Comments 14

Re: Please Stop Buying Unofficial "Saturn Mini" Consoles


@knight0fdragon if I were to buy a Saturn today, this is absolutely how I'd want it to be out of the box. You don't see value, I do. I'm sure all 5 people that want to buy a pristine Saturn today as it was when it was relevant are going to cry themselves to sleep over this non-issue.

Re: Please Stop Buying Unofficial "Saturn Mini" Consoles


I don't understand, they're making Saturns useful again and that's a bad thing? Like I get it, you want to preserve history or whatever, but selling the devices in the form they're now in gives those old systems new life and allows the owner to play the entire Saturn catalog without fear of the system slowly dying and unable to read discs anymore.

Sure, it's a little sad to not be able to play the actual physical discs anymore. But what's the big deal? Keep the physical games you have and display them how you please. And just use a digital copy to play. I truly don't get the issue here.

Re: Trademark For Intellivision Amico Has Been Abandoned


Lol it was never looking good. Which is why it's a bit humorous that Nintendolife here was the only place I ever saw this thing get any positive spin on some of the stuff they wanted to do with the system, like the awful idea of making the games NFTs.

Re: Hardware Review: Evercade VS - A Low-Cost Gateway To Past Nintendo Classics And Much More Besides


@RabidCanuck I dunno, I mean they've released new indie games to the Evercade already, though those games are developed for past systems (so like homebrew indie games made for SNES hardware is what we've seen), and with the Worms cartridge there are even PS1 games available for the system. So there is definitely a range of release dates for these games, with new titles not off-limits. I just perceive this thing as a device that plays retro LOOKING games. And I really love the idea of mixing it all together, the indie titles I'm suggesting totally look like games that could have come out 20 years ago, yet are much newer. And I think that would be really cool, the idea of a low powered modern system that can both be a home to past classics as well as new classics that would look right at home next to each other. It would pretty much be what Mike Kennedy was dreaming of with the Retro VGS/Coleco Chameleon, except ya know, not a scam lol.

Re: Blaze's Evercade VS Console Has Been Delayed Until December


I have a genuine interest in the Evercade, I just wish that more big retro indie titles would see releases to the system. Like I see no reason that Sonic Mania or Shovel Knight couldn't be on the device, and of they were, that would be so freaking cool. It'd be like a retro console with modern support.

Re: Flash Carts Could Be Slowly Killing Your Retro Consoles


@GoneFishin To be fair, the article is pretty clear that this is stuff that isn't confirmed at this point to kill the consoles, and that devices like Everdrive are too new to yet be affecting the consoles in such a way, it may still be a decade before Everdrives start wearing down systems (if they ever even do that is).

Re: Flash Carts Could Be Slowly Killing Your Retro Consoles


@Kalmaro Just because they show affection for the device that plays roms, doesn't mean they're promoting roms, the two don't necessarily go hand in hand. Its not hard to see the benefits of such devices and even being impressed with them, while at the same time taking a stance that you don't condone the devices and wont personally be getting one either.

As an example, there have been some counterfeit paintings that are next to discernible to the real artist's paintings. You look at some counterfeits after its know, that they're not the real deal, and you can still see that someone talented reproduced the original, and they clearly do have skill and talent, and you can admire them for that. But all at the same time still not condoning the practice of counterfeit nor taking part in the actual trade of such counterfeits.