I can't find these guys or their company in any credits on Moby Games. Not their old games, like the Chicken Little one, or Hearthstone, or any of the recent conversions. Which is very weird.
This is a great game, it's a take on QIX by MTJ (the creator of Bubble Bobble). The original arcade version was portrait (and it's portrait on the Taito Super Pocket, but quite blurry given that it has to fit into 240 pixels of height) so I'm looking forward to playing it on Switch in tate mode.
In fact he says Second Mission enhancement isn't very good, because it removes content from the original Operation Tiger (which is the version he enthuses about)
@GravyThief see my earlier reply. It's unfortunate wording from them, but what I believe is happening is they're modifying the original code, compiling it with modern tools to get more benefits, and building a new ROM. So, yes, would be emulation.
@Gravyc yikes. @damo any chance you can ask about this?
@-wc- right, but Glover was also released for PS1 and Windows so I'm assuming there was some non-analog (d-pad and perhaps even keyboard?) support somewhere.
Reading between the lines of the somewhat fuzzy answers, it seems they're compiling the original source code with modern tools and getting the benefits of 25 years of compiler technology improvements.
There are also likely some low hanging fruit tricks and optimisations that have been discovered since 1998 that can improve the game performance even further. So it's likely to be better/different in some regards, and worse/different in others. The lack of analog stick is surely the greatest and I'm not familiar enough with the game to know how much the gameplay was based on analog movement.
Finally, who is Maximilian Wedell? Name drop but no explanation of who he is.
@Razieluigi @DashKappei @Yoshif3 every download was preserved/backedup/etc prior to the shop closure. The whole catalogue has existed and been downloadable since 2019, if you knew where to look. Nintendo haven't taken it down in all that time.
So this is technically an easy to use piracy shop. 3DS has one too. Of course Nintendo no longer give us any way to but these old games. It's up to you how OK you are with the whole thing.
Anyway, check out MaBoShi WiiWare download! One of the greatest of all time.
I thought they had to change the swirl to blue in Europe because of a software publishing company called Tivola https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tivola having an orange swirl.
I bought a US import Dreamcast, so my logo is red in all the various places.
Regarding the lack of Sega, that makes sense because I've always called it Dreamcast I never mention Sega.
@RetroGames "Settling a case" means ending a dispute before the end of a trial. when both sides think they might lose, they agree to end it before the verdict.
Also, from the link: "The terms of the settlement have not been made public."
I was buying something retro, a controller or memory card, at CEX Truro one time. The girl behind the counter asked me what retro games I liked. In return I asked her the same question, and without a moment's hesitation she replied: Croc (and Spyro).
Ah I see that as a result of my early comment the con has been edited from "Some games don't work properly" to "Compatibility isn't 100% across all systems" πππ
@Damo oh, I have used one I don't own one but I have used one for a length of time over the summer. I also found it had a propensity to spit out discs mid-install (still mentioned in the review) and recognise some games as unsupported (also mentioned above) with no reasonable explanation as to why that might be. Just reading your review text it felt at odds with the pros/cons and score.
"Some games don't work properly." The whole issue of accuracy, compatibility, supported/unsupported, and the uneven user experience is my idea of a bad time. And then there's some hand-waving to explain it away as not really a problem and...9/10. Bizarre.
My own personal trust and opinion of any news outlet is in a constant state of flux/balance, some things improve its standing and others reduce it. This review for some reason leaves me with a bad taste, and so has had a large net-negative on my opinion of Time Extension.
My game YOYOZO has received a GOTY (Game of the Year) accolade from long-standing technology publication Ars Technica! π€―
They list my game alongside three masterpieces by my heroes Nintendo! To say I'm humbled to be mentioned in the same breath as Mario, Pikmin and Zelda is an understatement. And to then be compared with such timeless classics as Super Hexagon and Geometry Wars... well... I think I've got something in my eye π₯Ί
Thanks for going to the trouble of buying and reviewing this. @Jellyscare
Does the mouse open up to turn into a Trackball?
As much as I'd like one of these, practically it makes no sense for me personally unless there's something exclusive that only the Z can provide. So at least for now I'll stick with an emulator on my Mac.
@AceGrace what does the dev kit add? And is there a community of otaku Devs like us?
@themightyant of course we don't need apps, we don't need mobile optimised websites. But the experience is better with them. If only to open it more quickly and prevent me browser tabs building up.
A compromise would be making the mobile site a PWA so it can be added as an icon to your home screen.
No app!? They could launch an app that is their mobile website in a wrapper and go from there. I mean, this is Lesson 1 of app making.
And they really need a way to do mass import from CSV or similar, so they can attract users or collections from competing services such as RFGeneration, GameEye, Price Charting, etc.
