

In a perpetual state of wanting to

Comments 25

Re: Nintendo Is Now Going After YouTube Accounts Which Show Its Games Being Emulated


The argument that if a game is not currently available to buy then it's fair game is overly-simplistic and sounds like it comes from a petulant child. The entitlement is real in the emulation scene.

Just because they're not currently selling a game, that doesn't mean they might not want to some time in the future. Meanwhile, everytime it gets emulated it's losing a fraction of its future worth. Emulation encourages the perception that Nintendo shouldn't be charging for retro games on NSO, for example.

Also, the fact that original copies of out-of-print games increase in value adds to the prestige of the developer, which again supports the value of its current, future and retro software offerings.

Re: Nintendo's Game Boy Is A Hot Item In Japan Again


I've toyed with the idea of buying one a few times these past few years. Yes, it is iconic, and a big chapter in Nintendo's history. But the fact is I never really liked it as a kid. This could well have been at least in part due to not having much time to get to know one - my access was limited to using a mate's for a few minutes on a school coach ride somewhere on just a few occasions. But I just wasn't impressed with the experience a day the few games I saw and never thought more about it. If I were to get one it would be the epitome of buying it for the sake of sticking it on a shelf. Still tempted, but with my shelves overflowing with gaming stuff I do actually like I still haven't justified one. Having a Game Boy Advance and Game Boy Player for my GameCubes is enough.

Knowing me I'll wait until they're £1,000 before deciding the time is right.

Re: Review: Mega Drive / Genesis Mini 2 - Sega's Sequel Scores CD Support


Seems a fair review, to someone who's reasonably unfamiliar with the Mega Drive/CD library.

I pre-ordered one of these but had been meaning to cancel it (gotta reduce outgoings). However, the end of October has snuck up on me and it got delivered today without me realising it was coming.

As it's Amazon-sourced and not a sealed package, I'm going to try it out and return it unless it wins me over. Sluggish OS is never a positive, and seems unnecessary on such a system.

Re: Playdate Pre-Order Date Is Confirmed, Shipping Late This Year


The idea of receiving random games once a week is kinda interesting, but the idea of spending £150 on a low res, monochrome, device with not much going for it is quite preposterous to me. Dislike the idea of the crank. I'm thinking of a Private Frazer. An even number. And the opposite of succeed.

Re: Site News: We've Got A Polymega, Ask Us Anything


Does it have an operating system with a user interface (if so, what's it like?), or do you just insert the media and boot directly into whatever's on the media?

Edit: I've seen the reference to internal storage above. Guess that partly answers my question.

Re: Feature: The Day Sega Took Over An F1 Race And Senna Lifted A Sonic Trophy


@kenzo Same here, I'd not heard of the Sega sponsorship (though I may have done at the time and not paid much attention). Although the branding is around the start/finish line, it's not particularly prominent going by that video, and the Sega branding on the Williams cars is easy to miss unless you're looking for it. Hope they didn't pay too much money for it.