Comments 268

Re: Review: Hyper Mega Tech Super Pocket - A Wonderful Game Boy-Style Retro Gift


@Damo Fair point regarding the RGB30 comparison.

With the Super Pocket it's not just about resolution but also how pixel aspect ratio is honoured.

Bubble Bobble seems to be centred, which makes sense given it runs at 256×224. Though maybe it should be stretched slightly to maintain the correct aspect?

Street Fighter 2 runs at 384×224 (even though it's 4:3 aspect) so would need to be compressed horizontally to fit.

On high resolution displays these odd pixel aspect ratios can be honoured without much loss of visual clarity, but on a 320x240p this could only result in either blurring or missing pixels. At least they let you choose which.

So I'd still like to see some macro shots of the display!

Re: The Making Of: Street Fighter Alpha 3: Upper, The GBA's Best Fighter


Great to read this again. At the time my friends and I considered any GBC/GBA game with the Crawfish Interactive "crustacean" title screen to be solid gold, even before playing, and they were heralded everywhere by the press which is even mentioned in this interview. So I'm not sure they were "underrated," but I do agree they were gone too soon and have largely been forgotten since.

Re: Best Sharp X68000 Games: 20 Titles We Want On The X68000 Z Mini


Great list! The only additions I'd suggest would be: the weird, isometric, terraformed Robotron-like game called Square Resort, a T&E SOFT golf game (though they're better on PC98), and recent homebrew game Ball und Panzer Golf (which I'm making a version of for Playdate).

PipitanTV is my favourite YouTube channel for X6800 content. And the website has good game listings with screenshots.

Re: Best Virtual Boy Games Of All Time


I'd add T&E SOFT's Golf to this list. The performance of that game compared to contemporary T&E SOFT golf games on other platforms goes to show just how powerful the Virtual Boy was: PlayStation-level, certainly.

Re: Best Nintendo 3DS Games Of All Time


Pilotwings Resort remains my favourite. Being able to perfectly complete it took all my skill and a ton of hours. I tried it again recently and I must have had a lot more time back then as it seems like far too difficult a task today. Also, on New 3DS it plays with a smoother frame rate!

Re: The Making Of: Gun Trails, A Killer Playdate Exclusive & The Most Surprising Shmup Of 2023


Couple of things that have been lost in translation for this article: 50fps is the maximum full screen refresh rate on Playdate, for games that draw the whole screen every frame update.

But, the display can go much higher if you're only updating part of the screen - for example 200fps if you're updating one third the screen, or 60fps if you're updating two thirds of the screen. It's a little more complicated than that, because it's measured in the number of rows that you're updating rather than individual pixels. A bit of extra work and some tricks are needed to do this, but it's possible and has been done.

Re: Ultimate Guide: Nuon, The DVD Player That Tried To Be A Games Console


@-wc- NO, I'm not saying that at all.

I'm saying that, in my humble opinion, T3K isn't hugely better than T2K. It is the better game, but not by much. Often you will read that T3K is some sort of giant leap better and by far the greatest version of Tempest, but I feel this is overblown hyperbole because it's so rare not many people can check the validity of such claims. T3K is the best looking of Minter's versions, due to there being no visible pixels on NUON (some might call it too blurry) but in terms of gameplay each version is better than the last but not by any great leaps.

Re: Ultimate Guide: Nuon, The DVD Player That Tried To Be A Games Console


Still have my NUON, controllers (multiple) along with half of all the games (T3K, Merlin, Freefall, Ballistic) and most of the remaining games as CD-R.

I had great times with the VLM and saw some pretty trippy things appear on the screen (like seeing shapes/things in clouds, I guess). Ballistic is good and on par with the PS1 version.

NUON T3K is for only slightly better than Jaguar T2K, low frame rate being the major issue. I am hoping they somehow get T3K playable on the forthcoming Digital Eclipse Llamasoft anthology (shhh, I heard it's supposed to be a secret).

Re: Dedicated Romhacker Converts More Than 80 SNES Games Into FastRom


@Sketcz it depends, honestly. If the game was CPU-bound during busy times then it will see an improvement: an example would be Mega Man X3. The faster CPU mode of FastROM mostly means data can be shifted from the cartridge more quickly, so it depends how much transferring of data to/from the cartridge the game does. Think of it as widening the bandwidth to/from the cartridge. In some games these patches even fix problems with the original FastROM implementation! Top work by KandoWontu.

Re: MSX Co-Creator Kazuhiko Nishi Teases MSX0 Cartridge Reader


I find all this Nishi MSX stuff a bit disingenuous. This MSX0 device is an off-the-shelf unit made by M5. Only his software is "new" and even then it's based on open source. All the other "new" MSX hardware is designed by a a Russian guy who lives in Switzerland. Suffice to say, Nishi is just running PR and marketing vapourware on all this. Let's see something ship!

Re: Random: We Need This Japan-Exclusive Pingu PlayStation Controller


What the viral thread and subsequent coverage missed, because it’s not obvious from the photo they used, is that the controller is meant to be placed on a table and used sparingly. Ideal for small children or anybody with accessibility needs.

It has a hold switch that can be used to lock certain buttons as being pressed, and the Pingu characters aren’t just for decoration: the position of their feet cause the whole controller and its button face to be perfectly horizontal/flat when it’s resting on a flat surface. That’s also the reason it has shorter handles.

To hold, it feels a bit bulbous. Not bad, but not how it’s meant to be used.

Source: I own one