Basically, they're making it too difficult for new users.
It's not about people... it's about damage to the company that's marketing the game. Nintendo didn't delay Advance Wars because it was worried about you and me, perhaps not even because it was being compassionate, most likely because it didn't want any negative press.
@wiiware I've never suggested banning the game, that was you. I had simply said that it's not a great time to market such a game all things considered.
There are many examples of such consideration, with the most recent example being the Switch Advance Wars remaster, and perhaps the most famous being Dreamcast game Propeller Arena.
Just to give a bit of context to the claims that RPGs were largely unknown in Japan at the time of The Black Onyx. The year before its release in the November 1983 issue of Japanese LOGiN magazine, starting on page 98, there's an article "What is an RPG?" by N. Ohnishi which (translating using Google or iOS) describes the concept of an RPG, includes some free games that readers could type in and play, and encourages readers to create their own RPG. https://archive.org/details/login-november-1983/LOGiN%20-%20November%201983/page/n99/mode/2up
I think Henk likes to paint a rose coloured picture of the past. He was featured in the same magazine im the 1984 April issue: https://archive.org/details/login-april-1984/LOGiN%20-%20April%201984/page/n117/mode/2up the feel no need to explain RPGs, but D&D does get some coverage, and they note the don't understand some of the made up terms used in The Black Onyx.
Comments 268
Re: Meet The Company Bringing Classic Games To Switch, PS5 And Xbox "By Mistake"
I can't find these guys or their company in any credits on Moby Games. Not their old games, like the Chicken Little one, or Hearthstone, or any of the recent conversions. Which is very weird.
Edit: their names are misspelled in the article. Should be Robin LavallΓ©e and, to a lesser extent, Jake Stine. Those I can find in credits.
Re: Upcoming Jeff Minter Collection Will Resurrect A Cancelled '90s Console
Dylan Cuthbert might have an unfinished game for this
Re: World's First Museum Of Video Game Art Is Being Built In Japan
The museum is the little white building that sort of looks like an ice cream.
Re: Qix Successor 'Volfied' Heading To Arcade Archives This March
This is a great game, it's a take on QIX by MTJ (the creator of Bubble Bobble). The original arcade version was portrait (and it's portrait on the Taito Super Pocket, but quite blurry given that it has to fit into 240 pixels of height) so I'm looking forward to playing it on Switch in tate mode.
Re: Lost Operation Wolf Sequel 'Operation Tiger: Second Mission' Has Been Preserved
In fact he says Second Mission enhancement isn't very good, because it removes content from the original Operation Tiger (which is the version he enthuses about)
Re: Review: Pullfrog Playdate Deluxe (Playdate) - Tetris Meets Mr. Driller In This Essential Puzzle Platformer
it might not be the trad "puzzle platformer", but i think it's hard to argue against it as it contains both puzzle and platforming.
great game, too.
Re: N64 Comes To Evercade - Is Dreamcast Next? "Never Say Never"
@GravyThief see my earlier reply. It's unfortunate wording from them, but what I believe is happening is they're modifying the original code, compiling it with modern tools to get more benefits, and building a new ROM. So, yes, would be emulation.
@Gravyc yikes. @damo any chance you can ask about this?
Re: N64 Comes To Evercade - Is Dreamcast Next? "Never Say Never"
@-wc- right, but Glover was also released for PS1 and Windows so I'm assuming there was some non-analog (d-pad and perhaps even keyboard?) support somewhere.
Re: N64 Comes To Evercade - Is Dreamcast Next? "Never Say Never"
Reading between the lines of the somewhat fuzzy answers, it seems they're compiling the original source code with modern tools and getting the benefits of 25 years of compiler technology improvements.
There are also likely some low hanging fruit tricks and optimisations that have been discovered since 1998 that can improve the game performance even further. So it's likely to be better/different in some regards, and worse/different in others. The lack of analog stick is surely the greatest and I'm not familiar enough with the game to know how much the gameplay was based on analog movement.
Finally, who is Maximilian Wedell? Name drop but no explanation of who he is.
Re: Review: Under The Castle (Playdate) - An Essential Roguelike Adventure
@Sketcz they are. Indeed it has been mentioned that it's is a love letter to Cave Noire! https://dani-diez.itch.io/under-the-castle
Re: Paku Paku Is Pac-Man Simplified, And It's Fantastic
I recently interviewed Kenta Cho: https://blog.gingerbeardman.com/2024/02/10/interview-kenta-cho-indie-game-developer/
Re: Poll: What's The Best Handheld Of All Time?
DS lite, all day every day.
And it plays GBA games!
Re: Onion Games' Stray Children Delayed From Winter To General "2024" Release Date
...crowdfunding? Sounds far from being done.
