My 7800 and Jaguar are my favourite consoles. The homebrew community is incredible. I bought more Atari Age physical games last year than Switch and PS4 ones.
I’m a video game collector sitting in my games room surrounded by 100s of boxes right now. I still want this. It looks bloody great and I don’t understand certain people on here saying they will only ever buy physical games. Some games will never get a physical release and developers who are willing to take a risk should be supported. The developers involved in this make me very excited indeed. The screen resolution is great and the black and white will shine. I’d buy one tomorrow if I could.
@KingdomHeartsFan well it looks nice on my shelf so far- picked up another ten Dreamcast games and 13 Saturn ones so it’s part of a mahoosive back log. 😱
Comments 8
Re: Feature: Remember When Atari Turned Down Nintendo And Sega?
My 7800 and Jaguar are my favourite consoles. The homebrew community is incredible. I bought more Atari Age physical games last year than Switch and PS4 ones.
Re: Introducing The Playdate, Panic's New Handheld Video Game System With A Crank
I’m a video game collector sitting in my games room surrounded by 100s of boxes right now. I still want this. It looks bloody great and I don’t understand certain people on here saying they will only ever buy physical games. Some games will never get a physical release and developers who are willing to take a risk should be supported. The developers involved in this make me very excited indeed.
The screen resolution is great and the black and white will shine.
I’d buy one tomorrow if I could.
Re: First Images Of Cartridge-Based Retro Console The Evercade Revealed
@KingdomHeartsFan well it looks nice on my shelf so far- picked up another ten Dreamcast games and 13 Saturn ones so it’s part of a mahoosive back log. 😱
Re: First Images Of Cartridge-Based Retro Console The Evercade Revealed
@KingdomHeartsFan the Jag has an incredible homebrew community today. I’ve picked up over 20 new carts in the last year. Not cheap though. 😵
Re: First Images Of Cartridge-Based Retro Console The Evercade Revealed
2600 and 7800 games should be played from original carts. They are things of beauty. 😍
Re: Hardware Review: Does The SNK Neo Geo Mini Outclass Nintendo's Classic Editions?
@N00BiSH buy one then. 🤔
Re: Feature: Take A Tour Of The UK's Most Incredible Retro Game Store
Holy mother of crap.
I must go now. 😱
Re: Atari's New Console Seems To Be Part NES Classic Mini, Part Ouya
@Yas nope combat and adventure were also excellent