Comments 174

Re: Japanese Gamers Just Picked The 30 Best PlayStation Games Of All Time


Not surprising given the market, still better than IGN's list though.

Thinking about it, I can't think of a single PS5 only game that I'd put in the top 30 Playstation games but from those on that list, I'd put Resident Evil 2 over the original, the 1st is iconic and still a good game but RE2 is much better in every way. FFVIII is my own personal favourite of that PS1 trilogy and I much preferred Metal Gear Solid 2 over 3. I'd also have Ridge Racer V or Type 4 over the original and for Gran Turismo, I'd be choosing GT3

Re: "Absolutely Horrid" - Is Nintendo Switch Online's Emulation Really That Bad?


The latency is noticeable to me but not to the point where it would stop me playing most of the games, although R-Type and Wild Guns don't feel good to play. It's certainly not on the level of the Megadrive collection on Switch, which is simply unplayable to me. That said I do tend to play my retro games on my PC where they feel much better to play and largely indistinguishable from the real thing.

If anything, the joy cons stop me from playing such games in portable mode, more so than the latency

Re: "A Slap In The Face Of All Creators" - YouTube Terminates Popular Retro Gaming Channel Without Warning


Unfortunately this has the been the state of YouTube and others for years, who are all too eager to rely heavily on technology to do their jobs and then blatantly lie that people have actually being involved. I've long since lost count with how many times I've seen that copy and pasted response to issues like this or the rampant fake copyright abuse.

I've had a similar issue with Facebook recently which simply won't let me make a new account (my old one long deleted). Every time I try it immediately says I've broken community guidelines and then upon appeal (which they claim a human looks at it, spoiler they don't), my appeal is rejected in an exact amount of time that never changes and it never gives me a reason

Re: Don't Hold Your Breath For A Tekken Collection


I completely disagree with him here, I think many of the early 3D fighting games still look fantastic and in some ways more visually appealing then modern ones can look as they clutter the screen with effects. The early Tekken games still look nice, as does Virtua Fighter 2 and Dead or Alive 2 is another looker.

If anything I actually play these earlier games more as I find them more enjoyable to play

Re: Poll: What Do You Think Of Jo's New Look In Perfect Dark?


I like the new design, it's much more realistic. I always thought the Perfect Dark Zero design looked silly but the original was pretty good. More importantly the game is looking very promising and it's first person so you won't be seeing her much anyway.

In any case, where's the Doom guy comparison articles?

Re: Atari Purchases The Intellivision Brand, But Not The Delayed Amico Console


Smart of Atari to keep away from that nonsense that is the Amico.

Also let's be honest, that will never see a commercial release, it's digital only with no way of distributing games, they no longer own any games, they have no money to build the thing and they have huge debts, one of which is tied to per unit sales of it should it ever come out.

Amico Home on the Play Store shows only 1K+ downloads, so overall they have no money, no games, no staff and no market

Re: Limited Run Games Apologises For Shipping 3DO Games On CD-Rs


I don't buy their excuse, there's nothing unique about about a 3DO disc and even if they were having issues, well first of all why aren't you checking you can make them before trying to sell them? Secondly they should have communicated this to customers in the year between taking their money and shipping some CD-R's and offered refunds

Absolute disgrace of a company

Re: BAFTA Poll Declares Lara Croft The Most Iconic Video Game Character


Let's face it, most of that list is absolute nonsense and I'd say its very difficult not to put Mario top, regardless of what platform you normally play.

Personally and not necessarily in order, some of the most iconic game characters would be

Donkey Kong
Chun Li
Lara Croft
Crash Bandicoot
Master Chief
Doom Guy
Nathan Drake
Leon S Kennedy

Re: Best Resident Evil Games, Ranked By You


My personal top 10 would be

1. Resident Evil 2 (PS1)
2. Resident Evil (Gamecube)
3. Resident Evil 2 (PS4)
4. Resident Evil 4 (Wii)
5. Resident Evil 7
6. Resident Evil Code Veronica (DC)
7. Resident Evil 4 Remake
8. Resident Evil Village
9. Resident Evil (PS1)
10. Resident Evil 0

Re: Intellivision Names Amico Mascot, Still No Sign Of The Console


This console will never exist and who do they think is going to buy that awful controller just to play some rubbish touch screen mobile games? Almost nobody has even downloaded their app.

These crooks or Phil and whoevers left to make the tea should be in jail for stealing all that money from investors

Re: Anniversary: Final Fantasy VIII Is 25 Years Old


I enjoyed this even more than FFVII and it remains my favourite in the series. The junction system whilst easy to exploit, was a lot of fun and allowed for great customisation and I've probably spent more time playing triple triad than many full releases

Re: Poll: What's The Best Yakuza / Like A Dragon Game?


I've not played enough of the new one yet to score it but I will say its very good so far.

Yakuza 0 is currently my favourite overall with some truly brilliant side stories and I really enjoyed Like A Dragon Gaiden and it's story tieing everything together, plus it's great arcade games

Re: Review: Retro-Bit Sega Saturn 2.4GHz Wireless Pro Controller


It's kind of pointless as a 3D Saturn controller if it doesn't work properly for those games, if the triggers are disabled then that renders Panzer Dragoon Zwei unplayable with this.

Have they fixed the battery drain issue from their previous Saturn controllers? On those you have to manually turn them off before turning off the console, otherwise they appear off but the battery will be dead before being able to play them again

Re: Is Wikipedia Really To Blame For Video Game Console Generations?


@michaelf yeah basically this, back then it was all about the bit wars separation generations albeit woth some outliers such as the Atari Jaguar but for the more popular consoles it generally worked. I've never once thought of them as a number outside of Playstation conveniently numbering theirs and its fairly obvious what existed alongside each. Before that I just think Atari 2600, then Master System/NES and on to Megadrive/SNES

Re: The Popular Emulator PCSX2 Can Now Play Over 99% Of PS2 Games


It really is a fantastic emulator and for me actually preferable to real hardware, at least on modern displays as many games had interlaced resolutions, making them blurry regardless of upscaling. This is easily eliminated on this emulator and makes games like Virtua Fighter 4 look amazing