Re: The Sugar Cubes X Jelly Controller Turns This Smartphone Into A Handheld Console
It would be good if there was more than 3D renders.
Re: Game Boy-like Pocket DMG "Will Astonish Many People" Says AYANEO Boss
Making things that look vaguely like old systems but that work totally differently is... bizarre.
Re: Wii Fans Are Reviving The Console's eShop With 'RiiShop'
@Razieluigi what would Nintendo be taking down exactly? All of this is done totally outside of their control. At best it's a game of cat and mouse.
There are equivalent stores on PSP/PS3/Vita and 3DS. None of them have been taken down.
Re: Who Created Dreamcast's Logo? We Spent A Year Trying To Find Out
@Poodlestargenerica WTF
Re: Wii Fans Are Reviving The Console's eShop With 'RiiShop'
@Razieluigi @DashKappei @Yoshif3 every download was preserved/backedup/etc prior to the shop closure. The whole catalogue has existed and been downloadable since 2019, if you knew where to look. Nintendo haven't taken it down in all that time.
So this is technically an easy to use piracy shop. 3DS has one too. Of course Nintendo no longer give us any way to but these old games. It's up to you how OK you are with the whole thing.
Anyway, check out MaBoShi WiiWare download! One of the greatest of all time.
Re: Polymega's Latest Update Removes Some Pre-Installed Games
All I have to say is: no comment.
Re: Who Created Dreamcast's Logo? We Spent A Year Trying To Find Out
I thought they had to change the swirl to blue in Europe because of a software publishing company called Tivola https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tivola having an orange swirl.
I bought a US import Dreamcast, so my logo is red in all the various places.
Regarding the lack of Sega, that makes sense because I've always called it Dreamcast I never mention Sega.
Re: "Can I Tell You How Happy I Am?" Says Judge After Settlement Of Billy Mitchell Vs Twin Galaxies Case
@RetroGames "Settling a case" means ending a dispute before the end of a trial. when both sides think they might lose, they agree to end it before the verdict.
Also, from the link: "The terms of the settlement have not been made public."
...in other words, we're no wiser.
Re: The PlayStation Performance Analyser, Ken Kutaragi's Secret Weapon In The 32-bit War
Another new one for me. A great read
Re: Interview: Konami Legends Reveal The Secrets Of The Arcade Hit Factory
"English-to-Japanese" should be "Japanese-to-English"
Re: The Making Of: Croc, 3D Platforming's Unsung Hero
I was buying something retro, a controller or memory card, at CEX Truro one time. The girl behind the counter asked me what retro games I liked. In return I asked her the same question, and without a moment's hesitation she replied: Croc (and Spyro).
Re: The Making Of: Noctis, The 'No Man's Sky' Forerunner Whose Creator Retreated From The World
Marvelous, this was new to me. Thanks
Re: Review: Polymega - Now With N64 Support, But Is It Still Worth A Look In 2024?
Ah I see that as a result of my early comment the con has been edited from "Some games don't work properly" to "Compatibility isn't 100% across all systems" πππ
Re: Review: Polymega - Now With N64 Support, But Is It Still Worth A Look In 2024?
@Damo oh, I have used one I don't own one but I have used one for a length of time over the summer. I also found it had a propensity to spit out discs mid-install (still mentioned in the review) and recognise some games as unsupported (also mentioned above) with no reasonable explanation as to why that might be. Just reading your review text it felt at odds with the pros/cons and score.
Re: Review: Polymega - Now With N64 Support, But Is It Still Worth A Look In 2024?
"Some games don't work properly." The whole issue of accuracy, compatibility, supported/unsupported, and the uneven user experience is my idea of a bad time. And then there's some hand-waving to explain it away as not really a problem and...9/10. Bizarre.
My own personal trust and opinion of any news outlet is in a constant state of flux/balance, some things improve its standing and others reduce it. This review for some reason leaves me with a bad taste, and so has had a large net-negative on my opinion of Time Extension.
Re: Polymega's N64 Module Allows Support For Game Boy And Game Boy Color Games
This company has really mastered the art of promising things too early. Will they ever learn?
Re: YOYOZO Is A New Playdate Game Inspired By The Japanese Cult-Classic 'Pendulumania'
My game YOYOZO has received a GOTY (Game of the Year) accolade from long-standing technology publication Ars Technica! π€―
They list my game alongside three masterpieces by my heroes Nintendo! To say I'm humbled to be mentioned in the same breath as Mario, Pikmin and Zelda is an understatement. And to then be compared with such timeless classics as Super Hexagon and Geometry Wars... well... I think I've got something in my eye π₯Ί
Re: The VGHF Library Will Bring Video Game History Right To Your Fingertips
Brilliant. This is what all vg preservation will be measured against going forward.
