Comments 37

Re: Feature: Howard Scott Warshaw Talks E.T., Atari, & Working With Spielberg


E.T. isn't a terrible game nor a great game; it's so-so in my opinion. Definitely not the worst game of all time. However, it wasn't what Atari needed at the time, which was a game kids 10 and under could pick up and play like Super Mario Bros. would be a few years later. But Atari got greedy and didn't give Warshaw the time to put the level of polish a game with that much riding on it needed.

Re: Feature: Remember When Atari Turned Down Nintendo And Sega?


@joey302 I think Tramiel's interest was mainly in trying to stick it to Commodore after he left and so his focus was primarily on the PC market. His purchase of Atari from Warner interrupted the release of the 7800 because the two argued back and forth over who should pay the subcontractor for its development. If Atari had launched the 7800 nationally in late '84/early '85 and focused solely on consoles, they'd likely still be something of the company people remember.