dud of a choice or me, tbh. The market is flooded with Atari nostalgia at the moment and anybody who has Atari nostalgia already has 4 or 5 plug and play emulators in their closets
I was really hoping for a Spectrum Mini tbh, but was expecting a A500 Maxi though.
I'd rather just have them released as is on the Switch, or if there are remakes then also releasing the original in the same package. One weird thing about videogames is that people think you have to upgrade everything to resell it, imagine if every classic book was rewritten before being republished.
This article really hits home, I spent so many hours on this game when I found it (on HOTU!) and I felt it had so much to see and felt so lived in and loved. I really really love this game, haven't touched it for years, am downloading NICE now and will have to figure out how to play again
am I kind of annoyed that I preordered the physical edition from Strictly Limited like a year ago and still haven't gotten the game but I was patient because it was the only way to get the games and now they are releasing it digitally and I could have just done that....
I used to subscribe to Switch Player and it was fine and nice to get something in the mail each month (and then eveyr other month) but it didn't really have anything unique to justify it. The reviews, not to disrespect those that wrote them, were just the kind you can read on any website, like NintendoLife, and the features were also the "Here's the history of ____" you get online as well. I don't know what the answer is to make it feel unique, but it just didn't for me.
I have every Evercade cartridge and have a Founder's ed of the VS, but I still feel like a little momentum has been lost (partially of course out of their hands). The last carts have all been delayed, which is one thing, but there doesn't seem to be many new carts for the entire year so I hope there's a raft of updates on future carts.
Comments 37
Re: Dragon's Lair: The Legend For The Original Game Boy Is Getting A Rerelease
£10 on ebay right now:
Re: Blaze Responds To Reports That Some Evercade VS-R Pre-Orders Failed To Arrive
What is the difference between an VS and VS-R
Re: Peter Molyneux Reunites With Ex-Lionhead Staff To Create 'Masters Of Albion'
Molyneux, pls go
Re: SuperSega FPGA Team Understands Why You Think Its Console Is "Vapourware"
@Blofse tbf the Ouya was just a failure, not vapourware
Re: Sierra's Ken Williams Is As Confused As You About Colossal Cave's Tiny Box
I don't dislike Limited Run Games as much as it seems a lot of people do but they do seem to be making a lot of little mistakes these days that give room for reporting that make them look bad
Re: GBA-Style JRPG 'Tako no Himitsu' Has Golden Sun And Terranigma Staff Involved
I'm so burned out on kickstarting games. I'll stick to the old style system of people making something to sell and then buying it...
Re: Limited Run Is Reviving Bubsy, Fear Effect And Fighting Force In New Collections
Man, Bubsy? Will be buying that one ahaha, didn't go the way you thought this comment would go did it
Re: Bothtec's Topple Zip Races Onto The Nintendo Switch eShop Next Week
@gosokkyu should probably be mentioned as a source
Re: PC-88 Action-RPG Tritorn Is Making The Journey To Switch
What would this site be without Gosokkyu posts to republish?
Re: $99 MiSTer FPGA Clone Finally Has A Name, And It Hasn't Gone Down Well With Everyone
I'm saying the naming is not a mistake and that it doesn't matter
Re: $99 MiSTer FPGA Clone Finally Has A Name, And It Hasn't Gone Down Well With Everyone
The naming won't do anything to confuse people, this is a niche product, everybody who wants to find it will be able to and nobody else will be looking anyway. The name MiSTeR itself doesn't bring across any idea of what it does and we all found that fine.
Re: $99 MiSTer FPGA Clone Finally Has A Name, And It Hasn't Gone Down Well With Everyone
All the people who stand to lose money on the more expensive one being priced out are looking for reasons to poo poo it.
Re: Rhapsody: 25th Anniversary Collection Is Coming To PS5 And Switch
The first Rhapsody was released in the West already on "Prinny Presents NIS Classics Volume 3: La Pucelle: Ragnarok / Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure" on the Switch, just for more info to anybody who wants it
Re: "The Tourists Have Taken Everything" Laments Japanese Resident As Retro Runs Dry
@Cowboybobb That's exactly what I'm suggesting with my pithy comment
Re: Evercade EXP-R And Evercade VS-R Consoles Launch This July
As a fan who already has all the stuff I was relieved to see that this wasn't a new buy in required if you want to play whatever new stuff is coming!
Re: "The Tourists Have Taken Everything" Laments Japanese Resident As Retro Runs Dry
One foreigner criticises other foreigners because HE'S the SPECIAL one who lives there.