Re: Geoff Crammond's 'The Sentinel' Was Nearly Turned Into A VR Game
Typo: Psynosis
Re: Iconic Issues: EDGE #1, October 1993
I have my copy but at some point in my late teens I cut out a load of words and images from it (oops)
Re: There's A New Polymega Project Coming In 2024
Trololol. Here we go again.
Re: BioFury Is A New Doom-Inspired FPS For 3DO, Now Available For Pre-Order
Best not to assume
Re: BioFury Is A New Doom-Inspired FPS For 3DO, Now Available For Pre-Order
@Poodlestargenerica I'm very used to it, I have a lot of time for AI art and AI in general, as a user and a creator.
My point was simply that the examples on the pre-order page are simply bad, regardless of its source.
I have no idea what you mean about Two and a Half Men, though.
Re: BioFury Is A New Doom-Inspired FPS For 3DO, Now Available For Pre-Order
More dodgy AI art on the pre-order page.
Re: Poll: What's The Best WipEout?
1. Wipeout 3 SE
2. Wipeout 2097 (don't call it XL)
3. Wipeout Pure (PSP)
Re: The SX1-Mini Plus Is An Awesome Integrated MSX
This is the direction I'd have preferred to see from the new MSX.
Re: Zanac, Aleste And Gunhed Devs Join Forces For NES Shmup 'Chouyoku Senki Estique'
Very cool. Mary!
Re: Yep, More Analogue Pocket Limited Editions Are On The Way
At this point the "Limited" moniker is just dishonest.
Re: The Long-Awaited English Fan Patch For Boku no Natsuyasumi 2 Is Out Now
TE should totally review this as if it was a new game.
Re: Review: Zuiki X68000 Z - An Expensive But Appealing Substitute For The Real Thing
Thanks for going to the trouble of buying and reviewing this. @Jellyscare
Does the mouse open up to turn into a Trackball?
As much as I'd like one of these, practically it makes no sense for me personally unless there's something exclusive that only the Z can provide. So at least for now I'll stick with an emulator on my Mac.
@AceGrace what does the dev kit add? And is there a community of otaku Devs like us?
Re: PC-88 Classics 'Thexder' & 'Relics' Land On Nintendo Switch
RELICS has to be one of my favourite game logos. So cool and stylish.
It's still a buzz whenever I spot it whilst reading old video Japanese game/PC magazines.
Re: How Online Store Retroplace Aims To Become 'Discogs For Retro Games'
@themightyant exactly. there's a right way to do a PWA.
Re: How Online Store Retroplace Aims To Become 'Discogs For Retro Games'
@themightyant of course we don't need apps, we don't need mobile optimised websites. But the experience is better with them. If only to open it more quickly and prevent me browser tabs building up.
A compromise would be making the mobile site a PWA so it can be added as an icon to your home screen.
Re: How Online Store Retroplace Aims To Become 'Discogs For Retro Games'
No app!? They could launch an app that is their mobile website in a wrapper and go from there. I mean, this is Lesson 1 of app making.
And they really need a way to do mass import from CSV or similar, so they can attract users or collections from competing services such as RFGeneration, GameEye, Price Charting, etc.
Basically, they're making it too difficult for new users.
Re: A Kickstarter For A Hogs Of War Remaster Has Just Gone Live
It's not about people... it's about damage to the company that's marketing the game. Nintendo didn't delay Advance Wars because it was worried about you and me, perhaps not even because it was being compassionate, most likely because it didn't want any negative press.
But, yeah, happy to leave it there.
Re: A Kickstarter For A Hogs Of War Remaster Has Just Gone Live
@wiiware I've never suggested banning the game, that was you. I had simply said that it's not a great time to market such a game all things considered.
There are many examples of such consideration, with the most recent example being the Switch Advance Wars remaster, and perhaps the most famous being Dreamcast game Propeller Arena.
Re: The Making Of: The Black Onyx, The Game That Hooked Japan On RPGs
Just to give a bit of context to the claims that RPGs were largely unknown in Japan at the time of The Black Onyx. The year before its release in the November 1983 issue of Japanese LOGiN magazine, starting on page 98, there's an article "What is an RPG?" by N. Ohnishi which (translating using Google or iOS) describes the concept of an RPG, includes some free games that readers could type in and play, and encourages readers to create their own RPG. https://archive.org/details/login-november-1983/LOGiN%20-%20November%201983/page/n99/mode/2up
I think Henk likes to paint a rose coloured picture of the past. He was featured in the same magazine im the 1984 April issue: https://archive.org/details/login-april-1984/LOGiN%20-%20April%201984/page/n117/mode/2up the feel no need to explain RPGs, but D&D does get some coverage, and they note the don't understand some of the made up terms used in The Black Onyx.