Comments 268

Re: The Race Is On To Save A Valuable Resource Of Video Game History


Just a small point: Japanese trade magazine Game Machine was digitised by Onion Software (related to Onion Games/LOVEdeLIC) on behalf of Amusement Press.

I know because I'm the one that disseminated them onto internet archive. I did so in two batches (in 2019 I uploaded issues 1977—1990, and in 2023 I uploaded the remaining issues 1991–2002) as they were digitising them at steady pace over multiple years.

Whoever has duplicated only up to 1996 must have grabbed them part way through.

Re: YouTuber Scores $2000 Sega Saturn Mother Lode For 500 Bucks At GameStop


@Damo we know that the buyer doesn't want to say what he paid the guy for it, which is alarm bell number one, but he does say that it was the "DEAL OF A LIFETIME!!!!" which indicates that he paid far less for it than it's worth. Seems pretty clear cut.

Scoring a bargain is indeed a pleasure, but actively seeking a person out, exploiting them, and then boasting about it on social media is just ...not cool.

The main gist of my earlier message was to be excellent to each other. There's no shade or negative reaction. Just me saying "that's not cool" when we should be treating each other with respect.

Re: Random: This Bulk Slash FAQ Has Been Puzzling Fans For Almost 20 Years


I found some period FAQs and Japanese coverage:


These all say extra chats, bonus wallpapers, and additional ending for each MISS as your level/score increases. @Sketcz

Re: WipEOut Is Getting An (Unofficial) Playdate Port


As of this morning, the game is playable using dpad and buttons.

Experiments being tried include using the crank to adjust heading.

Progress has been good so far, and there are some optimisations under way thanks to information provided by Gustavo Pezzi (of computer graphics tutorials/courses)

Re: Review: Mars After Midnight (Playdate) - A Wonderfully Weird Work Sim From Lucas Pope


@XiaoShao regarding the economics, a game with a list price of $6 means the developer will see ~$3.75 after all deductions (store, payment processor, currency exchange). And they'll need to pay tax on those earnings.

On iPhone you might be able to make a living from a $0.99 game, especially if you also monetise the player. But with Playdate there aren't enough devices to go for quantity, and thankfully the platform is free from microtransactions and ads. Pure gaming in the old school sense.

Re: Review: Mars After Midnight (Playdate) - A Wonderfully Weird Work Sim From Lucas Pope


@combywomby I'd like to make a game of this scope and varied structure, but it's just not possible to do it independently (without funding) at the moment.

The fairly low total number of Playdates (even lower if you only count those buying from Catalog) and average cost per game dictate the scope of most games. Even funded games like OOM and Pullfrog are highly polished but still bitesize experiences.

For example, my games: the highly rated Sparrow Solitaire took about a person year of dev time between two people, and we're yet to recoup our costs. The fairly quick (~300 hours) development time of YOYOZO and the accolades it has won have ensured that i should break even some 4 months after release. It would be much longer without the awards.

Lucas Pope is in a unique position in that his previous games enable him to take a chance on a game like this, and he spent multiple years on its development.