Re: The MSX2 Version Of Dragon Slayer IV Is Coming To Switch
Very interested in every EGGCONSOLE release (though I wish somehow they could throw English in!) but this one I might skip because it is already available in English looking pretty much the same on the NES version
Re: Legendary "Crap Game" Ikki Gets A Second Chance On Switch This April
At first I was like "It looks like Ikke Vampire Survivors..." then I was like "Hey, it looks like Ikke Vampire Survivors "
Re: Gallery: Unboxing The Atari 400 Mini
It's all just my personal bias but I expect this to be cheap very fast as I feel like the market for it is super tiny.
Re: Reef Creative Group Acquire 70% Stake In Bitmap Bureau
Countdown till mass layoffs at Bitmap Bureau
Re: A New Playdate Update Showcase Takes Place This Month
I have this and it's totally frivolous and yes too expensive but I still really love it
Re: You Can Own Tommy Tallarico's House If You Have $3 Million To Spare
Damn, lots of money displayed but not much taste
Re: Full Atari 400 Mini Game List Revealed
I really can't imagine the market for this being huge, but I'm not against being wrong
Re: Retro Games Ltd Officially Unveils The Atari 400 Mini
Kind of a dud of a choice or me, tbh. The market is flooded with Atari nostalgia at the moment and anybody who has Atari nostalgia already has 4 or 5 plug and play emulators in their closets
I was really hoping for a Spectrum Mini tbh, but was expecting a A500 Maxi though.
Re: Square Enix, Yuzo Koshiro Really Wants 'Illusion Of Gaia' And 'Terranigma' Remakes, Thanks
I'd rather just have them released as is on the Switch, or if there are remakes then also releasing the original in the same package. One weird thing about videogames is that people think you have to upgrade everything to resell it, imagine if every classic book was rewritten before being republished.
Re: The Making Of: Noctis, The 'No Man's Sky' Forerunner Whose Creator Retreated From The World
This article really hits home, I spent so many hours on this game when I found it (on HOTU!) and I felt it had so much to see and felt so lived in and loved. I really really love this game, haven't touched it for years, am downloading NICE now and will have to figure out how to play again
Re: Atari Buys Rights To Over 100 Retro Games Including Bubsy
I have a big softspot for the mega drive Bubsy games, and even would go so far as to say i like the first one. I hope these come to the Evercade
Re: Playdate Sells 53,000+ Units, More Than Double Panic's Expectations
They'd have one more sale if I could ever buy it and have it sent instead of preordering and waiting a year
Re: Poll: Is Metroid Prime The Best 2D To 3D Transition Of Any Game Series, Ever?
Sonic had the least-rough transition to 3D of all time.
Also, no it's Mario but there's no new Mario game to market atm.
Re: 40 Years On, The ZX Spectrum Is Finally Getting Its Bomberman Sequel
When are they going to announce the Spectrum Mini?!?!
Re: PlayStation Support Could Be Coming To Analogue Pocket
@Damo Lots of 3D games where you control the camera with the right analogue stick
Re: PlayStation Support Could Be Coming To Analogue Pocket
I don't know how they would get around the dual analogue requirement of all but the earliest games, but it's still interesting.
Re: 'Anniversary Wonder Boy Collection' Gets A Digital Release Next Year
am I kind of annoyed that I preordered the physical edition from Strictly Limited like a year ago and still haven't gotten the game but I was patient because it was the only way to get the games and now they are releasing it digitally and I could have just done that....
A little bit
Re: Feature: My Quest To Keep Video Game Magazines Alive Might Break Me
I used to subscribe to Switch Player and it was fine and nice to get something in the mail each month (and then eveyr other month) but it didn't really have anything unique to justify it. The reviews, not to disrespect those that wrote them, were just the kind you can read on any website, like NintendoLife, and the features were also the "Here's the history of ____" you get online as well. I don't know what the answer is to make it feel unique, but it just didn't for me.
Re: "Big News" Promised At Evercade's 2nd Anniversary Show
I have every Evercade cartridge and have a Founder's ed of the VS, but I still feel like a little momentum has been lost (partially of course out of their hands). The last carts have all been delayed, which is one thing, but there doesn't seem to be many new carts for the entire year so I hope there's a raft of updates on future carts.
Re: Pre-Orders Go Live For The Evercade Retro Handheld System
This looks cool but I'm not going to pre-order something when all the pictures of the system are renders.
Re: Hardware Review: 16Bit Pocket MD - An Unexpectedly Decent Portable Mega Drive
Can you put American/European games in it?