Comments 174

Re: Dreamcast, Sega's Final Console, Turns 25 Today


One of the greatest consoles ever made and the last one I played at launch that was truly a big leap over what we had before. It really was like having an arcade machine at home with the likes of Crazy Taxi, F355, Soul Calibur, Virtua Tennis and many more. But also having deeper experiences and Shenmue, much like the Dreamcast being years ahead of its time.

As I write this, I have a small collection of Dreamcast games to my left and just a couple of weeks ago played through Resident Evil 2 on it. It may be 25 years old but I'll never grow tired of it


Re: Playing The CeX Retro Lottery


I use CEX fairly regularly and have done since the 90's where they had one in Leeds near Virgin Megastore. The one near where I live at the moment seems to be pretty good for the condition of the games they have. I've also been very lucky with some online purchases and recently received Ecco the Dolphin on Dreamcast in immaculate condition and very well packaged too

Re: Talking Point: Does Video Game History Have A "Nintendo" Problem?


To an extent yes, growing up in the UK for example, the NES was almost non existent and I never met a kid who had one but the Atari 2600 and then the Master System were common, as were the Spectrum, C64 etc. My memories of gaming from the 80's and 90's are of a wide variety of platform holders and publishers.

One thing that is seemingly often forgotten is how truly massive the arcade scene was as well, with Nintendo barely being a fixture in that. Sega were huge and it cannot be underestimated how many were playing their games and then the likes of Street Fighter 2 which grossed and estimated $10 billion, then there's Namco, Taito etc.

My point is that in general far too much emphasis is put on the likes of Nintendo, Playstation and Xbox when in reality they would all be nothing without Capcom, Konami, Square, Namco and many, many more. Even today you see the fanboys arguing purely over PS or Xbox exclusives but had it not been for Capcom, I wouldn't have played my PS5 this year

Re: This Groundbreaking Atari 2600 Game Was Lost For Over 40 Years


That's cool and it sounds like it'll be fun to play assuming you had a decent enough TV back then and the 2600 outputted stereo sound. It kind of reminds me of a game I played with my stepson when he was younger. I hid a toy Boo alongside a wireless speaker and played its sound effect so he could find it but I also hid a second one and played it through the other channel occasionally to make it seem like Boo was moving

Re: Best Sega Saturn Games


To be fair that is a great list, though I would include the original Daytona as apart from its looks, it does play better amd Grandia should be on the list as well.

Ha, I've just realised it's a republished article, good to see my opinions haven't changed

Re: Poll: What's The Best Sega System Of All Time?


The Sega Saturn for me, when taking into account it's huge Japanese library it has an amazing selection of games, many of which are still exclusive. And the combination of VDP1/2 created a look that is still unique in gaming.

That said the Megadrive was a 16Bit dream and the Dreamcast felt like having a truly high powered arcade machine at home as well as feeling like the last truly huge generational leap

Re: Poll: What's The Best Nintendo System Of All Time?


Tough one but probably N64 for me, it didn't have the biggest library but does have a few excellent titles, such as Mario 64, Goldeneye Ocarina of Time and Quest 64

This won't be popular but the Switch is one of the weakest in the sense that there isn't that many games I've played on it that weren't on previous consoles or just play better elsewhere but it's still a great console overall

Re: Poll: Should Japanese-Made Role-Playing Games Still Be Called JRPGs?


I can't say I've seen JRPG used as a negative term and I get what he's saying about from their perspective they're just RPG'S and to be fair back from the 8/16 bit era's they were just that. I think I only started using the term when more action style RPG's came around to differentiate turn based ones.

These days as the scope of games have become so vast, terms like JRPG don't make much sense anymore, is something like FF7R really like Octopath Traveller for example? Whilst FFXVI seems to share many elements from games like The Witcher and even Devil May Cry and I certainly don't hear either referred to as JRPG's

Re: Polymega's Next Trick? Ditching Dedicated Hardware


@Grail_Quest I promise you that the couple of minutes it will take to find the roms (which is very easy) and emulators would be well worth it. Most emulators are already preconfigured anyway and they pretty much all offer the "premium" features here for free and many enhancements on top of that should you wish. On my PC I have pretty much every console you can think of, plus many arcade systems and all my controllers, arcade sticks and even a modern lightgun work with no fuss.

I just about get the appeal of an all in one console for retro games but this is literally just an emulator front end with way less features and compatibility

Re: Polymega's Next Trick? Ditching Dedicated Hardware


Maybe it's just me but this seems like a rather pointless service. So I pay for a subscription to emulate games like my PC already can do but I have less control over the emulators, they're cloud based and I still have to provide original software?

I just don't get it

Re: The Intellivision Amico Saga Is So Crazy I Made A Four-Hour Documentary About It


It's been a bizarre and thoroughly entertaining saga (though sadly not for those who were robbed of their money) for a few years now. It started out as a genuine project and could have done ok but has been nothing short of a scam for quite some time now. With lies on top of lies from Tallarico about what games will come, stolen assets, blaming chip shortages for delays and God knows how many rounds of stealing, sorry crowd funding. They've been quiet now for a while so I do wonder if they're just gonna try and vanish because this isn't a viable product anymore

Re: I Didn't Kill Dreamcast, Says Former Sega Of America Boss


I watched this and it's a great and wide reaching interview and well worth a watch. The Dreamcast is still the last new console that made me truly excited at launch as a big leap over what we already had. Just a shame that Sega weren't really in a financial position to let it run longer and for a console with so little time on the market, it has one hell of a library

Re: Poll: So, What's Your Favourite Controller Of All Time?


For 2d games the Japanese Saturn pad is the best controller I've used, the combination of rolling dpad, 6 face buttons and the top triggers should you need them is just perfection.

As for 3D then the Gamecube would have to be up there but it would probably be between the Dualsense and Xbox pad for more functionality

Re: Intellivision CEO "Working On" Announcement For Terminally Delayed Amico Console


Does anyone still believe this is coming out? What is it now, 3 years late? Lost its biggest name exclusive in Earthworm Jim, not all of its games are even finished and some of those studios have gone. It now costs more, comes with one controller, it's games will cost more, one guy will get $100 per console sale until he's paid off and you'd have to be out of your mind to buy this over a Switch or Series S for around the some money

Re: Best Genesis / Mega Drive Games


Well first of all Road Rash 2 is much better than the original and where's Toejam and Earl? Other than that a pretty great list for an amazing console and I'm glad that Warsong has some recognition

Re: Building The Ultimate Sega Dreamcast


I was looking at that VM2 the other day and fingers crossed they'll sell them when the campaign is over. As for the Dreamcast it's actually my main console right now and things like DC Digital and retro fighter pads are definitely on the shopping list for it.

Going back to it I've just been having a ridiculous amount of fun with it

Re: Best PS2 Games - 20 PlayStation 2 Classics You Need To Play


Silent Hill 2, Burnout 3 and Gradius V I can agree with, Soul Calibur and RE4 were better on Gamecube and I prefer Metal Gear Solid 2 and Vice City to the picks here. The rest I can't say i care for, things like GT3 A-Spec, Ridge Racer V, Virtua Fighter 4 would be on my list off the top of my head. Actually most of my favourite games from that gen are on the other 3 consoles

Re: Intellivision Is Allowing Amico Exclusives To Release On Other Systems


@JJtheTexan exactly, this has no market and they know it and they've been lying for years whilst taking people's money. They were confident this would release 2 years ago yet they've still not even made any, the games aren't done and it has no cloud infrastructure to deliver its games.

You've only got to look at Evercade and what they've achieved in the same period of time and during the pandemic