So now this man wants to teach us that it is good for the company that the ceo changes at this time, more like he's positioning himself for when the creditors come looking.
@Samwise7 So you seem to think name calling is fine if you deem the subject worthy, that is the apitamy of narrow mindedness. Or if you want companies and business to treat you like a politician holding a baby then you go ahead and take that as a victory.
Obviously I have read the article and the comments and would like to say that that I also didn't like the 'narrow minded' reference in the article either. But then I am not surprised as recently there has been other occasions of reporting things of that nature in a way to cause division. But overall I don't come here, or watch the Games master tv programe for any other reason that gaming and cannot help to thing that things are done for effect and not because of any good.
@Clammy Haven't you read the comments, by the sounds of it the programe has gone full circle.
Looked okay and more similar to the original that I imagined it would. But the 'Legendary' Trevor Macdonald, well maybe when it comes to news reading, but not from what I saw in the video.
The host certainly sounds like a good match for the show, although his comedy value would better suited to making jokes about the original series because that certainly left itself open to be taken the mikey out of.
And I agree with the comments about celebrities, bore off and stick some people who are actually good at games please. Especially with C4's take on what a celebrity is.
Well he might be good at something but it ain't marketing, because if he thinks I am going to read all those excuses. I could see the holes in what he was saying without getting even half way down, and by that point I'd given up on the whole thing anyway.
Companies should take note of this, if you make something good then people will buy it. Only major marketing money will sell crap.
I was old enough to look at this thing for what it was and never ever used one, actually sorry I did use a free disc 'I got on a magazine so I could play my american copy of animal crossing on my uk gamecube.
This thing was the scurge of the industry for years and the one of the biggest reasons I never trust a pokemon without my trainer name. It always amazes me how much people like this type of thing when it is such a problem for the industry overall.
@Damo This may play games from those consoles but is not made or endorsed by nintendo. But anyway there is clearly enough interest with you and many others so there you go.
Like yourself I also am old and love the oldskool games, I personally seem happy to remember my enjoyment of playing those games rather than having a desire to want to replay them all. And I wouldn't want those nice boxes and manuals getting damaged anyway! I have also always been a nintendo gamer, well apart from a ps2, as in the past I have never liked PC gaming, I found it to come with many hackers, cheaters, modders etc. and this led to many early online experiences being ruined due to cheating. I also like my games to be exactly as the game maker intended it to be, therefore fan games really do not interest me in the slightest and often come with someone trying to make money off it! Consoles are also the only place I feel that there is a level playing field, I could see myself making excuses for losing games because the other player had a better pc than me and I don't need anymore excuses for losing!
Therefore it has only led me to have a negative attitude towards this, but after reading many articles here I have since mellowed in that as I can clearly see that people enjoy modding games for far different reasons than I had thought. I still don't particularly like it for the new consoles as I still feel that although some people use this in order for them to enjoy it for themselves it does fuel what the hackers do and that means that companies have to spend time deflecting what they do rather than making more games.
But please carry on with the articles as much as you so please, I will read many of them I'm sure. Just one question I have thought whilst readying the articles, it seems there is a major importance for people that games run exactly as the original. Is it just the fact we have newer tv's that causes such a problem for people using the actual consoles instead of buying these machines?
I have long thought this kind of thing to be someone else 'bag' and just not me. But I read about the desire of accuracy, preservation etc, but it just seems like hacking on games that you won't get in trouble for.
@Coalescence You may be salty but you are dead right. The amount of 'I know more than you' in the comments is immense! I actually know very little about what the tech in this but I do know the best way of playing old games is on the original system with an old skool tv, so on the basis of that is the next best it has to just be personal preference.
@Heavyarms55 I actually just don't care what other people think about my likes and dislikes nowadays. But I do remember being 26 when Pokémon released and a little more conscious of other people's opinions, I missed out on trading for the first couple of games as I daren't approach young children!!! Eventually as my nephew got old enough I convinced him to play so I could trade etc. But in the end I ended up playing the game for him so I could steal all the things I wanted.
