Comments 180

Re: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Cowabunga Collection Is Being Delisted In Japan


Well, that's one thing you don't experience from buying physical.

@swankyone What I like (or am saddened by, maybe both) with this quote is that communists never seem to notice the pronoun used: you. Not the ones up top but only you, AKA the common man, that mustn't own anything. The elites will of course be exempt from that rule, as has been the case with all communist states throughout history.

@Itobox Capitalism isn't the problem, actually. The often underhanded way it's being practiced these days (fueled by greed, of course) is the problem. Civilization wouldn't be where it now is without capitalism.

Re: Review: Resonant Tale (Playdate) - A Small But Perfectly Formed Zelda Homage


Great effort, but the sprites are a tad too small. I wouldn't mind a zoomed-in view at the expense of decreased view distance if it means more sprite detail.

Also, the maps look too cluttered, as if not taking into account the limitations of the monochrome screen. Link's Awakening had the right balance of map features, so they should have been influenced by that as long as they're referencing it anyway.

Still, I'm hopeful future RPGs for Playdate will only get better from here.

P.S. Keep up the Playdate game reviews, Time Extension! This device and its games deserve more exposure.

Re: Does Your SNES Have A Ticking Time Bomb Inside?


This is one of the reasons to consider just letting go of older gaming tech and moving on. The last time I experienced this was with my old DSi. I booted it up and saw that the screens were already poorly backlit with a cameo-like darkening of the screen edges. Might be an easy fix for some, but I'm just glad I was able to sell it to someone still interested in it, flaws and all.

Re: Review: Anbernic RG ARC - The Dream Handheld For Fighting Game Fans


I'm one of the probable few out there who could never fully grasp the six-button fighting game layout, probably since my fighting games of choice back then were the KOFs and Dreamcast fighters (MVC2, Project Justice, and the like).

Still, this seems like a solid unit, though I may be more compatible with their other models.