Comments 78

Re: Accusations Of AI Art Deflate Archer Maclean's DropZone 40th Anniversary Announcement


@axelhander how is it pointless fearmongering?

You are invoking multiple fallacies in your "argument" including but not limited to:

Shifting goalposts
Slippery Slope
post hot ergo propter hoc
Red Herring

And many more. In fact, your arguments are so ill conceived it's hard for me to sense what your original point or purpose might have been. It certainly wasn't in good faith.

Re: Review: Evercade Alpha - This $250 Bartop Arcade Is A Glorious Gateway To Hundreds Of Retro Classics


I'm kind of on the fence with this release.

On the one hand, quality seems great and it having compatibility with all carts means lots of games.

On the other hand, the limited game selection and no HDMI out are two absolutely massive blunders.

The Egret II Mini (which I picked up for around $120 USD) comes pre loaded with 40(!) games and has HDMI out as well as support for a trackball controller, flight stick and more with 3 extra optional game packs (and a 4th on the way).

Unless the emulation and input lag are top notch, I can't see this being a solid purchase at this price point.

Also, while it's a solid review, I would have appreciated a further in depth look at emulation quality input Lag and controller compatibility.

Re: Game Researcher Says Street Fighter II Was "USA Vs. Japan" And Japanese People Aren't Happy


For those genuinely interested in this topic, I highly recommend checking out the book "Pure Invention: How Japan's Pop Culture Conquered the World" by Matt Alt.

It dives into the "Japanese pop culture invasion" of the Americas and recounts the decades of strong anti-Japanese sentiment and how video games were at the forefront of that culture struggle.

I can honestly see the connection here, even if it might not be intentional by the creators of the game.

Re: Soapbox: The Trouble With Limited Run Games, And How To Fix It


I feel like it's pretty brazen and unnecessary to say they shouldn't publish indie games anymore. They are sometimes the only way to get those indie games and I'd much rather innovative and creative indie games over a sloppy collection for Castlevania ROMs.

Also if you think LRG is bad, I dare you to look into the rabbit hole that is Strictly Limited Games!

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