I have had the same thoughts as this guy, boxes and boxes of games, consoles, and merchandise sitting in my loft doing nothing. I find it difficult to keep and even harder to sell!!
Comments 24
Re: Trademark For Intellivision Amico Has Been Abandoned
It's almost more funny that you actually printing stories about it still.
Re: Intellivision Has Significantly Cut Its Staff To Help Amico Over The Finish Line
@Olliemar28 Seems a bit off for you to question people, don't you remove comments for not being on topic!
Re: Review: A500 Mini - A Refreshing Alternative To The NES And SNES Classic Editions
I love the beige/white colour, it looks like it already has the smoke stains!
Re: Tommy Tallarico Has Stepped Down As CEO Of Intellivision
@Klabanus I thought the same!
So now this man wants to teach us that it is good for the company that the ceo changes at this time, more like he's positioning himself for when the creditors come looking.
Re: Best Of 2021: The Story Of The Game Genie, The Cheat Device Nintendo Tried (And Failed) To Kill
@Spider-Kev Pokemon trading for one.
Re: Best Of 2021: The Story Of The Game Genie, The Cheat Device Nintendo Tried (And Failed) To Kill
Such a shame this ever made it to mainstream, this crap ruined so much in gaming.
Re: Feature: You Know What? The GamesMaster Reboot Is An Unexpected Delight
@Samwise7 So you seem to think name calling is fine if you deem the subject worthy, that is the apitamy of narrow mindedness. Or if you want companies and business to treat you like a politician holding a baby then you go ahead and take that as a victory.
Re: Feature: You Know What? The GamesMaster Reboot Is An Unexpected Delight
Obviously I have read the article and the comments and would like to say that that I also didn't like the 'narrow minded' reference in the article either. But then I am not surprised as recently there has been other occasions of reporting things of that nature in a way to cause division.
But overall I don't come here, or watch the Games master tv programe for any other reason that gaming and cannot help to thing that things are done for effect and not because of any good.
@Clammy Haven't you read the comments, by the sounds of it the programe has gone full circle.
Re: Here's The First Trailer For E4's GamesMaster Reboot
Looked okay and more similar to the original that I imagined it would. But the 'Legendary' Trevor Macdonald, well maybe when it comes to news reading, but not from what I saw in the video.
Re: Channel 4's GamesMaster Reboot Has Found Its Presenter
The host certainly sounds like a good match for the show, although his comedy value would better suited to making jokes about the original series because that certainly left itself open to be taken the mikey out of.
And I agree with the comments about celebrities, bore off and stick some people who are actually good at games please. Especially with C4's take on what a celebrity is.
Re: Channel 4 Is Resurrecting GamesMaster, The UK's Most Popular Video Game TV Show
As much I watched this when I was young it was pretty low budget rubbish, and the main host came across as rude and arrogant, and the others weak.
In this day and age it has no chance of lasting as long as the first, and that shouldn't have lasted as long as it did.
Re: Feature: Intellivision's Tommy Tallarico Wants To Follow In Nintendo's Footsteps, But Will He Get His Chance?
Well he might be good at something but it ain't marketing, because if he thinks I am going to read all those excuses. I could see the holes in what he was saying without getting even half way down, and by that point I'd given up on the whole thing anyway.
Companies should take note of this, if you make something good then people will buy it. Only major marketing money will sell crap.
Re: Feature: The Story Of The Game Genie, The Cheat Device Nintendo Tried (And Failed) To Kill
I was old enough to look at this thing for what it was and never ever used one, actually sorry I did use a free disc 'I got on a magazine so I could play my american copy of animal crossing on my uk gamecube.
This thing was the scurge of the industry for years and the one of the biggest reasons I never trust a pokemon without my trainer name. It always amazes me how much people like this type of thing when it is such a problem for the industry overall.
Re: There's Another Evercade Console In The Works
Wow the long rumored evercade pro that we all hoped existed!
Re: Hardware Review: Despite The Delays And Drama, Polymega Is The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Machine
@Damo This may play games from those consoles but is not made or endorsed by nintendo. But anyway there is clearly enough interest with you and many others so there you go.
Like yourself I also am old and love the oldskool games, I personally seem happy to remember my enjoyment of playing those games rather than having a desire to want to replay them all. And I wouldn't want those nice boxes and manuals getting damaged anyway! I have also always been a nintendo gamer, well apart from a ps2, as in the past I have never liked PC gaming, I found it to come with many hackers, cheaters, modders etc. and this led to many early online experiences being ruined due to cheating. I also like my games to be exactly as the game maker intended it to be, therefore fan games really do not interest me in the slightest and often come with someone trying to make money off it! Consoles are also the only place I feel that there is a level playing field, I could see myself making excuses for losing games because the other player had a better pc than me and I don't need anymore excuses for losing!
Therefore it has only led me to have a negative attitude towards this, but after reading many articles here I have since mellowed in that as I can clearly see that people enjoy modding games for far different reasons than I had thought. I still don't particularly like it for the new consoles as I still feel that although some people use this in order for them to enjoy it for themselves it does fuel what the hackers do and that means that companies have to spend time deflecting what they do rather than making more games.
But please carry on with the articles as much as you so please, I will read many of them I'm sure. Just one question I have thought whilst readying the articles, it seems there is a major importance for people that games run exactly as the original. Is it just the fact we have newer tv's that causes such a problem for people using the actual consoles instead of buying these machines?
Re: Hardware Review: Despite The Delays And Drama, Polymega Is The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Machine
@GravyThief I think that would be Damo as he seems to have a vested interest in this thing.
I am just glad this finally has a review, maybe now we can move back to nintendo related stuff.
Re: Hardware Review: MiSTer FPGA - A Tantalising Glimpse Into The Future Of Retro Gaming
I have long thought this kind of thing to be someone else 'bag' and just not me. But I read about the desire of accuracy, preservation etc, but it just seems like hacking on games that you won't get in trouble for.
Re: Polymega's Launch Is Delayed Until Early Next Year
I'd say the good news is that it's not coming out, woop woop!!
Re: Hardware Review: Game Gear Micro - Go Home Sega, You're Drunk
If this was made by Nintendo then I would buy it, no way i'd buy sega.
Re: Hardware Review: Terraonion MODE - The Ultimate Upgrade For Your Saturn And Dreamcast?
Trying to find the tendious link to Nintendo.....
@71nk0 No need for that comment on this article as it's Sega.
Re: Hardware Review: Believe The Hype, Polymega Is The Ultimate All-In-One Retro Machine
@Coalescence You may be salty but you are dead right. The amount of 'I know more than you' in the comments is immense! I actually know very little about what the tech in this but I do know the best way of playing old games is on the original system with an old skool tv, so on the basis of that is the next best it has to just be personal preference.
Re: Evercade Retro System To Receive Oliver Twins Collection Cartridge, All Profits Will Go To Charity
The link to their website doesn't seem to work for me.
Re: Feature: How One Magazine Told The World About Pokémon
I actually just don't care what other people think about my likes and dislikes nowadays. But I do remember being 26 when Pokémon released and a little more conscious of other people's opinions, I missed out on trading for the first couple of games as I daren't approach young children!!! Eventually as my nephew got old enough I convinced him to play so I could trade etc. But in the end I ended up playing the game for him so I could steal all the things I wanted.
Re: Feature: What Makes A Person Sell Their Entire Retro Games Collection?
I have had the same thoughts as this guy, boxes and boxes of games, consoles, and merchandise sitting in my loft doing nothing. I find it difficult to keep and even harder to sell!!